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- “Hidden Treasures” of the University of Coimbra – Bibliographic exhibition and lecture series
Date: March 30, 2016
Venue: Instituto de História da Expansão Ultramarina | FLUC
- 1.º Forum Estudante de História & Culturas da Alimentação, em colaboração com o Mestrado em Alimentação, CHSC, DIAITA.30 May 2014
- 10th DIAITA Luso-Brazilian Conference on Food Heritage, History and Cultures
10th DIAITA Luso-Brazilian Conference on Heritage, History and Cultures of Food on the theme Everyday tables & festive tables.
Deadline for submission of proposals: 19 June 2024
Date: 24th to 26th October 2024
Venue: University of Coimbra
- 1st CHSC International Conferences: António Maduro08 October 2015
- 1st CHSC Scientific Seminar: The work of sources in medieval history
1st CHSC Scientific Seminar: The work of sources in medieval history, with Saul António Gomes, Maria do Rosário Morujão, Leonor Zozaya-Montes and Filipa Roldão.
Date: 23rd October 2015
Venue: Anf. IV | FLUC
- 1st CHSC Summer School in Palaeography, Diplomatics and Sigillography18 July 2022 - 22 July 2022
Organising Committee: Maria José Azevedo Santos | Maria do Rosário Morujão | Saul António Gomes | Leonor Zozaya-Montes
Date: 18-22 July 2022
Venue: D. João III Room | University of Coimbra Archive
- 1st International Journey of Jacobean Studies
Organisation: Cátedra Institucional del Camino de Santiago y de las Peregrinaciones | Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura | Centro Interuniversitário de Estudos Camonianos
Date: 27 and 28 October 2022
Venue: Auditório do Colégio de Santo António da Pedreira (Casa da Infância Doutor Elysio de Moura, Coimbra)
Registration: free but compulsory via email chsc@ci.uc.pt
Registration limit: 40
- 1st National Aeronautical History Meeting
1st National Aeronautical History Meeting: Celebrating 100 years of aviation in Ponte de Sor.
Date: November 16, 2019
Venue: Arts and Culture Center | Ponte de Sor
- 2.ª Summer School APHES
2nd edition of the Summer School of the Portuguese Association of Social and Economic History, co-organised by the CHSC.
Date: 11 – 13 July 2022
Venue: Ançã (Cantanhede)
- 2.º Fórum-Estudante de História e Culturas da Alimentação2015 - 2025
- 3 Minute-Thesis Competition: Diogo Lemos
Diogo Lemos, a CHSC researcher and PhD student in Art History at FLUC, came 2nd in the UC 3 Minute-Thesis Competition (3MT).
The 3 Minute-Thesis Competition is an academic competition that challenges PhD students to communicate their thesis in just 3 minutes. The 5th edition ended on March 8, 2024.
- 300 years of the Portuguese Academy of History
Regular session of the Portuguese Academy of History with the conference of Fernando Taveira da Fonseca entitled Francisco Leitão Ferreira e as Notícias Cronológicas da Universidade de Coimbra.
Date: 25 May 2022 | 3pm
Venue: D. João III Room | Coimbra University Archive
- 3rd DIAITA-Luso-Brazilian Conference
3rd DIAITA-Luso-Brazilian Conference on the History and Culture of Food: From the pleasures of the table to the care of the body
Date: 19 and 21 October 2015
Venue: University of Coimbra
- 5th Meeting of the Salvador Dias Arnaut Center for Local and Regional History Studies
5th Meeting of the Salvador Dias Arnaut Center for Local and Regional History Studies: 40 Years of Democratic Local Power
Date: July 1 and 2, 2016
Venue: Salvador Dias Arnaut Center for Local and Regional History Studies | Penela
- 6.º Forum-Estudante em História e Culturas da Alimentação2019 - 2025
- 650th Anniversary of the Anglo-Portuguese Alliance – Interdisciplinary Conference06 July 2022 - 09 July 2022
- 6th Luso-Brazilian Conference on the History and Culture of Food: From food cultures to the cult of food
Date: October 23-25, 2019
Venue: University of Coimbra
- 8th edition of the Student-Forum on Food Heritage, History and Cultures
Under the aegis of the FAO’s “International Year of Maize”, the 8th edition of the Student-Forum on Food Heritage, History and Cultures will take place on May 15th 2023.
The Inaugural Conference will be given by F. Xavier Medina, Full Professor and Director of the UNESCO Chair in Food, Culture and Development at the Open University of Catalonia.
Participation is open to undergraduate, master’s, doctoral students and post-doctoral students.
The event takes place in a face-to-face format, at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra.
- 9th Student Forum on Food Heritage, History and Cultures
The FAO has declared 2024 to be the “International Year of Camelids”. As such, the 9th Student Forum on the Heritage, History and Cultures of Food, while open to the discussion of any topic, places a special emphasis on pastoralism.
The Student Forum on the Heritage, History and Cultures of Food is a privileged space for the presentation of research carried out by students at all levels of higher education, in Portugal and abroad, in the inter- and multidisciplinary field of food studies. Proposals for 15-minute oral presentations and posters will be considered that address food issues from the perspective of the social sciences and humanities. The work must be theoretically and methodologically framed in the fields of cultural heritage, literature, history, anthropology, sociology, linguistics, art, archaeology, communication, gastronomy and tourism.
Date: 13 May 2024
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
Deadline for submission of proposals: 15 April 2024
Submit proposals: here
Register to participate: here
Further information: https://ucpages.uc.pt/cech/9-forum-estudante-de-patrimonio-historia-e-culturas-da-alimentacao/
- AHLIST – 2015 International Interdisciplinary Conference Program
Date: 19th to 21st November 2015
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- Application: Early carrier doctoral researchers
- Bibliographic and documental information management with Zotero, by Pedro Pinto (CEH/CHAM-NOVA FCSH)
COMMEMORtis Workshop – Digital Humanities and Research in Medieval History
Organisation: Maria Amélia Campos & Ana Isabel Ribeiro
Date: 11 July 2022 | 10 am to 1 pm
Videoconference Colibri-Zoom
Free entry, with registration required, by email commemortis@gmail.com
- Bicentenary of the 1820 Revolution International Congress
The Bicentenary of the 1820 Revolution presents both an opportunity and a challenge to revisit and better understand a crucial period in contemporary Portuguese history. The international congress marking this event is designed to indicate the main lines of interpretation that are to be found in the abundant historiography currently existing on this subject, as well as to encourage the presentation of new approaches and perspectives of analysis.
Venue: Assembleia da República and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian | 11-13 October 2021
Executive Committee: Miriam Halpern Pereira | Jorge Fernandes Alves | Ana Cristina Araújo | José Luís Cardoso | Zília Osório de Castro | Maria Alexandre Lousada | Luís Espinha da Silveira | Daniel Alves
Scientific Committee: José Viriato Capela | Fátima Sá e Melo Ferreira | Sérgio Campos Matos | Maria Fátima Nunes | José Miguel Sardica | Cristina Nogueira da Silva | Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva | Susana Serpa Silva | Luís Reis Torgal | Isabel Vargues | Telmo Verdelho
Live Congress sessions at the following channels:
11 out – AR Sala 1 (ICS): https://youtu.be/Xtx3qctg2eE
11 out – AR Sala 3 (CIES): https://youtu.be/kawba9aTc98
11 out – AR Sala do Senado: https://canal.parlamento.pt
12 out – FCG Audit 3 (IHC): https://youtu.be/j0atdrudhhg
12 out – FCG Sala 1 (CH): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuE8IQQ9I3Q
12 out – FCG Sala 2 (CIES): https://youtu.be/wVk3ipv80rU
13 out – FCG Audit 3 (IHC): https://youtu.be/IDks_KnEwsQ
13 out – FCG Sala 1 (CH): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB7HPSc8W2E
13 out – FCG Sala 2 (CIES): https://youtu.be/-SFcISLT2XU
For more information: https://cbr1820.com/
- Bolsa de Investigação para Doutoramento2020 - 2025
- Book by Carolina Henriques Pereira
Authored by Carolina Henriques Pereira, a researcher at CHSC, and Fábio Alexandre Faria, the book titled Refugiados em Portugal no Século XX will be available for pre-order starting on October 2th, 2024.
Title: Refugiados em Portugal no Século XX
Large-scale military conflicts, such as the First World War, the Spanish Civil War, and the Second World War, along with the rise of authoritarian regimes in Europe, forced millions of people to flee their countries and seek refuge in other states. Despite being a small, peripheral country, Portugal played a central role in the history of refugees throughout the 20th century. However, the responses and attitudes of both the Portuguese government and its population varied depending on the prevailing regime (Constitutional Monarchy, First Republic, Military Dictatorship, and Estado Novo), the international context, or the composition of the waves of refugees. Prioritizing order and security above all, Portugal was receptive and welcoming when it deemed that refugees posed no threat. However, it adopted a more rigid, restrictive, and repressive stance whenever refugees were perceived as a danger to the regime and the country. In this look at a past that is more relevant than ever, historians Carolina Henriques Pereira and Fábio Alexandre Faria show us how, from the 1900s to the 1970s, Portugal became a haven of hope for thousands of war-displaced individuals and refugees—though not always with widespread hospitality.
- Book coordinated by Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos
Coordinated by Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos, a researcher at the CHSC, and with the participation of several researchers from the Center, Essays on Lay and Ecclesiastical Communities in and Around the Medieval Urban Parish has just been published.
Title: Essays on Lay and Ecclesiastical Communities in and Around the Medieval Urban Parish
Available at: https://monographs.uc.pt/iuc/catalog/book/448
This book gives a definite contribution to a wide-ranging reflection on the medieval parish and the secular clergy, considered within a long-term chronological framework and a wide geographical scope that allows the analysis and confrontation of case studies from the Iberian kingdoms, Northern France, Italian Piedmont, Lombardy, Flanders, Transylvania, and North of the Holy Roman Empire. The chapters published in this book tells of dynamics of social, religious, and cultural exclusion and inclusion within lay communities, of the constitution of family elites and parish confraternities; it shows the composition and the recruitment rationales of the parish clergy and of some ecclesiastical chapters with a duty of Cura animarum; it examines the relations of the churches and parochial clergy with more prominent – secular and regular – ecclesiastical institutions in the context of the establishment and exercise of the right of patronage; finally, it explores the role of the secular clergy in the application of justice, based on the characterization of their cultural and juridical formation. - Book coordinated by Maria Antónia Lopes
- Book Diálogos Luso-Sefarditas
Publication of the book Diálogos Luso-Sefarditas (2022), coordinated by António Manuel Lopes Andrade, Saul António Gomes and Maria de Fátima Reis.
This work was published with the collaboration of the Centre of Languages, Literatures and Cultures of the University of Aveiro, the Centre for the History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra and the Alberto Benveniste Chair of Sephardic Studies of the University of Lisbon.
- Call for papers: International Conference COMMEMORtis: What survives after death? Parish communities and death commemoration strategies in the Medieval city31 January 2023
- Call for papers: International Conference Vatican II and Africa: Reception, Impact and Implementation
As part of the International Conference Vatican II and Africa: Reception, Impact and Implementation, which will take place in the National Library of Cabo Verde, in Praia, the capital city of Cabo Verde, from December 3rd to 5th, 2025, we would like to invite all those interested to propose a paper. The conference seeks to gather diverse experts such as historians, theologians, canon lawyers and journalists to discuss the relationship between Vatican II and Africa from 1959 to the present day.
Deadline for proposal submissions: September 10th, 2025.
Proposals can be submitted via email to jairzinho.lpereira@gmail.com
- Call for papers: IV Colóquio Internacional Diálogos Luso-sefarditas
Date: 24 and 25 November 2022
Venue: Instituto Politécnico de Tomar | Auditório Doutor José Bayolo Pacheco de Amorim
Scientific committee: Ângelo Adriano Faria de Assis (Universidade Federal de Viçosa, Brasil) | Antony David Barker (Centro de Línguas, Literatura e Culturas da Universidade de Aveiro) | Bruno Feitler (Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brasil) | Claude Stuczynski (Universidade Bar-Ilan, Israel) | Cleusa Teixeira (Secretaria Estadual de Educação do Estado de Goiás, Brasil) | Elvira Azevedo Mea (Universidade do Porto) | Fernanda Olival (Centro Interdisciplinar de História, Culturas e Sociedades da Universidade de Évora) | Harm den Boer (Universität Basel, Suiça) | James W. Nelson Novoa (Department of Modern Languages and Literatures/Medieval and Renaissance Studies, University of Ottawa, Canada) | José Pedro Paiva (Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura da Universidade de Coimbra) | Manuel Fernández Chaves (Universidad de Sevilla, Espanha) | Maria de Fátima Reis (Cátedra de Estudos Sefarditas Alberto Benveniste da Universidade de Lisboa)
More information: www.lusosefarditasIV.ipt.pt
- Call for papers: Medieval Warhorses: breeding, circulation and praxis
As part of the International Medieval Congress (IMC 2025), we would like to invite all those interested to a call for papers for a session organised by João Nisa (CHSC-UC) and Afonso Soares de Sousa (IEM NOVA/FCSH; FLUC) entitled ‘Medieval Warhorses: breeding, circulation and praxis’. This panel aims to renew our understanding of these animals, and particularly their military usage, from an interdisciplinary point of view.
Deadline for submission of proposals: September 15, 2024
Proposals can be submitted via email to medievalwarhorses@gmail.com
- Call for papers: The First Feminist and Education Congress, a hundred years later. Women, Rights and Citizenship in the Construction of Democratic Societies
This International Seminar aims to create an open space for reflection and debate on multidisciplinary studies that fall within the thematic areas of women’s rights and public participation in all dimensions of life in society, past and present. Stimulating the historiographical renewal of Women’s and Gender History, but also seeking a collaborative, interdisciplinary and international approach, we will revisit the First Feminist and Education Congress, taking in mind the paths, achievements, and contributions of social and feminist movements to the construction of citizenship in democratic societies.
