Diogo Lemos

Email: diogolem1@gmail.com
Diogo Lemos is an Art History PhD candidate in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, for which he was awarded a PhD fellowship by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/05859/2021, Symbols and signs of authority and power in eighteenth-century Portuguese art: the Palace of the University of Coimbra). Currently, he is an Invited assistant lecturer at the University of Coimbra (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) and Assistant Editor of the collection “The Worlds of History”, edited by the Centre for the History of Society and Culture. Dedicates his research activity to Portuguese art in the Modern Age, particularly the study of material culture, painting and portraiture, focusing on their iconological and hermeneutical aspects. He also develops his activity in the broader domain of the artistic and cultural heritage of the University of Coimbra, participating in several projects in the fields of research, inventory, conservation, and security. He has spoken at national and international scientific meetings, devoting particular attention to the impact of French and Italian cross-cultural and artistic exchanges with Portugal..He has spoken at national and international congresses and conferences, focusing on studying Portuguese-Italian and Portuguese-French artistic and cultural exchanges and mutual influence during the Modern Age.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese Art and Heritage in the Modern Age; University of Coimbra, Painting; Portraiture; Iconography; Material Culture, Decorative Arts.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2985-0119
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//891F-0522-4D96
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/DiogoLemos
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities