Permanent Seminars

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  • 2025
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  • CHSC Young researchers’ forum

    A discussion and networking forum involving Master’s and PhD students, as well as early-career integrated researchers and collaborators within the CHSC, it encompasses monthly meetings for the presentation of research projects, drafts of dissertations and theses, articles and research papers to be presented, and historiographical debate over significant scientific works (books and articles). Additionally, the forum hosts workshops on the use of digital tools for research.

    Organising committee: Ana Maria Correia | Cristóvão Mata | Roger Lee de Jesus

  • History of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world (2023/2024)

    Bringing together several generations of leading researchers, the seminar History(s) of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world aims to give voice to research on various fundamental topics in contemporary historiography and focusing on different geographies, which seeks to understand history in its global, international and transnational articulations, revealing its varied and significant role in shaping the present.

    Scientific Coordination: Hugo Gonçalves Dores | Ana Guardião | Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo | José Pedro Monteiro

    1st session: Bradley Simpson (University of Connecticut): Self-determination: a global history

    Date: 28 September 2023 | 5 pm – 6:30 pm (GMT)

    Venue: Anf. III | FLUC

    To attend online, please send an email to:

    2nd session: Meredith Terretta (University of Ottawa): How the UN Trusteeship Council might have shaped a substantive decolonization – And why it didn’t

    Date: 25 October 2023 | 5 pm – 6:30 pm (GMT)

    To attend online, please send an email to:

    3rd session: Martin Thomas (University of Exeter): New Histories of Decolonization: A World remade?

    Date: 22 November 2023 | 2:30 pm (GMT)

    Venue: D. João III Room | AUC

    4th session: Alanna O’Malley (University of Leiden): Undertermined Self-Determination at the Committee of 24. The Invisible History of the United Nations and the Global South

    Date: 7 December 2023 | 2 pm (GMT)

    To attend online, please send an email to:

    5th session: Sabrine Kott (University of Geneva): Organizing the world. An Alternative History of the Cold War

    Date: 15 February 2024 | 2 pm (GMT)

    Venue: D. João III Room | AUC

    6th session: Emile Chabal (University of Edinburgh): Eric Hobsbawm’s total history

    Date: 11 March 2024 | 11 am (GMT)

    Venue: Anf. VI | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra

    7th session: Glenda Sluga (European University Institute): From the Planetary to the Global and other lost histories of the 20th century

    Date: 22 April 2024 | 11 am (GMT)

    Venue: Anf. IV | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra

  • History of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world (2024/2025)

    Bringing together several generations of leading researchers, the seminar History(s) of the Present. The formation of the contemporary world aims to give voice to research on various fundamental topics in contemporary historiography and focusing on different geographies, which seeks to understand history in its global, international and transnational articulations, revealing its varied and significant role in shaping the present.

    Scientific Coordination: Hugo Gonçalves Dores | Ana Guardião | Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo | José Pedro Monteiro

    Session: Matthias Middell (Leipzig University): The French Globalization Projects

    Date: September 18th, 2024 | 11:30 am

    Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC

    1st session: Frederick Cooper | Jane Burbank (New York University): Post-Imperial Possibilities: Eurasia, Eurafrica, Afroasia

    Date: October 23th, 2024 | 11 am

    Venue: Anf. I da FLUC

    2nd session: Madeleine Herren-Oesch (University of Basel, Suíça): Foreign Residents and global trade in the late 19th century

    Date: November 27th, 2024 | 11 am

    Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC

    3rd session: Kiran Patel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munique, Alemanha): Cooperation in Crisis: The Afterlife of Discontinued International Organization during the 20th Century

    Date: February 24th, 2025 | 2 pm

    Venue: Anf. I da FLUC

  • Seminar reformART. Art and Image in the Modern Age: Research Challenges (2023/2024)

    The aim of the reformART Seminar is to discuss the importance of visual and material culture in the construction, transfer and reception, on a global scale, of concepts, discourses and ideas stimulated by the religious reforms of the Modern Age. It aims to contribute to understanding, in different eras, geographies and contexts, the way in which art and the image conformed to the new spirituality and the dynamics of evangelization in modernity.

    Encouraging interdisciplinary approaches, in areas such as History, Art History, Music or Literature, it favors the application of exegesis and visual hermeneutics as starting points for the analysis of spaces and equipment, plastic forms and models of representation, in their multiple forms and declinations.