Submission of proposals: March 10th, 2024, through the following form: https://forms.gle/PK2vnSSqgnJgfB9v7
Notification of proposals acceptance: March 30th, 2024
Program announcement: April 15th, 2024
Deadline for registrations: May 10th, 2024
Congress date: May 16 and 17, 2024
Congress venue: NOVA-FCSH, Campolide Campus, Colégio Almada Negreiros (Lisbon)
More information: https://resistencianofeminino.fcsh.unl.pt/seminario-internacional-i-congresso-feminista-e-da-educacao-cem-anos-depois/
- Call for papers: UNESCO’s Role in Post-War Educational Transformation and Decolonization
As part of the “UNESCO’s Role in Post-War Educational Transformation and Decolonization: On the 80th Anniversary of UNESCO’s Founding,” we invite anyone interested to submit a proposal for a paper.
Deadline for proposal submission: November 30, 2024.
For any inquiries, please contact the conference email: unesco80.anniversary@gmail.com
- Call for sessions: Internacional Conference of the European Rural History
As part of the International Conference of European Rural History, which will take place at the University of Coimbra from September 9th to 12th, 2025, we would like to invite all those interested to propose a session.
Deadline for proposal submissions: September 30th, 2024.
For any inquiries, please contact the conference email: ruralhistory2025@gmail.com
- CHSC Young researchers’ forum
A discussion and networking forum involving Master’s and PhD students, as well as early-career integrated researchers and collaborators within the CHSC, it encompasses monthly meetings for the presentation of research projects, drafts of dissertations and theses, articles and research papers to be presented, and historiographical debate over significant scientific works (books and articles). Additionally, the forum hosts workshops on the use of digital tools for research.
Organising committee: Ana Maria Correia | Cristóvão Mata | Roger Lee de Jesus
- Coimbra Days – Eight Centuries of Franciscan Presence – Memory and Experience
Date: June 16 and 17, 2017
Venue: St. Francis Convent | Coimbra
- Colloquium D. Dinis. No 7.° centenário da sua morte
Colloquium D. Dinis. No 7.° centenário da sua morte
Data: March 21st, 2025
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra – Anfiteatro III | 4th floor
Organizing Committee: Saul António Gomes (FLUC; CHSC), Maria Antónia de Castro Athayde Amaral (DCIC-PC), Luís Rêpas (FLUC; CHSC), Aires Gomes Fernandes (FLUC) e Afonso Sousa (FLUC; IEM NOVA-FCSH).
- Colloquium Mozambique’s Maritime Landscape: Heritage and Planning
Colloquium Mozambique’s Maritime Landscape: Heritage and Planning, promoted with the collaboration of CHSC researcher Walter Rossa.
Date: 4 – 5 April 2022
Venue: Sala 2.5 | Edifício da Matemática (Polo I UC)
- Colloquium on the 200th anniversary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte
As part of the scientific cooperation between the CEHLR_SDA, the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra and the Center for the History of Society and Culture, the Colloquium Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Death of Napoleon Bonaparte will be held on September 4, starting at 3:30 p.m., in Espinhal, in the Jardim das Gerações.
Coordination: Margarida Sobral Neto
– Marcus de la Poer Beresford, Anglo-Portuguese cooperation in the Peninsular War/ Anglo Portuguese cooperation in the Peninsular War
– Pedro de Avillez, Napoleon and Portugal
– Maria Antónia Lopes, In the tracks of Napoleon’s armies: death and privation in the Beiras under the 3rd French invasion (1810-1811)
Presentation of Domingos Amaral’s book Napoleão Vem Aí.
- Colloquium on the 800th anniversary of the death of King Afonso II (1223-2023)
Colloquium on the 800th anniversary of the death of King Afonso II (1223-2023) organized by Saul António Gomes and Luís Repas, CHSC researchers, as part of the Medieval History of Portugal and Palaeography and Diplomacy curricular units.
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
Date: 13 December 2023 | 2pm – 6pm
- Colloquium Portugal
New Museologies: Military Museums
Date: May 26, 2017Venue: Auditorium Tenente-General Gonçalves Aranha | Intervention Brigade Command | Sant’Ana Convent | Coimbra
- Colóquio Gomes Freire de Andrade e as Vésperas da Revolução de 18202017 - 2025
- Colóquio Internacional Religiosidad indígena e idolatría en Hispanoamérica colonial2017 - 2025
- COMMEMORtis: 2 research fellows for MA candidates
The exploratory research project COMMEMORtis. What survives after death? Parish communities and death commemoration strategies in the medieval city [EXPL/HAR-HIS/532/2021] is hiring two research fellows for MA candidates [12 months; € 875,98].
The call is open until April 26.
More information: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/764404
- Concurso nacional: um posto de trabalho
técnico superior
área disciplinar: HistóriaEstá aberto concurso nacional para um posto de trabalho, técnico superior, na área da História, para desempenhar as seguintes funções:
“Atividades de gestão científica e administrativa no Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura desenvolvidas na Unidade I&D 311 – Centro de Investigação em Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura (CHSC)”.
Mais informações em: - Conference 1817 Revolt and Revolution in the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves
Conference 1817 Revolt and Revolution in the United Kingdom of Portugal, Brazil and the Algarves, co-organized by the CHSC.
Date: October 20, 2017
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference Beyond more than one culture and ecozone: paths opened up by the Church in Portugal, the Atlantic spaces and vice versa (16th-18th centuries)
Date: March 22, 2019Venue: Coimbra University Archives
- Conference by Abílio Hernandez
Conference by Abílio Hernandez on When films are hungry – representation and imaginary of food in cinema.
Date: May 13, 2019
Venue: Sala IHES | FLUC
- Conference by Alícia Duhá Lose
Conference by Alícia Duhá Lose (Federal University of Bahia) on A universe of knowledge waiting for help: broadening horizons through recovery and research in Brazilian historical collections.
Date: December 18, 2018
Venue: Anf. VI | FLUC
- Conference by Anne Chiama (U. Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, France)
Conference by Anne Chiama (U. Jean Monnet, Saint-Étienne, France) on Nécrologes et obituaires de Provence.
Date: 20 January 2023 | 10.45 am (GMT)
Venue: Colibri-zoom
Free entry, but registration is required via email: commemortis@gmail.com
- Conference by António Maduro: Drinking in Portugal in the Modern Age19 November 2021
- Conference by Antonio Moliner Prada
Conference by Antonio Moliner Prada, from the Autonomous University of Barcelona, on El Triénio liberal en España.
Date: November 24, 2016
Venue: Anf. VI | FLUC
- Conference by Armando Malheiro da Silva
Conference by Armando Malheiro da Silva (FLUP) on A Methodological (Re)discovery: the Proposal for the Social Sciences of the Quadripolar Method (1974).
Date: November 3, 2017
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by Bernardo de Vasconcelos e Sousa
Conference by Bernardo de Vasconcelos e Sousa on Medieval genealogies and the Portuguese nobiliaries of the 13th and 14th centuries.
Date: March 31, 2017
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference by Bonny Ibhawoh (McMaster University, Canada)
Bonny Ibhawoh of McMaster University (Canada) will deliver the lecture “Historical Atrocities, Truth-Seeking and the Politics of Memory” as part of the seminar History(s) of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world, co-organized by CHSC.
Date: 22 June 2023 | 5pm (GMT)
Online streaming.
- Conference by Cristina Cunha13 October 2017
Conference by Cristina Cunha (FLUP) on Chancellery and archives: writing and keeping royal documents.
Date: October 13, 2017
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by Cristina Joanaz de Melo: Protesto verde e soluções ambientais: que desafios? Séculos XVIII-XXI
- Conference by Dacia Viejo Rose
Conference by Dacia Viejo Rose, University of Cambridge, on Cultural Heritage of/in/during Conflict: What future for its peacebuilding potential?
Date: April 12, 2024 | 2 pm
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
- Conference by Duarte Manuel Freitas
Conference by Duarte Manuel Freitas on The Citizen António Augusto Gonçalves: Museology, Civic Intervention and Republicanism (1848-1932).
Date: 24th February 2017
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
- Conference by Fernanda Olival
Conference by Fernanda Olival (UÉvora) on Automatic management of bibliographic references: introduction to Zotero.
Date: March 10, 2018
Venue: Sala Gama Barros | FLUC
- Conference by Fernando A. Baptista Pereira09 October 2019
Conference by Fernando A. Baptista Pereira, from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon, on How to program a museum?
Date: October 9, 2019
Venue: Sala Gama Barros | FLUC
- Conference by Francisco Bettencourt (King’s College of London)21 May 2014
- Conference by Gabriela Marques
Conference by Gabriela Marques on Demons perfected. Antifeminism and humour in the Portuguese press (1885-1914).
Date: 19th May 2014
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by Gemma Rubí
Conference by Gemma Rubí (Universidad Autònoma de Barcelona) on Las claves historicas para compreender la Catalunya de hoy.
Date: April 9, 2018
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference by Hermínia Vilar: As fases de um rei: Afonso II entre a historiografia e a prática política de início do século XIII
- Conference by Iara Lis Schiavinatto
Conference by Iara Lis Schiavinatto, from the State University of Campinas (Brazil), on Art and science at the end of the 18th century: traces of a visual culture.
Date: January 24, 2014
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by Inés Calderón Medina
Conference by Inés Calderón Medina, from the University of the Balearic Islands, on New sources, new perspectives for the study of cross-border nobility. The Soverosa (11th-13th centuries).
Date: March 8, 2019
Venue: Room 5 | FLUC
- Conference by Irene Vaquinhas
Conference by Irene Vaquinhas on Garçonnes, cabelos à Joãozinho e melindrosas: uma nova imagem feminina no pós-Primeira Grande Guerra.
Date: 8 March 2017
Venue: Escola Básica n.º 2 de Condeixa-a-Nova
- Conference by Irene Vaquinhas
Conference by Irene Vaquinhas on “A sardine for three”. Hunger in times of war (1914-1945).
Date: May 16, 2017
Venue: Arganil Municipal Library
- Conference by Ítalo Domingos Santirocchi
Conference by Ítalo Domingos Santirocchi on Relations between the Catholic Church and the State in Imperial Brazil.
Date: 27 October 2016
Venue: Anf. VI | FLUC
- Conference by Jacopo Francesco Fala
Conference by Jacopo Francesco Fala, from the University of Macerata, on Povertà e richessa nella tradizione del pensiero francescano.
Date: October 16, 2017
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference by Jairzinho Pereira
Conference by Jairzinho Pereira on Sources and methodology in researching the history of slavery and abolitionism.
Date: March 30, 2017
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
- Conference by João Costa
Conference by João Costa (CHAM – NOVA-Lisboa) on Portuguese Medieval Rural History: Past and Future.
Date: February 23, 2018
Venue: Sala Jorge de Faria | FLUC
- Conference by João Orlindo Marques
Conference by João Orlindo Marques on An industrial museum in the mountains: constraints and opportunities. The case of the Natural Museum of Electricity.
Date: April 28, 2017
Venue: Sala IHES 3 | FLUC
- Conference by José Manuel Sobral
Conference by José Manuel Sobral, from the Institute of Social Sciences, on Elite cuisine, cosmopolitanism and nationalism in Portugal (from the second half of the 19th century to the Estado Novo).
Date: March 25, 2019
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by José Subtil23 March 2018
Conference by José Subtil (UAL) on Power and Institutions: Organization of State Archives.
Date: March 23, 2018
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by Juciene Ricarte Apolinário
Conference by Juciene Ricarte Apolinário on Indigenous Peoples and Colonisers in the Hinterlands of the Captaincies of Northern Brazil: Resistance and Negotiations between the 17th and 19th Centuries.
Date: 24 February 2017
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by Luís Filipe Oliveira
Conference by Luís Filipe Oliveira (University of Algarve | IEM) on The History and Archives of the OM: misconceptions and problems.
Date: March 2, 2018
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by Maria Alegria Marques: A Alimentação no tempo de D. Afonso Henriques26 November 2021
Conference by Maria Alegria Marques, Full Professor from FLUC and researcher at the CHSC.
Date: 26th November, 2pm
Venue: Institute of English Studies (6th floor of Faculty of Arts and Humanities of UC)
Link Zoom: http://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/89014409890
ID meeting: 890 1440 9890
- Conference by Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos
Conference by Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos on Living in the city and living the city. Aspects of the landscape and the regulation of urbanism in Coimbra (13th-16th centuries).
Date: May 29, 2017
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference by Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos
Conference by Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos on The constitution and exploitation of the land lordships of the ecclesiastical institutions of Coimbra in the Middle Ages.
Date: February 26, 2018
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference by Maria de Lurdes Rosa
Conference by Maria de Lurdes Rosa (IEM-FCSH/UNL) on Doing and Thinking Medieval History Today.
Date: May 25, 2018
Venue: Sala Jorge de faria | FLUC
- Conference by Maria do Rosário Castiço de Campos
Conference by Maria do Rosário Castiço de Campos (ESEC/IPC) on Cultural Tourism: proposals for animating museums.
Date: March 23, 2018
Venue: Sala IHES | FLUC
- Conference by Maria Filomena Coelho
Conference by Maria Filomena Coelho, from the University of Brasilia, on Cistercian women’s monasteries: political power and sanctity of the Christian aristocracy (León, 12th-13th centuries).
Date: February 22, 2016
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho: O reinado de D. João I: da independência face a Castela à viabilização pelo mar
This activity is the result of a partnership between the DHEEAA and the CHSC and is organised within the 2nd Cycle Seminar in History of the Middle Ages.
Data: 13 de dezembro de 2021 | 10h00
Venue: Gama Barros Room (Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra)
- Conference by Maria Idoia Ugarte Gurrutxaga
Conference by Maria Idoia Ugarte Gurrutxaga (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha) on Gender as a useful category for historical analysis.
Date: November 23, 2018
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference by Maria João Vaz
Conference by Maria João Vaz (ISCTE-IUL) on Crime and social control in contemporary Portugal: discourses and practices.
Date: November 24, 2017
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference by Maria José Azevedo Santos and Francisco Pato Macedo
Writing and illuminating a book. The sixteenth-century Rule of the Order of Santa Clara belonging to the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra.
