Mercenaries and Crusaders (1202-1480’s) – An Interdisciplinary Conference

Mercenaries and the Crusades are two very relevant topics in the medieval period. This conference aims to explore the intersections between the two, in a very broad geography that stretches from the Iberian Peninsula to the Black Sea, passing through northern Europe, and in a chronology that lies between 1202 and the end of the 1480’s. The Centre for the History of Society and Culture is one of the organizers of the initiative, in association with the Hungary in Medieval Europe Research Group (University of Debrecen) and the Laboratoire d’Histoire et Cultures de l’Antiquité et du Moyen Âge (Université de Lorraine).
Venue: University of Debrecen, Hungary | June 22-24, 2022
Organizing Committee: Attila Bárány | Guy Vottéro | João Nisa | José Pedro Paiva | Tamás Ölbei
More information: https://mercenariesandcrusaders.com