    With two sessions each academic year, the reformART Seminar is aimed at presenting and critically debating the results of up-to-date and innovative research.

    Sandra Costa Saldanha (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)
    Mariana Gaspar (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)

    Scientific Committee:
    António Camões Gouveia (Univ. NOVA, CHAM)
    Jaime Ricardo Gouveia (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)
    José Pedro Paiva (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)
    Luísa Trindade (Univ. Coimbra – CHSC)

    1st session: Impacts of Pastoral Visits on the Heritage of the University of Coimbra:

    – “Documentação produzida durante as visitas pastorais, arquivos e metodologias exploratórias” | José Pedro Paiva (CHSC-UC)

    – “Impactos das Visitações na reforma artística da capela da Universidade de Coimbra: o caso da imagem de Nossa Senhora da Luz”  | Mariana Gaspar (CHSC-UC)

    – “Decência, zelo e decoro: efeitos da vigilância espiritual na produção de mobiliário” | Teresa Ferreira (CHSC-UC)

    – “Adequação e instrumentalização: consequências das visitas pastorais sobre a produção de ourivesaria litúrgica” | Amanda Pimenta (CHSC-UC)

    Venue: Capela de São Miguel | University of Coimbra

    Date: December 7, 2023 | 15h00-17h30


  • The Worlds of History. New perspectives and debates (2021/2022)

    The CHSC’s Annual Research Seminar – The worlds of History. New perspectives and debates – is held four times a year. The Seminar holds talks with guest historians of exceptional international standing, encourages thinking on new approaches to History in different eras and time periods, and challenges younger generations with innovative research fields, unveiling new horizons and stimulating critical discussion.

    Organising Committee: José Pedro Paiva | Maria Antónia Lopes | Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos

    1st session: Serena Ferente (University of Amsterdam): At the edge: Europe in the fifteenth century

    Date: 29 October 2021 | 2.30 pm

    Venue: Anf. III | FLUC

    2nd session: Charlotte de Castelnau-L’Estoile (Université de Paris): Micro-história numa escala global: a escrava Páscoa no Atlântico português do século XVII

    Date: 12 November 2021 | 2.30 pm

    Venue: Anf. III | FLUC

    3rd session: Sebastian Conrad (Freie Universität-Berlin): European history after the global turn

    Date: 11 March 2022 | 2.30 pm

    Venue: Anf. III | FLUC

    4th session: Andrew Thompson (Oxford University): Development’s Domain: Newly-Expanding Empire

    Date: 27 May 2022 | 2.30 pm

    Venue: Anf. III | FLUC

  • The Worlds of History. New perspectives and debates (2022/2023)

    The CHSC’s Annual Research Seminar – The worlds of History. New perspectives and debates – is held four times a year. The Seminar holds talks with guest historians of exceptional international standing, encourages thinking on new approaches to History in different eras and time periods, and challenges younger generations with innovative research fields, unveiling new horizons and stimulating critical discussion.

    Organising Committee: José Pedro Paiva | Maria Antónia Lopes | Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos

    1st session: Cécile Fromont (Yale University, USA): Penned by Encounter: Central Africans, Capuchin Friars, and their images in Early Modern Kongo and Angola

    Date: 21 October 2022 | 2:30pm

    Venue: Anf. VI | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra

    2nd session: Markus Friedrich (University of Hamburg): Archives, Families, Genealogy. Towards a history of pre-modern family knowledge

    Date: 18 November 2022 | 2:30pm

    Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra

    3rd session: Laura Lee Downs (European University Institute, Florence): “Enemy peoples now joined in brotherhood”: Gender, social action and nationalist politics in the Upper Adriatic borderland, 1919-1950

    Date: 10 March 2023 | 2:30pm

    Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra

    4th session: Patrick Boucheron (Collège de France, Paris): Histoire nationale, histoire globale: faut-il choisir?

    Date: 21 April 2023 | 2:30pm

    Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra

  • The Worlds of History. New perspectives and debates (2023/2024)

    The CHSC’s Annual Research Seminar – The worlds of History. New perspectives and debates – is held four times a year. The Seminar holds talks with guest historians of exceptional international standing, encourages thinking on new approaches to History in different eras and time periods, and challenges younger generations with innovative research fields, unveiling new horizons and stimulating critical discussion.