Date: April 18, 2016
Venue: Auditorium of the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha | Coimbra
- Conference by Miguel Nogueira
Conference by Miguel Nogueira, from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Porto, on The importance of cartography and the challenges of building thematic maps from historical sources: convictions, provocations and demonstrations.
Date: October 21, 2016
Venue: Sala Gama Barros | FLUC
- Conference by Milton Pacheco27 April 2018
Conference by Milton Pacheco (CHAM-UNL/CIEC-UC) on From the residence of bishops to the abode of muses: The Episcopal Palace of Coimbra: foundation, evolution and musealization.
Date: April 27, 2018
Venue: Anf. I | FLUC
- Conference by Pedro Cardim
Conference by Pedro Cardim (Centro de Humanidades, NOVA/FCSH) sobre O reino e as suas conquistas. O quadro normativo do espaço jurisdicional português (sécs. XVI-XVII).
Date: October 9, 2024 | 15h00
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference by Pedro Pinto06 April 2018
Conference by Pedro Pinto (CHAM-NOVA Lisboa) on Other Sources of Portuguese Medieval History.
Date: April 6, 2018
Venue: Sala Jorge de Faria | FLUC
- Conference by Peter Erhart (St. Gall Abbey Archives)06 February 2024
As part of the 2nd International Course in Paleography for Renaissance and Early Modern Studies (15th-18th centuries), a lecture by Peter Erhart (St. Gall Abbey Archives) on Puerili Pollice: Ways of teaching writing in the monastery of St. Gall during the early middle ages.
Date: February 6, 2024 | 14h00
Venue: Sala de S. Pedro | Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra
Free admission
- Conference by Rui Cascão
Conference by Rui Cascão on the History of the First World War: The two faces of the First World War: The front and the rear.
Date: 15 February 2017
Venue: Centro de Animação Cultural de Mortágua
- Conference by Sandra M. G. Pinto
Conference by Sandra M. G. Pinto (CHAM-UNL/CIEC-UC) on From Sofia to Alta: Paths of the University of Coimbra’s candidacy for UNESCO World Heritage.
Date: May 25, 2018
Venue: Anf. I | FLUC
- Conference by Simon Ditchfield
Conference by Simon Ditchfield (University of York) on Tales of turning: rethinking conversion narratives in (and beyond) early modern Europe.
Date: March 9, 2018
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference by Simon H. Sun27 July 2016
- Conference by Terezinha Oliveira
Conference by Terezinha Oliveira on A permanência do pensamento escolástico no livro A Virtuosa Benfeitoria.
Date: 17th March 2017
Venue: Sala Silva Dias | FLUC
- Conference by Tomoko Akami
Conference by Tomoko Akami (College of Asia and the Pacific/Australian National University) on Imperial polities in history of international relations: Perspectives from the Japanese and Portuguese empires.
Organization and commentary: Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (UC-CHSC) | Vanda Amaro Dias (UC-CES)
Date: 10 November 2023 | 2 pm – 4 pm
Venue: Anf. VI (FLUC)
Abstract: So far, histories of modern international relations have largely been conceptualized and written with national sovereign state as the basic unit. Crucial to this understanding is the discourse and concept of the International. Particularly after the end of the First World War, the defeat of the German, Austral-Hungary, and Ottoman Empires marked the end of the ‘continental’ empires in Europe with self-determination as a new norm in Europe, which we have understood the new League of Nations championed. Accordingly, the notion, the International, or more precisely the non-socialist/communist version of the International defined the nature of the League in the 1920s and 1930s. Beyond Europe and the Americas, however, the victorious empires, not only the European, but also the Japanese and US empires, continued to hold their diverse range of imperial polities. Until recently these imperial polities had been largely neglected as critical actors in histories of international relations and the discourses of the International had not incorporated them. In this paper, I suggest that the notion of the International as the ideology of the management of world affairs among the liberal empires, which project the League enhanced, with its problems and potentials. Here I refer to my recent works of the League in Asia and Miguel Bandeira Jeronimo’s works in Africa, and how these works to examine lateral relationships across imperial polities would reveal diverse power dynamics which could not be captured and examined within the discourse and concept of the International, and ponder the meaning of the International for historians of international relations as of 2023.
- Conference by Vanda Anastácio
Conference by Vanda Anastácio (FLUL) on Literature and History: Applied Problems of Research and Interpretation of Women’s History.
Date: April 6, 2018
Venue: Sala Gama Barros | FLUC
- Conference by Zulmira Santos
Conference by Zulmira Santos (FLUP) on Spirituality and Politics in the 2nd Half of the 18th Century.
Date: October 27, 2017
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Conference Caminho de Santiago e Coimbra
Conference Caminho de Santiago e Coimbra, co-organized by the CHSC.
Date: March 5, 2018
Venue: Sala de S. Pedro | BGUC
- Conference Casa Grande, Sobradinho and Production Architecture
Conference Casa Grande, Sobradinho and Production Architecture. New Designs – New Service. VII Conference on the Appreciation of Built Heritage, with the support of the CHSC.
Date: July 6 and 7, 2018
Location: Condeixa-a-Nova
- Conference cycle Belém in Coimbra, Coimbra in Belém13 June 2016 - 15 June 2016
- Conference cycle The Institutionalization of Modern Science in Portugal: University, Public Works and Museums
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
17 April 2015: Fernando Taveira da Fonseca, Uma primeira educação do olhar: estudantes de Coimbra na transição reformista
24 April 2015: Fernando José Bandeira Figueiredo, A institucionalização do conhecimento científico na Universidade de Coimbra: o contributo de José Monteiro da Rocha para a reforma de 1772
8 May 2015: Carlos Henrique Martins, A aplicação da ciência à política do território na transição do século XVIII para o século XIX
20 May 2015: João Carlos Brigola, O gabinete de História Natural da Ajuda: um projeto de recuperação cultural, patrimonial e museológico (1768-2018)
- Conference Cycle: Research Seminar: Problems and Methodologies II (2016)
Conference Cycle: Research Seminar: Problems and Methodologies II of the 3rd Cycle in History at FLUC, co-organized by the DHEEAA and the CHSC.
Dates: February 19, 2016 to May 27, 2016
Venue: FLUC
- Conference Cycle: Research Seminar: Problems and Methodologies II (2017)
Conference Cycle: Research Seminar: Problems and Methodologies II of the 3rd Cycle in History at FLUC, co-organised by the DHEEAA and the CHSC.
Date: 3 March 2017 to 26 May 2017
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- Conference Food is first for thinking and then for eating
Date: September 2-5, 2019
Venue: Room F-402 UNAMA Alcino Cacela (Brazil)
- Conference Intolerance(s) in History: in Figueira da Foz and in the world
Conference on Intolerance(s) in History: in Figueira da Foz and in the world, co-organized by CHSC.
Date: March 2, 2023 | 2.30 pm
Venue: Associação Viver em Alegria (Figueira da Foz)
Jaime Gouveia (CHSC-UC): The Inquisition in Figueira da Foz (1526-1821)
Clara Isabel Serrano (Ceis20): Intolerances in the first decades of the 20th century – 100 years later
Gabriela Nóbrega (CHSC-UC): A case of religious intolerance or cooperation? The Brahminical Bishop D. Mateus de Castro in the 17th century, between Asia and Rome
- Conference Municipalities in Portugal: from the Middle Ages to Liberalism
Seminar coordinated by Margarida Sobral Neto (CHSC-UC) on the theme Municipalities in Portugal: from the Middle Ages to Liberalism.
Date: 1 April 2023 | 3:30 pm
Venue: Centro de Estudos de História Local e Regional Salvador Dias Arnaut (Penela)
- Conference No tempo dos forais manuelinos
Conference organised in partnership with the Salvador Dias Arnaut Centre for Local and Regional History Studies, in Penela.Date: 31st May 2014
Venue: Noble Hall of the Penela Town Hall
- Conference on History, Art, Archaeology, Geography and Ethnography
IV Conference on the valorisation of the cultural and natural heritage of Condeixa-a-Nova
Vergílio Correia Study Centre (Condeixa-a-Nova)
13 February 2016 – 9:00 to 13:10 – 14:30 to 19:10
- Conference on Luther and Protestantism in Portugal
Conference on Luther and Protestantism in Portugal, organized by the CHSC.
Date: November 7, 2017
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
- Conference on the Martyrs of Morocco: remembering the 800th anniversary of their martyrdom
Date: January 16, 2020
Venue: College of Santo António da Pedreira | Coimbra
- Conference on War and Religion in the Iberian Peninsula (4th-16th centuries)
- Conference Series: Ceuta: The Beginning of a New History
Conference Series: Ceuta: The Beginning of a New HistoryDate: 9 and 10 December 2015
Venue: Church of S. Salvador | Coimbra
- Conference The Royal Censorial Board: Printing, Instructing and Censoring
Date: May 30, 2018
Venue: Science Museum | University of Coimbra
- Conferência – Povos Indígenas e Colonizadores nos Sertões das Capitanias do Norte do Brasil: Resistências e Negociações entre os Séculos XVII e XIX2017 - 2025
- Congress Caminhos da História: I jornada de novos investigadores
Congress Caminhos da História: I jornada de novos investigadores
Date: March 10th-12th, 2025
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra – Anfiteatro I | 3rd floor and Anfiteatro III | 4th floor
Scientific Committee: Doutor Carlos Alves; Doutora Carolina Henriques Pereira;
Doutor Luís RepasOrganizing Committee: Gonçalo Batista; Doutora Isabel Mota; Margarida Monteiro; Mariana
- Congress on the History of the Archives, Documents & Information
Organização: Leonor Zozaya-Montes (CHSC-UC)
Data: 22 e 23 julho 2021
Deadline for proposals: 1 May 2021
Local: on-line
- Crossed knowledge: knowing, remembering, imagining and learning in the city: short training course04 March 2023 - 11 March 2023
In this training session we will present and discuss results of recent and ongoing research on the history of the city of Coimbra, from medieval times to the present day, and the results of a pilot project developed with a high school class in which participatory and collaborative methodologies were applied to co-produce knowledge following a citizen science approach.
The training is part of the initiative “Crossed knowledges: knowing, remembering, imagining and learning in the city“, which was born from the will to value cities as living libraries, where different types of knowledges cross: knowledges of science, of experience, of living, of imagination. Libraries with multiple stories that must also be recognised as a valuable educational resource.
The aim is that cities – and spaces – can be a stage for multiple learning, and for encounters between the university and schools and kindergartens.
Contents: Medieval collegiate societies; territorial and social analysis of parishes; patrimony of the City and the University of Coimbra; Medieval Era; Modern Period; Local History; municipal finances and the University of Coimbra; local power and daily life of the city; affective objects and personal narratives of children’s memories; active listening; personal memory and collective memory; affective map of the community; alterity and diversity; citizen participation; artistic creation; science and art; creativity and critical reflection; environmental anthropology; cultural practices; human rights and cognitive justice; action research; knowledge production and circulation; co-production of knowledge; active learning; context-based learning; collaborative learning communities; engaged citizen social science; citizen science and education.
Methodology: Following the spirit of “crossed knowledges”, we intend to create a space for dialogue between the results of recent research projects of teachers and researchers of the University of Coimbra and the scientific and pedagogical knowledge of educators and teachers from pre-school to secondary school. In this way, the methodology adopted foresees oral presentations, debates and hands-on activities which contribute to the collaborative creation of a manual of good practices in the implementation of citizen science strategies in educational contexts.
Target audience: primary and secondary school teachers, kindergarten teachers
Trainers: Maria Amélia Campos, José Luís Barbosa (CHCS, FLUC), Maria José Ferro (FPCEUC), Jorge Cabrera (DArq, CAPC), Cláudia Pato de Carvalho, Joana Sousa, Denise Esteves, Rita Campos (CES-UC)
This activity is accredited as a Short Training Course by the Nova Ágora Training Centre.
Registration is free but compulsory, made in the Portal of Nova Ágora CFAE Training
Places: 20
Registration period: 6th to 28th February 2023
Venue: Sala 1, Ces | Alta | 10am to 1pm
Training conducted in partnership with the Working Group on Citizen Science and Education
- Curso de Verão. As religiosas de Sant’Anna: dia a dia da comunidade nos sécs. XVIII e XIX2014 - 2025
- Cycle of meetings: The General University Library presents its treasures
In order to make some of these documents known to the public, the BGUC, with the support of the CHSC, is promoting a series of sessions on some of its treasures.
Venue: Sala de S. Pedro | BGUC
21 February: Eugénio Maia Amaral and José Augusto Cardoso Bernardes: Os Lusíadas, by Luís de Camões
7 March: Jorge de Alarcão: Gravura da Ilustre Cidade de Coimbra, by George Braun
11 April: José Manuel de Azevedo e Silva: Descrição do Reino das Canárias, by Leonardo Torriani
9 May: António Apolinário Lourenço: Mensagem, by Fernando Pessoa
6 June: Saul António Gomes: Bíblia “atlântica”
27 June: Carlos Fiolhais: Roteiro de D. João de Castro
- Documentary exhibition – Casa das Letras at Casa da Sabedoria
Documentary exhibition Casa das Letras at Casa da Sabedoria and conference by Luís Reis Torgal on The first crises of the Faculty of Letters. From post-Sidonism to the Military Dictatorship and the beginning of the Estado Novo, as part of the 20th Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra.
Date: March 23, 2018
Venue: Archive of the University of Coimbra
- Elections for the Board of the CHSC
Following Article 11 of the CHSC Statutes, the Board of Directors of this research unit has a four-year mandate.
The current Board will complete its four-year term in September 2024.
Accordingly, elections to the Board of Directors of the CHSC will be held at a General Meeting to be held on September 10, 2024, at 2:30 p.m., at a venue to be specified in the notice of that Meeting.
We would also like to inform you that the candidate lists, under the terms of article 3 of the aforementioned Statutes, must be submitted by email to the current scientific coordinator of the CHSC by September 2, 2024, to be included in the documentation that will follow the notice of the General Assembly for the said election.
- Episcopal Governance in the Portuguese Seaborne Empire: Praxis, Dynamics and Ideologies, (XV-XX centuries)
Episcopal governance in the Portuguese seaborne empire has received a considerable scholarly attention over the last three decades, but there is still much work to be done. Although bishops in Portuguese overseas influenced the empire’s administration a great deal, both on the strictly religious domain and as state agents, little is known about the profile and thoughts of some of the most influential among them. Even the interconnections between the secular politics and the bishops’ pastoral enterprises, a topic that usually generates interest among scholars, are still to be studied in many spaces and contexts of the Portuguese Empire. Little is known, for example, about the bishops’ pastoral approaches during the so-called “Scramble for Africa”, when the actions of ecclesiastical authorities threw their weight behind secular ruler’s claims regarding sovereignties over disputed territories. In the 20th century, to cite but only a more recent example, almost nothing is known about the participation of the overseas bishops in the Second Vatican Council. It is unknown whether, how and to what extent those prelates tried to influence the Council’s agenda regarding the future of the societies and that of the churches in the Portuguese colonies in Africa. This International Conference aims to address these and other aspects of diocesan administration/governance in the Portuguese empire, laying a special stress on the multiple aspects of the bishops’ pastoral work and their political profile.
Organisation: Centre of Mission and Global Studies of VID Specialized University of Stavanger (Norway) | Centre for the History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra (Portugal); Ministry of Culture and Creative Industries of the Government of Cape Verde | Municipality of Ribeira Grande de Santiago
Date: 31 January and 1 February 2023
Venue: National Library of Cape Verde
- Episcopal justice and its impact on the Portuguese seaborne empire 1514-1750
This international conference aims to encourage reflexion and discussion about the structures and dynamics underlying the acts of episcopal justice in the overseas territories under Portuguese influence and assess the impact of their relationship with other powers and populations.
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of Coimbra University | Anf. III
Date: 10-11 December 2021
Organising Committee: José Pedro Paiva | Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Evergton Sales Souza | António Vítor Ribeiro
Scientific Committee: Ana de Zaballa Beascoechea | Ângela Barreto Xavier | Benedetta Albani | Bruno Feitler | Francisco Bethencourt | Giuseppe Marcocci | Inês G. Zupanov | Jorge Traslosheros | Liam Matthew Brockey | Macarena Cordero Fernández | Pedro Manuel Guibovich Pérez | Stuart B. Schwartz.
More information: https://www.uc.pt/fluc/religionAJE
- European Researchers’ Night
Hands-on activities with the participation of scientists from the University of Coimbra.
Date: 26th September 2014
Venue: Science Museum of the University of Coimbra
Paleography is a fascinating science created by the French Benedictine Jean Mabillon in 1681. Reading, transcribing and studying how writing has been done over the centuries are part of the private field of action of paleographers. This is how we learn about men and societies. The quill and the magnifying glass, symbolically referred to here, set the tone for NEI’s activity. The public will be invited to see and read documents written with quills (bird, metal, glass), to use magnifying glasses to enlarge letters, and to see materials and instruments used in past centuries (parchment, waxed tablets, quills, styluses…) Bring a magnifying glass!!!
Date: September 30, 2016
Venue: Science Museum of the University of Coimbra
- European Studies Lectures
European Studies Lectures on The meanings of decolonisation: between imagined possibilities and contested outcomes, co-organised by CHSC
Speakers: Alanna O’Malley (University of Leiden) | Bradley Simpson (University of Connecticut) | José Pedro Monteiro (University of Minho) | Ana Guardião (University of Florence/University of Coimbra)
Date: 20 March 2024 | 16h00
Venue: Anf. VI | FLUC
- Fernando Catroga’s jubilee25 May 2015
- Fifth International Meeting of Young Researchers in Early Modern History
5th Meeting of Young Researchers in Modern History
Date: May 31st to June 2nd, 2017
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- Fourth Workshop on Scientific Archives
This workshop aims to bring together a diverse community of collaborators participating in generating, preserving, arranging, processing, appraising, digitizing, providing access to the contemporary archives of science and technology. The workshop is supported by the CHSC.
Submission of proposals until January 22, 2024.
Date: June 5 and 6, 2024
Venue: University of California, San Francisco (USA)
- Global History of Portuguese Food
The Global History of Portuguese Food will be discussed at the Coimbra Municipal Library on February 23rd. The session will be attended by José Eduardo Franco (coordinator of the collection), Isabel Drumond Braga (coordinator of the book) and the authors Álvaro Garrido, Fátima Iken, Guida Cândido, Jaime Gouveia, João Pedro Gomes, Leonardo Aboim Pires, Margarida Sobral Neto and Maria José Azevedo Santos. The session will be moderated by Luís Lavrador.
- Historical data treatment with the TimeLink information system, by Ana Isabel Ribeiro (Ceis20)
COMMEMORtis Workshop – Digital Humanities and Research in Medieval History
Organisation: Maria Amélia Campos & Ana Isabel Ribeiro
Date: 12 July 2022 | 10am to 1pm
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
Free entry, with registration required, by email commemortis@gmail.com
- Histories of Violence in War
The Society for the History of War – in collaboration with the Interdisciplinary Centre for History, Cultures, and Societies (CIDEHUS) of the University of Évora, the Department of History, Arts, and the Humanities of Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, the Centre of the History of Society (CHSC) and Culture, of Universidade de Coimbra, and the Center for the Humanities (CHAM), of Universidade NOVA de Lisboa.
Conference date: November 23 and 24, 2023
Venue: National Library of Portugal | Lisbon
- History of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world (2023/2024)
Bringing together several generations of leading researchers, the seminar History(s) of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world aims to give voice to research on various fundamental topics in contemporary historiography and focusing on different geographies, which seeks to understand history in its global, international and transnational articulations, revealing its varied and significant role in shaping the present.
Scientific Coordination: Hugo Gonçalves Dores | Ana Guardião | Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo | José Pedro Monteiro
1st session: Bradley Simpson (University of Connecticut): Self-determination: a global history
Date: 28 September 2023 | 5 pm – 6:30 pm (GMT)
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
To attend online, please send an email to: historias.do.presente2022@gmail.com
2nd session: Meredith Terretta (University of Ottawa): How the UN Trusteeship Council might have shaped a substantive decolonization – And why it didn’t
Date: 25 October 2023 | 5 pm – 6:30 pm (GMT)
To attend online, please send an email to: historias.do.presente2022@gmail.com
3rd session: Martin Thomas (University of Exeter): New Histories of Decolonization: A World remade?
Date: 22 November 2023 | 2:30 pm (GMT)
Venue: D. João III Room | AUC
4th session: Alanna O’Malley (University of Leiden): Undertermined Self-Determination at the Committee of 24. The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South
Date: 7 December 2023 | 2 pm (GMT)
To attend online, please send an email to: historias.do.presente2022@gmail.com
5th session: Sabrine Kott (University of Geneva): Organizing the world. An Alternative History of the Cold War
Date: 15 February 2024 | 2 pm (GMT)
Venue: D. João III Room | AUC
6th session: Emile Chabal (University of Edinburgh): Eric Hobsbawm’s total history
Date: 11 March 2024 | 11 am (GMT)
Venue: Anf. VI | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
7th session: Glenda Sluga (European University Institute): From the Planetary to the Global and other lost histories of the 20th century
Date: 22 April 2024 | 11 am (GMT)
Venue: Anf. IV | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- History of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world (2024/2025)
Bringing together several generations of leading researchers, the seminar History(s) of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world aims to give voice to research on various fundamental topics in contemporary historiography and focusing on different geographies, which seeks to understand history in its global, international and transnational articulations, revealing its varied and significant role in shaping the present.
Scientific Coordination: Hugo Gonçalves Dores | Ana Guardião | Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo | José Pedro Monteiro
Session: Matthias Middell (Leipzig University): The French Globalization Projects
Date: September 18th, 2024 | 11:30 am
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
1st session: Frederick Cooper | Jane Burbank (New York University): Post-Imperial Possibilities: Eurasia, Eurafrica, Afroasia
Date: October 23th, 2024 | 11 am
Venue: Anf. I da FLUC
2nd session: Madeleine Herren-Oesch (University of Basel, Suíça): Foreign Residents and global trade in the late 19th century
Date: November 27th, 2024 | 11 am
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
3rd session: Kiran Patel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munique, Alemanha): Cooperation in Crisis: The Afterlife of Discontinued International Organization during the 20th Century
Date: February 24th, 2025 | 2 pm
Venue: Anf. I da FLUC
- I CHSC International Conferences: Alexandre Luís
Conference by Alexandre Luís on Afonso de Albuquerque and the construction of the Portuguese State/Empire of India.
Date: 30th October 2015
Venue: Anf. IV | FLUC
- I CHSC International Conferences: Jairzinho Pereira
Conference by Jairzinho Pereira on The attitudes of the Catholic Church towards slavery in the Congo-Angola region (1808-1908).
Date: February 25, 2016
Venue: Anf. IV | FLUC
- I CHSC International Conferences: Paola Nestola
Conference by Paola Nestola on Spiritual powers, sacramental rituals, peripheral territories: crossed views between Portugal and the kingdom of Naples (16th-17th centuries).
Date: February 11, 2016
Venue: Anf. IV | FLUC
- I Conference on Community life and service to the community. The canonical example and its repercussions in the secular world (Western Europe of the 11th-15th centuries)
II Conference on Community life and service to the community. The canonical example and its repercussions in the secular world (Western Europe of the 11th-15th centuries), co-organized by the CHSC.
Date: February 2, 2018
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
- I International Congress of Heraldry and Sigillography of the Iberian Peninsula
Date: October 11 and 12, 2018
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
- I Seminário Científico do CHSC2015 - 2025
- I Workshop de Verão do CHSC – Estudo e Manufactura de Instrumentos e Suportes de Escrita2014 - 2025
- Iberian Patronages and the Congregation of Propaganda Fide
International Congress Iberian Patronages and the Congregation of Propaganda Fide: Antagonism, Alignment and Cooperation (17th – 20th centuries)
Date: January 29-31, 2025
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
More information: padroados.propaganda.2025@gmail.com
- IberLAND. Beyond Property: Law and Land in the Iberian World (1510-1850)
Presentation and discussion of the project funded by the European Research Council (ERC): IberLAND. Beyond Property: Law and Land in the Iberian World (1510-1850).
Date: 5 September 2023 | 2:30 pm
Venue: D. João III Room | AUC
- II Jornadas abiertas teórico prácticas de difusión del conocimiento sobre Paleografía e Historia de la Escritura
The II Jornadas abiertas teórico prácticas de difusión del conocimiento sobre Paleografía e Historia de la Escritura, which have the support of the CHSC, will take place on September 29, 2023, at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.
More information: https://paleografia.hypotheses.org/jornadas/ii-jornadas
- II Luso-Brazilian Paleography Conference
Date: October 18-20, 2018
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
- III Colóquio Peculiar: transdisciplinaridades improváveis
Date: 17 June 2022 | 9:15 am – 19 pm
Venue: TP2 Room (4th floor) | FLUC
- III Cycle of conferences: From the manuscript to the printed book
III Cycle of conferences: From the manuscript to the printed book, with the support of the CHSC.
Date: October 6, 17 and 27 | November 3, 9, 10 and 17, 2017
- III International Colloquium on Luso-Semitic Dialogues
Date: 15 – 16 July 2021
Venue: Teatro Miguel Franco | Centro de Diálogo Intercultural de Leiria | Igreja da Misericórdia de Leiria
Proposals for papers must be sent by June 20, 2021, via email: cdil@cm-leiria.pt
- III International Congress: Cities through History
The 3rd edition of this international congress will address the evolution of cities in different historical and geographical contexts, from the Ancient City to the City of the Present on the Way to the Future, with special focus on the cities of the Mediterranean world.
The congress will be divided into five major thematic areas; the city in the ancient world, in the medieval, modern, industrial and finally the city of the present era. Each of these areas will have a plenary session structured around two speakers, one Portuguese and one from outside Portugal, and a set of parallel sessions for the presentation of spontaneous results on the respective themes. The work will conclude with a round table discussion on the City of the Future.Date: 25 – 27 October 2023
Venue: Centro Cultural Vila Flor | Guimarães
For more information: https://ch.guimaraes.pt/editions
- Inquire, Third Annual Conference: Inquisitions, iconography and memory
The aim of the meeting is to explore the relationship between the tribunals of faith, images and the construction of memory; to analyse the cases in which religious dissent manifested itself in the form of iconoclasm; to better understand the censorship strategies of the Holy Office with regard to images and art objects; and to focus on how these judicial institutions of the Catholic world promoted the representation of heresy, the agents who worked to preserve orthodoxy and the memory of the tribunals themselves. The conference will bring together scholars of the medieval Inquisition and the modern Inquisitions (Spanish, Portuguese and Roman) from all over the world, with a comparative approach that will extend to the history of the courts in the Iberian colonial world.
– Centre for the History of Society and Culture – University of Coimbra
– Inquire – International Centre for Research on Inquisitions – University of Bologna
– Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG) – Abteilung für Abendl
– Religionsgeschichte, Mainz
Date: 16th and 17th November 2023
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra | Anf. III
Free entry, but requires registration until November 4 via email: chsc@ci.uc.pt
- International Colloquium of St. Anthony: 800 years of Franciscan vocation
Following the Holy Year of St. Anthony and the Martyrs of Morocco, a Jubilee proclaimed by Pope Francis, this international colloquium and the presentation of the book Martyrs of Morocco on the 800th anniversary of their martyrdom will be held. History, spirituality and materiality. Attendance in person is limited and subject to free prior registration by calling 239 822 941. The event will be broadcast on the social networks of the Diocese of Coimbra. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCokwn1OEzAJHX2evn4ni2IQ
Venue: Monastery of Santa Cruz de Coimbra
Date: 12 June 2021 | 9 am
- International Conference Beyond King Manuel I. The Portuguese Empire in a Changing World, c. 1450-1550
- International Conference COMMEMORtis
International Conference COMMEMORtis: What survives after death? Parish Communities and Death Commemoration Strategies in the Medieval City
Date: 10 to 12 July 2023
Venue: University of Coimbra
Program: https://commemortis.wixsite.com/my-site/post/international-conference-programme
More information: https://commemortis.wixsite.com/my-site
- International Conference Curves, corsets and underwear: an intimate history of female seduction (19th and 20th centuries)
Date: March 4th and 5th, 2021
Venue: online
- International conference Lugares e Práticas Historiográficas: Educação, Património e Cultura Impressa
Organizing Committee: Ana Paula Caldeira (PPGH-UFMG) | Clara Isabel Serrano (CEIS20) | Débora Dias (CHAM-NOVA | CEIS20) | Douglas Attila Marcelino (PPGH-UFMG) | Julião Soares Sousa (CEIS20) | Mélanie Toulhoat (IHC-NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST) | Sarah Luna de Oliveira (CHSC-UC) | Sérgio Neto (CEIS20).