    Organising Committee: José Pedro Paiva | Maria Antónia Lopes | Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos

    1st session: Peter Fibiger Bang (SAXO Institute – Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek & Latin, History, Copenhagen): Beyond the Wilsonian Moment – Empire and the Rethinking of World History

    Date: 27 October 2023 | 2:30 pm

    Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra

    2nd session: Sabrina Corbellini (University of Groningen): Geographies of Religious Reading in Fifteenth-Century Europe: Books, Readers and Space

    Date: 24 November 2023 | 2:30 pm

    Venue: D. João III Room | Archive of the University of Coimbra

    3rd session: Miki Sugiura (University of Hosei, Tokyo): The Categories at Work in Global History of Clothing

    Date: 23 February 2024 | 2:30 pm

    Venue: Anf. III | FLUC

    4th session: James Poskett (University of Warwick): The Scientific Revolution as Global History, 1200-1800

    Date: 15 March 2024 | 2:30 pm

    Venue: Anf. III | Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra

  • The Worlds of History. New Perspectives and Debates (2024/2025)

    The CHSC’s Annual Research Seminar – The worlds of History. New perspectives and debates – is held four times a year. The Seminar holds talks with guest historians of exceptional international standing, encourages thinking on new approaches to History in different eras and time periods, and challenges younger generations with innovative research fields, unveiling new horizons and stimulating critical discussion.

    Organising Committee: José Pedro Paiva | Maria Antónia Lopes | Jaime Ricardo Gouveia | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos

    1st session: Fernando Catroga (CHSC-UC): O ocaso do eurocentrismo

    Date: September 20th, 2024 | 2:30 pm

    Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC

    2st session: Jorge Flores (Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology, Lisbon): Navios de papel: a Ásia marítima como arquivo (1500-1800)

    Date: December 6th, 2024 | 2:30 pm

    Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC

    3st session: Erin Kathleen Rowe (Universidade de Johns Hopkins, Baltimore, EUA): The Collision of Slaving Systems in Early Modern Spain’s Atlantic Mediterranean

    Date: March 14th, 2025 | 2:30 pm

    Venue: Anf. III da FLUC

  • Universities: Networks and Identities (2020)

    This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.

    Organising committee: Armando Norte | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Jaime Gouveia

    1st session: José Luis Egío Garcia (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History): Traducción de conocimiento normativo entre Europa y México a mediadas del siglo XVI

    2nd session: Susana Guijarro Gonzalez (Universidad de Cantabria): Monarquía y universidades en los reinos hispanos (siglos XIII-XV): intervencionismo en su gobierno y financiación

    3rd session: Francisco Javier Rubio Muñoz (Universidad de Salamanca, IEMYRhd): Las élites académicas en la Edad Moderna: un análisis del gremio docente de la Universidad de Salamanca

    4th session: Manuela Bragagnolo (Max Planck Institute for European Legal History): La literatura normativa pragmática y la producción de saber normativo en la temprana Edad Moderna. El “Manual de Confessores” de Martín de Azpilcueta y el fenómeno de la “epitomización”

  • Universities: Networks and Identities (2021)

    This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.

    Organising committee: Isabel Ferreira Mota | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Carlos Alves | José Luís Barbosa

    1st session: Antoine Destemberg (CREHS – Université d’Artois): Les maîtres parisiens et la fabrique des identités sociales à la fin du Moyen Âge: des ‘intellectuels organiques’?

    Date: 17 June 2021

    2nd session: Blythe Alice Raviola (Università degli studi di Milano): Gli itinerati del sapere. Università e cultura nell’opera di Giovanni Botero

    Date: 15 July 2021

    3rd session: Esther Mijers (University of Edinburgh): Educating the Protestant International

    Date: 19 November 2021

    4th session: Manuel Martínez Neira (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid): Doctorado y ciencia jurídica en la universidad española liberal: 1845-1931

    Date: 10 December 2021

  • Universities: Networks and Identities (2022)

    This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.