Scientific Committee: Adelaide Gonçalves (UFC/ENFF) | Ana Paula Caldeira (PPGH-UFMG) | Clara Isabel Serrano (CEIS20) | Danilo Santos (Uni-CV) | Débora Dias (CHAM-NOVA | CEIS20) | Douglas Attila Marcelino (PPGH-UFMG) | Julião Soares Sousa (CEIS20) | Mélanie Toulhoat (IHC-NOVA FCSH/IN2PAST) | Osvaldino Monteiro (Uni-CV) | Samira Miranda (Uni-CV) | Sarah Luna de Oliveira (CHSC-UC) | Sérgio Neto (CEIS20).
Date: 16-17 February 2023
Venue: Biblioteca Nacional de Portugal
Registration form: https://forms.gle/AUruvUsQdCM9mgnQ8
Information: hppcmdlp@gmail.com
- International Conference on Portuguese-Sephardic Dialogues (2017)
International Conference on Portuguese-Sephardic Dialogues, with the support of the CHSC.
Date: November 9, 2017
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
- International Conference Race and Slavery Narratives in the European Colonial Empires
The International Conference Race and Slavery Narratives in the European Colonial Empires. Interdisciplinary Approaches (15th-20th centuries) is organised by the Centre for the History of Society and Culture, by the Institute for Philosophical Studies (both from the Arts Faculty of the University of Coimbra), University of Cape Verde, University de Santiago and by the Portuguese History Academy, and will be held between January 31 and February 2, 2024, in Praia, the capital City of Cape Verde, West Africa.
The main goal is to promote an inter and transdisciplinary discussion on the relationship between race and slavery throughout the European Colonial empires, from the dawn of the Iberian Expansion in the 15th century to the collapse of the Portuguese empire in Africa in the 20th century.Scientific committee: Diogo Ramada Curto | Dries Vanysacker | Eduardo Afonso | Elizabeth Foster | Frieder Ludwig | Giuseppe Marcocci | José Pedro Paiva | Manuela Mendonça | Marco Toste | Nardi Sousa | Odair Verela | Pedro Cardim
Organizing committee: Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Jairzinho Lopes Pereira | Matilde Santos | Víctor Barros
- International conference St. Anthony: 800 years of Franciscan vocation
Date: January 16, 2021
Venue: Monastery of Santa Cruz | Coimbra
- International Congress Dilating the Faith against the Empire? Portugal, Propaganda Fide and the Catholic mission11 May 2022 - 12 May 2022
Organised by CITCEM of the University of Porto and CEHR of the Portuguese Catholic University, the International Congress Dilating the Faith against the Empire? Portugal, Propaganda Fide and the Catholic mission, with the institutional support of CHSC.
Date: 11-12 May 2022
Venue: Main Hall of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto
More information: https://congressopropagand.wixsite.com/website
- International Congress Expanding the Faith against the Empire? Portugal, Propaganda Fide and Catholic missionary work
Organized by the CITCEM of the University of Porto and the CEHR of the Portuguese Catholic University, the International Congress Dilating the Faith against Empire? Portugal, Propaganda Fide and the Catholic Mission, with the institutional support of the CHSC.
Date: May 11 and 12, 2022
Venue: Salão Nobre da Faculdade de Letras da Universidade do Porto
More information: https://congressopropagand.wixsite.com/website
- International Congress of the Holy Spirit (CIES)
International Congress of the Holy Spirit (CIES): Genesis, Evolution and Actuality of the Utopia of Universal Fraternity
In partnership with the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies, the Centre for the History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra, CLEPUL of the University of Lisbon, the CIDH of the Open University and the European Institute of Cultural Sciences Padre Manuel Antunes
Coimbra, 16 and 17 June 2016
Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, 14, 15 and 16 September 2016
Alenquer, 17 and 18 September 2016
More information: http://www.congressoespiritosanto.net
- International Seminar Global History: Themes and Debates
International Seminar Global History: Themes and Debates, co-organized by CHSC and with the participation of several of its researchers.
Link: http://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/91910796826
Password: 624292
- International Seminar História, por elas
- International Seminar on Gender Network and the Construction of a Global World
Date: July 5th, 2016
Venue: Sala D. João III | Coimbra University Archive
- Investigating the Middle Ages. Funding: which projects?
The VII Seminar Investigating the Middle Ages. Funding: which projects?, which has the institutional support of the CHSC, will take place on 28 April 2022, in Room 305 at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities or the University of Porto.
- IV Luso-Brazilian DIAITA Conference – The Table of the Senses and the Senses of the Table2017 - 2025
- IV Medcrafts Conference: Regulation of the mesteres in Portugal in the Lower Middle Ages: regulatory aspects
- IV Meeting of the CEHLR Salvador Dias Arnaut: Medieval arts and crafts
IV Meeting of the Salvador Dias Arnaut Center for Studies in Local and Regional History on Medieval Arts and Crafts, with the support of the CHSC.
Date and venue:
May 23, 2015 | Penela
June 6, 2015 | Coimbra
June 27, 2015 | Penela
- IV Meeting REPORT(H)a Sapiens, Health and Environment. Natural and Artificial Frontiers
This international conference aims to promote a transdisciplinary debate, in a global and long time approach, on current societal challenges: health and disease, sustainable resource management, food production, climate change, interactions between man and the environment. The Center for History of Society and Culture (CHSC), promoter of the initiative, counts on the partnership of several I&D Units and UC projects: CIAS (Center for Research in Anthropology and Health), Center for Functional Ecology (CFE), Center for Geography and Spatial Planning Studies (CEGOT), Center for Classical Studies (CECH) and the project Rescuing Seed’s Heritage (ReSEED).
Venue: University of Coimbra
Date: 14-16 October 2021
Organizing Committee: Margarida Sobral Neto | José Luís Barbosa
- IV Seminar on Social Policies in Perspective: Studies in Debate
Date: June 29, 2018
Venue: Gama Barros Room | FLUC
- Jaime Gouveia, a researcher at the CHSC, distinguished with the CIJVS/2023 Award
Jaime Gouveia, a researcher at the CHSC, was awarded the Engenheiro António de Almeida Foundation Prize, granted by the Research Centre Prof. Dr. Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão, for his article “A assistência médico-hospitalar nos domínios portugueses da África do centro oeste”, to be published next year.
The award will be delivered on May 27, 2023, in the Noble Hall of Santarém City Hall, during the Assembly of Researchers No. 183, commemorating the XI anniversary of CIJVS. - Joaquim de Carvalho Prize: Ana Cristina Araújo10 March 2025
The book Patriotic Resistance and Liberal Revolution 1808-1820, by Ana Cristina Araújo, a researcher at the CHSC, is the winner of the 14th edition of the Joaquim de Carvalho Prize, awarded by the University of Coimbra Press.
The book focuses on the history of politics and ideas and explores the discourses of a time marked by the outbreak and memory of the French Revolution. The author adopts a transnational perspective and shows that the revolutionary temporality, revived by the Napoleonic campaigns in the Iberian Peninsula, was given polysemic and conflicting manifestations. It also explores the converging factors of the peninsular political process and, in the conflictual enunciation of the political field, confirms the permanence of beliefs and symbols deeply rooted in Portuguese society. These aspects context of the early 19th century in Portugal. The book invites us to revisit and critically review key issues and comes as part of the evocation of the Bicentenary of the 1820 Revolution and Constitutionalism.
The award ceremony will take place on December 18, 2023, at 12 noon, in the Senate Room of the University of Coimbra.
- Journée d’Études La vie communautaire et le service à la communauté. L’exemple canonial et ses répercussions dans le monde laïc. (Europe Occidentale, du XIe au XVe siècle)
Date: 25th March 2017
Venue: Université Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne
- Lançamento – A Universidade Pombalina. Ciência, Território e Coleções Científicas2017 - 2025
- Livro Filipe Folque de Mendóça10 March 2025
A new book by Filipe Folque de Mendóça, a researcher at the CHSC, entitled The Sovereign Military Order of Malta and its Humanitarian Action (History and Current Events), reproduces the final work of the Postgraduate Course in Armed Conflict and Human Rights presented to the Military University Institute and the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra.
The book will be presented on October 25, 2023, at the Grémio Literário Library, in Lisbon, at 18h00. - Luís Miguel Rêpas, CHSC researcher, awarded the A. Almeida Fernandes Award 2021
- Luso-Brazilian Meeting Portugal and Brazil: Historiographical Dialogues
Scientific Coordination of the Center for the History of Society and Culture and the 3rd Cycle in Advanced Studies in History at FLUC.
Date: May 4, 2015
Venue: Anf. IV | FLUC
- Medieval Portugal. Homage to Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho
Medieval Portugal. Homage to Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho, organized by the CHSC.
Date: October 27 and 28, 2016
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- Mercenaries and Crusaders (1202-1480’s) – An Interdisciplinary Conference22 June 2022 - 24 June 2022
Mercenaries and the Crusades are two very relevant topics in the medieval period. This conference aims to explore the intersections between the two, in a very broad geography that stretches from the Iberian Peninsula to the Black Sea, passing through northern Europe, and in a chronology that lies between 1202 and the end of the 1480’s. The Centre for the History of Society and Culture is one of the organizers of the initiative, in association with the Hungary in Medieval Europe Research Group (University of Debrecen) and the Laboratoire d’Histoire et Cultures de l’Antiquité et du Moyen Âge (Université de Lorraine).
Venue: University of Debrecen, Hungary | June 22-24, 2022
Organizing Committee: Attila Bárány | Guy Vottéro | João Nisa | José Pedro Paiva | Tamás Ölbei
More information: https://mercenariesandcrusaders.com
SEE MORE - Miles et Bellum Colloquium
Miles et Bellum Colloquium: Homage to João Gouveia Monteiro
Date: November 28th and 29th, 2024
Venue: Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra – Teatro Paulo Quintela
Organizing Committee:
João Nisa (Centro de História da Sociedade e da Cultura da Universidade de Coimbra)
Miguel Gomes Martins (Instituto de Estudos Medievais da Universidade Nova de Lisboa e Gabinete de Estudos Olisiponenses) - Mostra de Cinema Português de tema Medieval
Mostra de Cinema Português de tema Medieval is a partnership between the Center for History of Society and Culture (UC), the Institute of Medieval Studies (FCSH/NOVA Lisbon), the Cinemateca Portuguesa and Caminhos do Cinema Português, with cultural and pedagogical objectives, which aims to offer the academic community and the general public a film program that evokes different aspects of the imagery, culture and medieval society.
Date: 26 and 18 May 2023
Venue: Casa do Cinema de Coimbra
Free admission
- New book António Resende de Oliveira e João Gouveia Monteiro10 March 2025
Portugal Medieval: do Condado ao Império (1096-1495) is the title of the book by António Resende de Oliveira and João Gouveia Monteiro, both researchers at the CHSC.
“This book is a didactic overview of Portuguese medieval history, from the early days of the founding of the County of Portucalense to the beginning of the Renaissance and the great adventure of the Discoveries with the construction of an overseas empire.
Since it covers such a broad chronology (1096-1495), it was considered preferable to focus the narrative mainly on political events that will make it easier for readers to understand the most important moments in the formation of the kingdom of Portugal and its territory, in the construction of the state, and in its development and expansion. However, the most important aspects of the economic and social context have not been forgotten, and special attention has been paid to culture. In all the chapters, Portuguese medieval history is placed in the Iberian context.
To support the account, serve as a basis for future research and respect the didactic spirit of the work, an extensive bibliography is also included, as well as an extensive chronology, a table of the Kings of Portugal, a glossary and a wide range of illustrations and explanatory maps.”
- New book Carlos Alves
Nature, Enlightenment, and University Reforms in the Iberian Peninsula: a comparative analysis of the Universities of Salamanca and Coimbra (1766-1820) is the title of the new book by Carlos Alves, a researcher at the CHSC.
- New book coordinated by Roger Lee de Jesus
New book coordinated by Paulo M. Dias and Roger Lee de Jesus, Atualizar a história: uma nova visão sobre o passado de Portugal, 2022.
– 12 May | 18:30 pm | FNAC Colombo (Lisboa)
Presentation: Paulo Jorge de Sousa Pinto
– 17 May | 18:30 pm | FNAC Coimbra, Fórum Coimbra
Presentation: Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo
– 20 May | 18:30 pm | FNAC Santa Catarina (Porto)
Presentation: Joel Cleto
– 21 May | 18:30 pm | Livraria Centésima Página (Braga)
Presentation: Isabel dos Guimarães Sá
- New book Jaime Gouveia10 March 2025
História da Federação dos Bombeiros do Distrito do Porto (1975-2023) is the title of the new book by Jaime Ricardo Gouveia, a researcher at CHSC. The book will be presented on November 18, 2023, at 10 a.m., at the headquarters of the Federation of Firefighters of the District of Porto.
This book is the first history of a Fire Brigades Federation. Using sources of various kinds, scattered throughout several archives, it reconstructs the main stages of the constitution and organization of this institution, from its beginnings to the present day, examining the time when Federations were set up, the period when they became official and functioned as a body of the Portuguese Fire Brigades League, and the time when they existed as an administratively and financially autonomous institution. Their structures and organizations are also studied; their statutory paths; the composition of the federative structure; the duties and powers of the governing bodies, managing bodies, advisors and delegates. The administration and financial management sector is also explored, as well as the Institution’s various initiatives and partnerships, namely communication and information actions, collaborative, training, competitive, representation and distinction and tribute actions.
- New book João Gouveia Monteiro10 March 2025
History of Religions: from the origin of the gods to the religions of the future is the title of the new book coordinated by João Gouveia Monteiro, a researcher at CHSC.
Contributors to this book: Fernando Florêncio | Maria Leonor Cruz Pontes | Luís Manuel de Araújo | Angélica Varandas | Laura Martins | Paula Barata Dias | Francisco Diez de Velasco
This book is a journey. And “to travel is to be alive”Where will we travel? Through a geography that stretches from Scandinavia to Africa and from Brazil to China, with its epicenter in the Fertile Crescent region. The chronology begins in the third millennium B.C. It’s amazing how much influence these religious traditions have had on our culture. Think of the ideas of the Last Judgement, resurrection and Paradise.
Or the revivals to which some of them have given rise, as in the case of the Celtic and Scandinavian worldviews, with their celebration of Nature, visible in Tolkien’s work. Who doesn’t know The Lord of the Rings?
In the first part, six ancient polytheisms are presented: ethnic religions (with examples from Mozambique and Brazil); the religions of Mesopotamia (especially Sumer); the fabulous religion of Ancient Egypt; the cases of the Celts and the Nordics; and the religions of Ancient Greece and Rome, the seeds of the idea of Europe. There is also a chapter on Zoroastrianism – the dual monotheism that was the official religion of Persia for twelve centuries.
In the second part, an experienced hand gives us a preview of the religious models of the future: the theocratic; the official national religion; the radical secular; and the multi-religious. The third part is dedicated to Taoism, the spiritual jewel of Ancient China. Laozi’s Tao Te Ching is, after the Bible, one of the most translated books in the world. Its continuator, Zhuangzi, has also amazed many Western thinkers, from Heraclitus to Heidegger.
It’s worth the experience of reading it. As Tolkien wrote, “not all who wander are lost”. We have therefore produced a rigorous and very didactic work. Come on board with us, because – as Eduardo Lourenço used to say – “the journey is more important than the destination”!
- Open lecture by Afonso Manuel Soares de Sousa
Open lecture by Afonso Manuel Soares de Sousa on Bons & Recebondos: Sources, prosopography and new perspectives on medieval equines.
Date: March 13, 2024 | 11 am – 1 pm
Venue: Institute of German Studies | FLUC
- Open lecture by António Resende de Oliveira
Open lecture by António Resende de Oliveira entitled O Reino de Leão na Alta Idade Média: um balanço cultural, in the scope of the course unit História da Península Ibérica (séculos V a XI).
Date: 13 December 2022 | 2 pm
Venue: Anf. VI | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- Open lecture by Catarina Fernandes Barreira
Open lecture by Catarina Fernandes Barreira (IEM-NOVA-FCSH) on Written culture in Cistercian monasteries, as part of the Medieval History undergraduate seminar and the Medieval History master’s seminar – From Latin Culture to Portuguese Culture, organized by Saul António Gomes and Luís Rêpas.
Date: 6 March 2024 | 11 am – 1 pm
Venue: Instituto Estudos Alemães | FLUC (6th floor)
- Open lecture by Fernando Tavares Pimenta: Temas, limites e perspectivas da historiografia colonial portuguesa. O Império luso-africano (séculos XIX e XX)
- Open lecture by Leontina Ventura: A crise de 1245-1248 e as alterações na estrutura da corte de D. Afonso III
- Open lecture by Luís Rêpas: A cultura laica e a produção escrita em linguagem: lírica trovadoresca e Livros de Linhagens
- Open lecture by Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho
Open lecture by Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho, who will talk about A fundação da nova dinastia de Avis no reino de Portugal: contextos peninsulares e dinâmicas internas.
Date: 14 November 2022 | 11 am to 1 pm
Venue: Anf. V | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the Univerity of Coimbra
- Open lecture by Maria José Azevedo Santos16 November 2022
Open lecture by Maria José Azevedo Santos, who will talk about A mesa dos reis e dos nobres na Idade Média.
Date: 16 November 2022 | 4 pm
Venue: Anf. VI | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the Univerity of Coimbra
- Open lecture by Maria José Azevedo Santos
Open lecture by Maria José Azevedo Santos, entitled A mesa monástica e os sinais (signa loquendi) da comida.
Date: 14 December 2022 | 4 pm
Venue: Anf. VI | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- Open lecture by Pedro Cardim: The Portuguese and Spanish colonizations in the political debate of the 16th and 17th centuries
Open lecture by Pedro Cardim (CHAM/FCSH-NOVA) on The Portuguese and Spanish colonizations in the political debate of the XVI and XVII centuries, in the scope of the course unit History of Empire, Colonialism and Post-Colonialism.
Date: 13 March 2023 | 4 pm
Venue: Anf. I (Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra)
- Open lecture by Rui Miguel Rocha
Open lecture by Rui Miguel Rocha (CH-U. Lisboa) on “NON MINUS QUAM URBS” The Portuguese University between the Middle Ages and Modernity (1495-1521), as part of the History of the University in Portugal course, organized by Isabel Ferreira da Mota and Carlos Alves, both researchers at the CHSC.
Date: 1 March 2024 | 2 pm
Venue: Anf. II | FLUC
- Open lecture by Tiago Viúla de Faria: Os animais na sociedade medieval no Ocidente: coexistências e aceções
Open lecture by Tiago Viúla de Faria on Os animais na sociedade medieval no Ocidente: coexistências e aceções, as part of the Medieval and Modern European Culture Curricular Unit.
Date: 17 March 2022 | 11 am
Venue: Room 2 | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- Open lecture Marcella Lopes Guimarães
Open lecture by Marcella Lopes Guimarães, from the Federal University of Paraná (Brazil), on As vidas dos troubadours e das trobairitz: tradução e desdobramentos.
Date: February 5, 2024 | 2pm
Venue: Room 5 | FLUC (3rd floor)
- Open lecture: Alícia Duhá Lose,
Open lecture by Alícia Duhá Lose, from the Federal University of Bahia, on the topic: Ampliando os horizontes da abordagem paleográfica.
Date: 13 October 2023 | 9 am
Venue: Anf. VI | FLUC
- Paths Fidei: training course for tourism agents
This training course, intended for tour guides, tourist companies and other professionals working in the sector, aims to provide instruments for identification, analysis and interpretation in the area of iconography, as an essential tool for understanding, decoding and communicating devotional routes and pilgrimage paths.
For more information: https://www.bensculturais.com/snbci-noticias/865-paths-fidei
Module I: Marian and Santiago Iconography
Coimbra | 21 e 22 February 2022: Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro
Porto | 21 e 22 March 2022: Biblioteca do SEminário Maior do Porto
- Paths of Historiography: History and Social Sciences from the 1940s to the Present Day
Organized by Research Centers from all over the country, with the collaboration of the Comemorative Commission 50 Years of the 25th of April, the cycle will take place between October 2023 and April 2024. Seven seminars are planned, with monthly attendance and free access. The selected papers will later be collected in a book.
This initiative aims to develop and deepen knowledge about the guidelines and practices adopted by History and by other Social Sciences and Humanities in Portugal since the 1940s, namely by mobilizing young researchers.More informations: https://www.50anos25abril.pt/noticias/call-for-papers-caminhos-da-historiografia
Seminar 1: History in the public space. The world of publishing and mass media; museums and exhibitions
Coordinators: Luís Trindade (NOVA FCSH / IN2PAST); Maria João Vaz (CIES-ISCTE)
Venue: National Library (Lisbon)
Date: October 18, 2023 | 9h30 am – 6h45 pm
Seminar 2: Teaching and history policies in universities, academies and private institutionsCoordinators: Nuno Estêvão (FCH-UCP); J.P. Avelãs Nunes (CEIS20-FLUC).
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
Date: December 12, 2023 | 10h00 am – 5h35 pm
Seminar 3: Historiographies and historians. Theoretical and practical orientations
Coordinators: Nuno Gonçalo Monteiro (ICS-ULisboa) and Luís Filipe Barreto (CH-ULisboa)
Venue: Institute of Social Sciences | Maria de Sousa Room
Date: December 5, 2023 | 10 am
Seminar 4: Expatriate and foreign historians
Coordinators: Cristina Clímaco (IHTP/CNRS) and Fernando Martins (CIDEHUS-University of Évora)
Venue: University of Évora | Room 124 – Colégio do Espírito Santo
Date: January 5, 2024
Seminar 5: Instrumentalization of the past: commemorations and other ritualizations. Historiography and nationalisms
Coordinators: Pedro Martins (IHC/NOVA-FCSH) and Susana Serpa Pinto (CHAM/NOVA-FCSH)
Venue: University of Azores | Anf. VIII
Date: February 20, 2024
Seminar 6: What’s left of interdisciplinarity? Historiography, social sciences and humanities
Coordinators: Paulo Fontes (UCP-CEHR) | Irene Vaquinhas (CHSC – FLUC)
Venue: Portuguese Catholic University | Room 136
Date: March 12, 2024
Seminar 7: The Revolution of 25 April 1974: historiography and politics of memory
Coordinators: João Arriscado Nunes (CES-UC) | José Manuel Lopes Cordeiro (CICS-UM)
Venue: National Library of Portugal
Date: 16 April 2024
- PhD Examination of Ana Margarida Dias da Silva, researcher of CHSC
Candidate: Ana Margarida Dias da Silva
Title: O sistema de informação Jardim Botânico da Universidade de Coimbra: perspetiva sistémica e visão holística da informação
Supervisors: Maria José Azevedo Santos (FLUC-CHSC); Maria Beatriz Marques (FLUC-CIC.Digital Porto/CITCEM); António do Carmo Gouveia (CFE-UC)
Date: 21 April 2022 | 3 pm
Venue: Sala José Anastácio da Cunha | Edifício da Matemática (UC)
Link: https://www.youtube.com/c/ServicosAcademicosUC/featured
- PhD Examination of Carlos Alves, researcher of CHSC
Candidate: Carlos Fernando Teixeira Alves
Title: A Ordem Natural nas reformas universitárias de Salamanca e Coimbra (1769-1820)
Supervisors: José Luís Cardoso (ICS-ULisboa) e Ana Cristina Araújo (FLUC-UC)
Date: 19 October 2021
Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/82306746517?pwd=dW9WMDIweWI5QVJqSHFQNzgwUkcvUT09
- PhD Examination of Carlos Alves, researcher of CHSC19 October 2021
- PhD examinations of José Luís Barbosa, CHSC researcher
Candidate: José Luís Barbosa
Title: O modelo de financiamento da Universidade de Coimbra (1772-1835)
Supervisor: Margarida Sobral Neto
Date: May 13, 2024
- Presentation of issue 13 (2013) of the Journal of the Centre for the History of Society and Culture
Presentation of issue 13 (2013) of the Journal of the Centre for the History of Society and Culture
Issue coordinated by Leontina Ventura. Presentation by Maria de Fátima Nunes, from the University of Évora.Date: 6 March 2014
Venue: Sala S. Pedro of the General Library of the University of Coimbra
- Presentation of Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura No. 15 (2015)
Date: 23 February 2016
Venue: Sala Gama Barros | FLUC
- Presentation of the book “Redes científicas na Universidade de Coimbra no Iluminismo”
Presentation of the book Redes científicas na Universidade de Coimbra no Iluminismo, co-coordinated by Ana Cristina Araújo, researcher at CHSC.
Date: 23 March 2023 | 6 pm
Venue: São Pedro Room | Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra
- Presentation of the book Antiquarianism and History. For the history of historiography (17th-21st centuries)
Presentation of the book Antiquarianism and History. For the history of historiography (17th-21st centuries), by António de Oliveira. Presentation by Sérgio Campos Matos.
Date: 20th May 2014
Venue: Sala Gama Barros | FLUC
- Presentation of the book Capítulos da História de Portugal
Presentation of the book Capítulos da História de Portugal by António de Oliveira.
Date: 1st December 2015
Venue: Sala de S. Pedro | General Library of the University of Coimbra
- Presentation of the book Costumes e foros de Castelo Bom
Presentation of the book Costumes e foros de Castelo Bom, by João Marinho dos Santos, CHSC researcher.
Date: October 14, 2018
Venue: Sede da Junta de Freguesia de Castelo Bom
- Presentation of the book Emigração feminina do concelho da Figueira da Foz com destino a França (1960-1975)
Presentation of the book Emigração feminina do concelho da Figueira da Foz com destino a França (1960-1975), by Melania Calligari Rodrigues.
Date: October 4, 2017
Venue: Casino da Figueira | Figueira da Foz
- Presentation of the book Etnografia do Planalto Beirão
Presentation of the book Etnografia do Planalto Beirão, by José Manuel Azevedo e Silva, CHSC researcher.
Date: June 13, 2015
Venue: Noble Hall of Mangualde Town Hall
- Presentation of the book Foral de Antuã: edição diplomática e contexto histórico published by Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho and Saul António Gomes14 November 2021
- Presentation of the book Foral manuelino de Olivença 1510
Presentation of the book by the authors, Saul António Gomes, Mário Rui Simões Rodrigues and José António González Carrillo, and by Francisco García Fitz, from the University of Extremadura.
Date: 1 July 2022 | 6 pm
Venue: D. Pedro Room | General Library of University of Coimbra
- Presentation of the book História Concisa das Grandes Religiões, directed by João Gouveia Monteiro05 November 2021
- Presentation of the book O Castelo e o Paço da Alcáçova de Lisboa, by Saul António Gomes, researcher at the CHSC.29 January 2022
Presentation of the book O Castelo e o Paço da Alcáçova de Lisboa, by Saul António Gomes, researcher at the CHSC.
Date: 29 January 2022 | 3:30 pm
Venue: Ogival Room | Castelo de São Jorge (Lisbon)
- Presentation of the book Pecados e virtudes: o espelho de Álvaro Pais para os monarcas ibéricos (século XIV) by Armênia Maria de Souza, researcher of CHSC
- Presentation of the book San Giuseppe da Copertino: dall’estrema Puglia al Portogallo (secc. XVII-XIX)
Presentation of the book San Giuseppe da Copertino: dall’estrema Puglia al Portogallo (secc. XVII-XIX), by Paola Nestola.
Date: 29 November 2016
Venue: Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa Library
- Presentation of the book The Lisbon Inquisition (1537-1579), by Daniel Norte Giebels
Presentation of the book The Lisbon Inquisition (1537-1579), by Daniel Norte Giebels, CHSC researcher.
Date: February 14, 2019
Venue: Livraria Férin | Lisbon
- Presentation of the book: Penela. Um percurso pelo tempo
Date: February 27, 2016
Venue: Centro de Estudos de História Local e Regional Salvador Dias Arnaut | Penela
- Presentation of the book: The Council of Trent in Portugal and its conquests. New Perspectives
Presentation of the book The Council of Trent in Portugal and its conquests. New Perspectives, coordinated by António Camões Gouveia, David Sampaio Barbosa and José Pedro Paiva.
Date: 18th March 2014
Venue: Centre for the Study of Religious History | Lisbon
- Presentation of the book: The Portuguese in the Gulf 1507-1650: An interlinked history
Presentation of the book The Portuguese in the Gulf 1507-1650: An interlinked history, by coordinators José Pedro Paiva and Roger Lee de JesusVenue: Sala de S. Pedro | Biblioteca Geral da Universidade de Coimbra
Date: 19 March 2024 | 18h00
Free entry, but registration is required: here
- Presentation of the Journal of the History of Society and Culture No. 16 (2016)
Date: 23rd January 2017
Venue: Museu Nacional de Machado de Castro | Coimbra
- Presentation of the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura No. 18 (2018)
Date: December 10, 2018
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
- Presentation of the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura No. 19 (2019)
Date: December 3, 2019
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
- Presentation Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura No. 17 (2017)
Date: December 13, 2017
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
- Promotion of Scientific Culture Award
Pedro Barbosa da Silva, a researcher at the CHSC, is the coordinator of one of the winning projects in the 4th edition of the support for the Promotion of Scientific Culture, organized by the UC through the Institute for Interdisciplinary Research.
The project is entitled Connect2Age: uniting generations! and involves the following R&D Units: CHSC, CNC, LAQV-REQUIMTE, CINEICC, ISR.
- Public presentation of the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura (nº 14 de 2014)
Public presentation of issue 14 2014 of the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura by Inês Amorim from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Porto.
Date: 28 October 2015
Venue: António Augusto Gonçalves Room | Machado de Castro National Museum - Publication of two books by José Manuel Azevedo e Silva
Presentation of the books by José Manuel Azevedo e Silva, A Judiaria do Canto, Tibaldinho, Mangualde: um caso único, em Portugal e no mundo, by Marco Almeida, Mayor of Mangualde, and Portugal segundo a Beira Alta: Viseu e Guarda, by José Eduardo Franco, from Universidade Aberta.
Date: 16 July 2022 | 3pm
Venue: Salão Nobre da Câmara Municipal de Mangualde
- Raras e Discretas – As Primeiras Mulheres na Universidade de Coimbra
Date: 26 April 2017
Venue: Sala D. João III | Archive of the University of Coimbra
- Research in Medieval Studies (RiMS) 2020
Research in Medieval Studies (RiMS) 2020: Production and Commerce in Europe, 1100-1550
RiMS (Research in Medieval Studies) is a series of annual meetings with the aim of bringing together researchers from different academic and geographical backgrounds to open up and/or continue and guide the historiographical debate on central issues in medieval studies, while at the same time helping to develop cutting-edge, innovative and comparative research.
Organization: Flávio Miranda (CITCEM, U. Porto) | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos (CHSC, U. Coimbra) | Tiago Viúla de Faria (IEM, U. Nova-Lisboa)
Date: November 26 and 27, 2020
Venue: University of Porto
More information: https://rimsmeetings.wordpress.com
- Research in Medieval Studies (RiMS) 2021
This International Conference aims to promote reflection and debate on the communities that organised themselves in the medieval urban parish, in a chronology established between the beginning of the “Gregorian Reformation” (11th century) and the beginning of the Council of Trent (1545).
Date: 2-3 December 2021
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of University of Coimbra | Amphitheatre III
Organising Committee: Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Tiago Viúla de Faria | Flávio Miranda
For further information: https://rimsmeetings.wordpress.com
- Research in Medieval Studies (RiMS) 202203 November 2022 - 04 November 2022
Research in Medieval Studies (RiMS) 2022: State-Making and Diplomacy in Europe, 1050-1550
Organisation: IEM | CHSC | CITCEM | Lab2PT
Date: 3-4 November 2022
Venue: NOVA-FCSH Lisboa | Colégio Almada Negreiros | Room 315
More information: https://rimsmeetings.wordpress.com/
- Research in Medieval Studies (RiMS) 2023
Research in Medieval Studies (RiMS) 2023: Domestic interiors and household consumption in Europe, 1000-1500
RiMS (Research in Medieval Studies) is a series of annual meetings with the aim of bringing together researchers from different academic and geographical backgrounds to open up and/or continue and guide the historiographical debate on central issues in medieval studies, while at the same time helping to develop cutting-edge, innovative and comparative research. The 4th RiMS meeting, to be held in Braga at the University of Minho, will focus on the theme of domestic spaces and consumption in Europe between the 11th and 15th centuries, a period in which domestic objects multiplied and increasingly served as indicators of economic and social power.
Organization: Joana Sequeira (Lab2PT, U. Minho) | Flávio Miranda (CITCEM, U. Porto) | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos (CHSC, U. Coimbra) | Tiago Viúla de Faria (IEM, U. Nova-Lisbon)
Date: 9 – 10 November 2023
Venue: University of Minho, Braga, Campus de Gualtar, Instituto de Ciências Sociais (Ed. 15), Sala de Atos
More information: https://rimsmeetings.wordpress.com
- Resistances in the feminine: voices and itineraries of liberation
Conference cycle Resistances in the feminine: voices and itineraries of liberation, co-organized by CHSC.
Date: 30 November 2022 | 4 pm (Lisbon time)
Link: https://videoconf-colibri.zoom.us/j/91301897983
More information: https://resistencianofeminino.fcsh.unl.pt/
- Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura maintains Q3 on SCIMAGO
The Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura remained at the Q3 level in SCIMAGO’s prestigious ranking during the year 2022. In that year, it was the second best ranked Portuguese journal in the area of History.
More information about RHSC: https://impactum-journals.uc.pt/rhsc
- Roger Lee de Jesus, CHSC researcher, was awarded the National Defence Prize 202011 November 2021
- Rural RePort
Co-organized by the CHSC, the IV International Congress; XI Rural RePort Meeting; XVIII Congress of Agrarian History on “Food sovereignty: Dynamics of production and supply in the long term”
Date: September 6-8, 2023
Venue: Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra
- Saul António Gomes, a researcher at the CHSC, distinguished with the CIJVS/2024
Saul António Gomes, a researcher at the CHSC, has been awarded the Engenheiro António de Almeida Foundation Prize, awarded by the Prof. Doutor Joaquim Veríssimo Serrão Research Center for his article “O Diagrama de Coimbra. Interpretar a Bíblia Atlântica da BGUC (Ms. 3089, fl. 189)”, to be published next year.
The prize will be awarded on June 6, 2024, at the CCIV Researchers’ Assembly, commemorating the Research Center’s 12th anniversary, starting at 18:00. - Seminar History & Heritage
Seminar History & Heritage, co-organized by the CHSC and the Salvador Dias Arnaut Centre for Local and Regional History Studies, in Penela.
Dates: April 28, May 26 and June 30, 2018
Venue: Salvador Dias Arnaut Center for Local and Regional History Studies | Penela
- Seminar History(s) of the Present. The Formation of the Contemporary World
The fourth session of the seminar History(s) of the Present. The Formation of the Contemporary World, coordinated by Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (researcher at CHSC/UC) and by José Pedro Monteiro (University of Minho), with the presence of Professor Marie-Luce-Desgrandschamp (Université de Genève et Université de Fribourg) and Ana Guardião (University of Florence).
The seminar will be broadcast live on the CECS YouTube channel (link here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNZUNUW5JS1kpkwAuZwp4qg). Participants will be able to ask questions in writing in the YouTube channel chat.
- Seminar of University Alliance of the New Silk Road
Seminar of University Alliance of the New Silk Road: Chinese and Portuguese Historical Relations. In the context of the Silk Road.
Date: 26 to 30 May 2016
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- Seminar on Finance, Institutions, Credit and Currency in Portugal and the Empire (16th-18th centuries)
Date: 30 September 2016
Venue: Sala TP2 | FLUC
- Seminar reformART. Art and Image in the Modern Age: Research Challenges (2023/2024)
The aim of the reformART Seminar is to discuss the importance of visual and material culture in the construction, transfer and reception, on a global scale, of concepts, discourses and ideas stimulated by the religious reforms of the Modern Age. It aims to contribute to understanding, in different eras, geographies and contexts, the way in which art and the image conformed to the new spirituality and the dynamics of evangelization in modernity.
Encouraging interdisciplinary approaches, in areas such as History, Art History, Music or Literature, it favors the application of exegesis and visual hermeneutics as starting points for the analysis of spaces and equipment, plastic forms and models of representation, in their multiple forms and declinations.
With two sessions each academic year, the reformART Seminar is aimed at presenting and critically debating the results of up-to-date and innovative research.
Sandra Costa Saldanha (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)
Mariana Gaspar (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)–
Scientific Committee:
António Camões Gouveia (Univ. NOVA, CHAM)
Jaime Ricardo Gouveia (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)
José Pedro Paiva (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)
Luísa Trindade (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)–
1st session: Impacts of Pastoral Visits on the Heritage of the University of Coimbra:
– “Documentação produzida durante as visitas pastorais, arquivos e metodologias exploratórias” | José Pedro Paiva (CHSC-UC)
– “Impactos das Visitações na reforma artística da capela da Universidade de Coimbra: o caso da imagem de Nossa Senhora da Luz” | Mariana Gaspar (CHSC-UC)
– “Decência, zelo e decoro: efeitos da vigilância espiritual na produção de mobiliário” | Teresa Ferreira (CHSC-UC)
– “Adequação e instrumentalização: consequências das visitas pastorais sobre a produção de ourivesaria litúrgica” | Amanda Pimenta (CHSC-UC)
Venue: Capela de São Miguel | University of Coimbra
Date: December 7, 2023 | 15h00-17h30
Registration: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScRD2RKxSDYVhxmnCMFel6_uF5JCcMG_sBVUUgBeRAaZ-DM5A/viewform
- Seminar The Notaries, professionals of the pen, and their “houses” (12th-20th centuries)
Date: April 18th, 2018Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
- Seminar The signature as a self-portrait (15th-21st centuries)
- Seminário – A Assinatura como Auto-Retrato (séculos XV-XXI)2017 - 2025
- Seminário Aberto – Um mapa das pesquisas sobre a medievalidade nas universidades brasileiras2014 - 2025
- Studies Cycle House of Faith, dwelling place of reason: Théos and Laos at the University of Coimbra
Studies Cycle House of Faith, dwelling place of reason: Théos and Laos at the University of Coimbra, as part of the 20th Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra.
Date: April 18, 2018
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
- Study Cycle: Portugal – Cape Verde: making history together/Um djunta mon na fazi História
Venue: Anf. IV | FLUC
Date: 26 March 2015
- Study Cycle: The Identity of Religious Power: colors, symbols, emotions
Study Cycle: The Identity of Religious Power: colors, symbols, emotions, held as part of the 19th Cultural Week of the University of Coimbra.
Date: March 22, 2017
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
- The Worlds of History. New perspectives and debates (2021/2022)
The CHSC’s Annual Research Seminar – The worlds of History. New perspectives and debates – is held four times a year. The Seminar holds talks with guest historians of exceptional international standing, encourages thinking on new approaches to History in different eras and time periods, and challenges younger generations with innovative research fields, unveiling new horizons and stimulating critical discussion.
Organising Committee: José Pedro Paiva | Maria Antónia Lopes | Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos
1st session: Serena Ferente (University of Amsterdam): At the edge: Europe in the fifteenth century
Date: 29 October 2021 | 2.30 pm
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
2nd session: Charlotte de Castelnau-L’Estoile (Université de Paris): Micro-história numa escala global: a escrava Páscoa no Atlântico português do século XVII
Date: 12 November 2021 | 2.30 pm
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
3rd session: Sebastian Conrad (Freie Universität-Berlin): European history after the global turn
Date: 11 March 2022 | 2.30 pm
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
4th session: Andrew Thompson (Oxford University): Development’s Domain: Newly-Expanding Empire
Date: 27 May 2022 | 2.30 pm
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
- The Worlds of History. New perspectives and debates (2022/2023)
The CHSC’s Annual Research Seminar – The worlds of History. New perspectives and debates – is held four times a year. The Seminar holds talks with guest historians of exceptional international standing, encourages thinking on new approaches to History in different eras and time periods, and challenges younger generations with innovative research fields, unveiling new horizons and stimulating critical discussion.
Organising Committee: José Pedro Paiva | Maria Antónia Lopes | Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos
1st session: Cécile Fromont (Yale University, USA): Penned by Encounter: Central Africans, Capuchin Friars, and their images in Early Modern Kongo and Angola
Date: 21 October 2022 | 2:30pm
Venue: Anf. VI | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
2nd session: Markus Friedrich (University of Hamburg): Archives, Families, Genealogy. Towards a history of pre-modern family knowledge
Date: 18 November 2022 | 2:30pm
Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
3rd session: Laura Lee Downs (European University Institute, Florence): “Enemy peoples now joined in brotherhood”: Gender, social action and nationalist politics in the Upper Adriatic borderland, 1919-1950
Date: 10 March 2023 | 2:30pm
Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
4th session: Patrick Boucheron (Collège de France, Paris): Histoire nationale, histoire globale: faut-il choisir?
Date: 21 April 2023 | 2:30pm
Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- The Worlds of History. New perspectives and debates (2023/2024)
The CHSC’s Annual Research Seminar – The worlds of History. New perspectives and debates – is held four times a year. The Seminar holds talks with guest historians of exceptional international standing, encourages thinking on new approaches to History in different eras and time periods, and challenges younger generations with innovative research fields, unveiling new horizons and stimulating critical discussion.
Organising Committee: José Pedro Paiva | Maria Antónia Lopes | Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos
1st session: Peter Fibiger Bang (SAXO Institute – Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek & Latin, History, Copenhagen): Beyond the Wilsonian Moment – Empire and the Rethinking of World History
Date: 27 October 2023 | 2:30 pm
Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
2nd session: Sabrina Corbellini (University of Groningen): Geographies of Religious Reading in Fifteenth-Century Europe: Books, Readers and Space
Date: 24 November 2023 | 2:30 pm
Venue: D. João III Room | Archive of the University of Coimbra
3rd session: Miki Sugiura (University of Hosei, Tokyo): The Categories at Work in Global History of Clothing
Date: 23 February 2024 | 2:30 pm
Venue: Anf. III | FLUC
4th session: James Poskett (University of Warwick): The Scientific Revolution as Global History, 1200-1800
Date: 15 March 2024 | 2:30 pm
Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- The Worlds of History. New Perspectives and Debates (2024/2025)
The CHSC’s Annual Research Seminar – The worlds of History. New perspectives and debates – is held four times a year. The Seminar holds talks with guest historians of exceptional international standing, encourages thinking on new approaches to History in different eras and time periods, and challenges younger generations with innovative research fields, unveiling new horizons and stimulating critical discussion.
Organising Committee: José Pedro Paiva | Maria Antónia Lopes | Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos
1st session: Fernando Catroga (CHSC-UC): O ocaso do eurocentrismo
Date: September 20th, 2024 | 2:30 pm
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
2st session: Jorge Flores (Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology, Lisbon): Navios de papel: a Ásia marítima como arquivo (1500-1800)
Date: December 6th, 2024 | 2:30 pm
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
3st session: Erin Kathleen Rowe (Universidade de Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, EUA): The Collision of Slaving Systems in Early Modern Spain’s Atlantic Mediterranean
Date: March 14th, 2025 | 2:30 pm
Venue: Anf. III da FLUC
- Universities: Networks and Identities (2020)
This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.
Organising committee: Armando Norte | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Jaime Gouveia
1st session: José Luis Egío Garcia (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History): Traducción de conocimiento normativo entre Europa y México a mediadas del siglo XVI
2nd session: Susana Guijarro Gonzalez (Universidad de Cantabria): Monarquía y universidades en los reinos hispanos (siglos XIII-XV): intervencionismo en su gobierno y financiación
3rd session: Francisco Javier Rubio Muñoz (Universidad de Salamanca, IEMYRhd): Las élites académicas en la Edad Moderna: un análisis del gremio docente de la Universidad de Salamanca
4th session: Manuela Bragagnolo (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History): La literatura normativa pragmática y la producción de saber normativo en la temprana Edad Moderna. El “Manual de Confessores” de Martín de Azpilcueta y el fenómeno de la “epitomización”
- Universities: Networks and Identities (2021)
This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.
Organising committee: Isabel Ferreira Mota | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Carlos Alves | José Luís Barbosa
1st session: Antoine Destemberg (CREHS – Université d’Artois): Les maîtres parisiens et la fabrique des identités sociales à la fin du Moyen Âge: des ‘intellectuels organiques’?
Date: 17 June 2021
2nd session: Blythe Alice Raviola (Università degli studi di Milano): Gli itinerati del sapere. Università e cultura nell’opera di Giovanni Botero
Date: 15 July 2021
3rd session: Esther Mijers (University of Edinburgh): Educating the Protestant International
Date: 19 November 2021
4th session: Manuel Martínez Neira (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): Doctorado y ciencia jurídica en la universidad española liberal: 1845-1931
Date: 10 December 2021
- Universities: Networks and Identities (2022)
This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.
Organising committee: Isabel Ferreira Mota | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Carlos Alves | José Luís Barbosa
1st session: conference byCynthia Klestinec (Miami University, OH)
Title: Reforms and the Study of Medicine: the case of University of Padua, before 1600
Date: 8 April 2022, 3:30pm (Lisbon time)
Moderation: Armando Norte (CH-ULisboa)
Scientific comment: Alessandra Celati (U. Verona)
2nd session: conference by Ana Cristina Araújo (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Title: Planos e redes internacionais da Reforma Pombalina da Universidade
Date: 2 May 2022, 2:30pm (Lisbon time)
Moderation: Dina Alves (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Scientific comment: Fernando Taveira da Fonseca (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
3rd session: conference by Tom Holert (Harun Farocki Institut, Berlin)
Title: Architectures of Human Capital. On the Theory Planning, Design, Usage and Contestation of the Built Environments of University Reform in the 1960s and 1970s
Date: 11 November 2022, 2:30pm (Lisbon time)
Moderation: Luís Trindade (U. Coimbra, CEIS20)
Scientific comment: Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (U. Coimbra, CES/CHSC)
4th session: conference by Carlos Alves (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Title: As universidades de Coimbra e Salamanca na terceira vaga de reformas universitárias: mudança e continuidade
Date: 2 December 2022, 2:30pm (Lisbon time)
Venue: D. João III Room | University of Coimbra Archive
Moderation: Margarida Neto (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Scientific comment: Fátima Nunes (IHC-U. Évora, IN2PAST)
- UNIVERSITIES: Networks and Identities (2023)
This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.
Organising committee: Isabel Ferreira Mota | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Carlos Alves | José Luís Barbosa
1st session: conference by Hermenegildo Fernandes (U. Lisboa, CHUL)
Title: De onde vem e para onde vai a História da Universidade na Europa?
Date: 23 June 2023, 2:30pm (GMT)
Venue: D. João III Room (AUC)
Videoconference: Colibri.Zoom (ID: 933 5324 6483)
Moderation: Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Scientific comment: José Francisco Meirinhos (U. Porto, IFUP)
2nd session: conference by Carolina Rodríguez López (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)
Title: La Universidad española en el siglo XX. Historiografía, problemas y debates
Date: 20 October 2023, 2:30pm (GMT)
Venue: D. João III Room (AUC)
Videoconference: Colibri.Zoom (ID: 937 7775 4657)
Moderation: Isabel Ferreira da Mota (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Scientific comment: Luís Reis Torgal (U. Coimbra, Ceis20)
3rd session: conference by Maria Teresa Guerrini (University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures))
Title: Teachers as students? A new approach in the history of the universities
Date: 17 November 2023, 2:30pm (GMT)
Venue: D. João III Room (AUC)
Videoconference: Colibri.Zoom (ID: 973 4362 4686)
Moderation: Luísa Trindade (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Scientific comment: Mário Farelo (ICS-U. Minho |Lab2PT)
4th session: conference bay Adinel C. Dincă (Babeș-Bolyai University)
Title: University and the Architecture of Community in ‘Liminal Europe’. The Case of the Transylvanian Saxons (1350-1550)
Date: 15 December 2023, 2:30pm (GMT)
Venue: D. João III Room (AUC)
Transmissão em linha: Colibri.Zoom (ID: 915 2224 5103)
Moderation: Ana Rita Rocha (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Scientific comment: Saul António Gomes (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
- UNIVERSITIES: Networks and Identities (2024)
This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.
Organising committee: Isabel Ferreira Mota | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Carlos Alves | José Luís Barbosa
1st session: conference by Maria de Fátima Nunes(U. Évora | IHC pólo U. Évora)
Title: Universidades no espaço público científico – novos horizontes, novos atores, novos públicos do século XIX! Reflexões em aberto
Date: May 3th, 2024, 2:30pm (GMT)
Venue: D. João III Room | AUC
Videoconference: (Colibri.Zoom, ID: 954 9814 0920)
Moderation: Ana Isabel Ribeiro (U. Coimbra, CHSC | CEIS20)
Scientific comment: Quintino Lopes (NOVA-FCSH | IHC)
2nd session: conference by Johan Östling (Lund University, Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge)
Title The Europeanisation of the Universities: Transforming Knowledge Institutions, c. 1985-2010
Date: June 7th, 2024, 2:30 pm (GMT)
Videoconference: (Colibri.Zoom, ID: 913 8745 0612)
Moderation: Hugo Dores (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Scientific comment: Carlos Alves (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
3rd session: conference by Maria Amélia Campos (U. Coimbra, CHSC))
Title: O ensino pré-universitário e a transmissão de conhecimento em Coimbra nos séculos XIV e XV
Date: October 11th, 2024, 3:00 pm (GMT)
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
Videoconference: (Colibri.Zoom, ID: 923 2599 6194)
Moderation: António Resende de Oliveira (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Scientific comment: Maria João Oliveira e Silva (U. Porto, CITCEM)
4rd session: conference by Maria Pia Donato (CNRS-ENS/PSL-Paris 1)
Title: Académies, université et les sciences en Italie, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle : qui fait quoi et pourquoi?
Date: November 8th, 2024, 2:30 pm (GMT)
Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC
Videoconference: (Colibri.Zoom, ID: 981 3347 7072)
Moderation: Maria Amélia Campos (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
Scientific comment: Isabel Ferreira Mota (U. Coimbra, CHSC)
- V Colóquio Internacional Diálogos Luso-sefarditas
- VI International Conference on Portuguese-Sephardic Dialogues
The VI International Conference on Portuguese-Sephardic Dialogues is co-organized by the CHSC.
Date: November 28 and 29, 2024
Venue: Guarda Museum
- VI Roman Mosaic Valorization Days
Portugal – Algeria Meeting. Roman MosaicsVI Roman Mosaic Valorization Days | Portugal – Algeria Meeting. Roman Mosaics. Fragments of a common past, with the support of the CHSC.
Date: July 8, 2017
Location: Condeixa
- Vi/Ver: Itinerant Performance at the Paço das Escolas
Date: 28 May 2022 | 5pm
Meeting point: Porta Férrea (outside)
Itinerary: Porta Férrea, Pátio das Escolas, Via Latina, Capela de São Miguel, Escadarias de Minerva
Limited capacity | booking required through the form: https://forms.gle/yPfdD7PE9SAi1aoN7
- VIII Luso-Spanish Conference on Medieval Studies
VIII Luso-Spanish Conference on Medieval Studies: On both sides of the Strait: On the subject of Ceuta (8th-15th centuries)
Date: 3rd and 4th December 2015
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon | Lisbon City Hall
- Voos cruzados
Voos cruzados. Abordagem interdisciplinar à escultura de São Miguel da Capela da Universidade de Coimbra, an activity co-organized by the CHSC within the FLUC Open Day.
Date: 19 April 2023 | 11 am
Venue: Capela de São Miguel | Paço das Escolas UC
- Winter Conferences: Great figures from ancient history
Venue: Anf. IV | FLUC
24 February 2015: Carmen Soares | Delfim Leão, Ciro-o-Grande e Péricles
10 March 2015: Maria de Fátima Silva | João Gouveia Monteiro, Alexandre Magno
24 March 2015: José Luís Brandão | João Gouveia Monteiro, Aníbal Barca e Cipião-o-Africano
- Winter Seminars 2023: Unesco Chair: Heritages of Portuguese Influence
The first edition of Winter Seminars on Heritages of Portuguese Influence will focus on two key themes: The (in)sustainability of heritage: culture, cooperation, development and Shared Heritages, Contested Heritages.
Date: 16 and 17 March 2023
Venue: Room D. João III, University of Coimbra Archive
- Workshop COMMEMORtis
- Workshop Religion and Empire (1st edition)
- Workshop Religion and Empire (2nd edition)
Workshop promoted by the Center for the History of the Society and Culture and the RethinC – VID Specialized University, Stavanger (Noruega).
Date: 6-7 October 2022
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- Workshop Religion and Empire (3rd edition)
Workshop promoted by the Center for History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra and RethinC – VID Specialized University, Stavanger (Norway).
Date: 25-26 May 2023
Venue: VID Specialized University (Stavanger, Norway)
- Workshop: Edição electrónica de textos: o Livro da Noa
Workshop: Edição electrónica de textos: o Livro da Noa
Organisation: Covadonga Valdaliso-Casanova (CH-ULisboa/CHSC-UC) | Filipe Alves Moreira (IF-UP) | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos (CHSC-UC) | Rodrigo Furtado (CEC-UL) | Carmen Benítez (U. Sevilha)
Date: 19 November 2022 | 10:15 am to 5:30 pm
Venue: School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon
- X National Meeting of History Students
X National Meeting of History Students: The Paths of History, with the support of the CHSC.
Date: March 6 and 7, 2020
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra
- XII Rural Report Conference
12th Conference of the Rural Report network on the main theme “Rurality and Environment in the Long Term”, co-organised by the CHSC.
Date: 30 and 31 October 2024
Venue: University of Évora
- XIX Conference on History
XIX Conference on History Homo Ludens. Homo Sapiens. The games of life, life as a game through the ages
Date: November 11 and 12, 2016
Venue: Auditorium of the Municipal House of Culture of Seia
- XX Jornadas Históricas – O Caminho Faz-se Caminhando… Memória Histórica dos 20 Anos das Jornadas Históricas de Seia
XX Historical Sessions – The Way is Made by Walking… Historical Remembrance of the 20th Anniversary of the Seia Historical Sessions, with the support of the CHSC.
Date: November 16-18, 2017
Venue: Auditorium of the Municipal House of Culture of Seia
- XXI Jornada de Estudos Antigos e Medievais (on-line)
Activity organised in partnership by CHSC.
Date: 1 to 4 August 2022
More information: https://educlassicos.wixsite.com/xxijeam