    Organising committee: Isabel Ferreira Mota | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Carlos Alves | José Luís Barbosa

    1st session: conference byCynthia Klestinec (Miami University, OH)

    Title: Reforms and the Study of Medicine: the case of University of Padua, before 1600

    Date: 8 April 2022, 3:30pm (Lisbon time)

    Moderation: Armando Norte (CH-ULisboa)

    Scientific comment: Alessandra Celati (U. Verona)

    2nd session: conference by Ana Cristina Araújo (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Title: Planos e redes internacionais da Reforma Pombalina da Universidade

    Date: 2 May 2022, 2:30pm (Lisbon time)

    Moderation: Dina Alves (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Scientific comment: Fernando Taveira da Fonseca (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    3rd session: conference by Tom Holert (Harun Farocki Institut, Berlin)

    Title: Architectures of Human Capital. On the Theory Planning, Design, Usage and Contestation of the Built Environments of University Reform in the 1960s and 1970s

    Date: 11 November 2022, 2:30pm (Lisbon time)

    Moderation: Luís Trindade (U. Coimbra, CEIS20)

    Scientific comment: Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo (U. Coimbra, CES/CHSC)

    4th session: conference by Carlos Alves (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Title: As universidades de Coimbra e Salamanca na terceira vaga de reformas universitárias: mudança e continuidade

    Date: 2 December 2022, 2:30pm (Lisbon time)

    Venue: D. João III Room | University of Coimbra Archive

    Moderation: Margarida Neto (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Scientific comment: Fátima Nunes (IHC-U. Évora, IN2PAST)

  • UNIVERSITIES: Networks and Identities (2023)

    This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.

    Organising committee: Isabel Ferreira Mota | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Carlos Alves | José Luís Barbosa

    1st session: conference by Hermenegildo Fernandes (U. Lisboa, CHUL)

    Title: De onde vem e para onde vai a História da Universidade na Europa?

    Date: 23 June 2023, 2:30pm (GMT)

    Venue: D. João III Room (AUC)

    Videoconference: Colibri.Zoom (ID: 933 5324 6483)

    Moderation: Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Scientific comment: José Francisco Meirinhos (U. Porto, IFUP)

    2nd session: conference by Carolina Rodríguez López (Universidad Complutense de Madrid)

    Title: La Universidad española en el siglo XX. Historiografía, problemas y debates

    Date: 20 October 2023, 2:30pm (GMT)

    Venue: D. João III Room (AUC)

    Videoconference: Colibri.Zoom (ID: 937 7775 4657)

    Moderation: Isabel Ferreira da Mota (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Scientific comment: Luís Reis Torgal (U. Coimbra, Ceis20)

    3rd session: conference by Maria Teresa Guerrini (University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures))

    Title: Teachers as students? A new approach in the history of the universities

    Date:  17 November 2023, 2:30pm (GMT)

    Venue: D. João III Room (AUC)

    Videoconference: Colibri.Zoom (ID: 973 4362 4686)

    Moderation: Luísa Trindade (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Scientific comment: Mário Farelo (ICS-U. Minho |Lab2PT)

    4th session: conference bay Adinel C. Dincă (Babeș-Bolyai University)

    Title: University and the Architecture of Community in ‘Liminal Europe’. The Case of the Transylvanian Saxons (1350-1550)

    Date: 15 December 2023, 2:30pm (GMT)

    Venue: D. João III Room (AUC)

    Transmissão em linha: Colibri.Zoom (ID: 915 2224 5103)

    Moderation: Ana Rita Rocha (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Scientific comment: Saul António Gomes (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

  • UNIVERSITIES: Networks and Identities (2024)

    This seminar, held four times a year, is intended to raise discussion and interrogations on the subject of universities from a glocal perspective. It encourages dialogue about the interconnections between educational institutions in Europe; their role in building identities and reflecting on the other(s); their relevance as epicenters and promoters of cultural and intellectual movements in Europe and beyond.

    Organising committee: Isabel Ferreira Mota | Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos | Carlos Alves | José Luís Barbosa

    1st session: conference by Maria de Fátima Nunes(U. Évora | IHC pólo U. Évora)

    Title: Universidades no espaço público científico – novos horizontes, novos atores, novos públicos do século XIX! Reflexões em aberto

    Date: May 3th, 2024, 2:30pm (GMT)

    Venue: D. João III Room | AUC

    Videoconference: (Colibri.Zoom, ID: 954 9814 0920)

    Moderation: Ana Isabel Ribeiro (U. Coimbra, CHSC | CEIS20)

    Scientific comment: Quintino Lopes (NOVA-FCSH | IHC)

    2nd session: conference by Johan Östling (Lund University, Lund Centre for the History of Knowledge)

    Title The Europeanisation of the Universities: Transforming Knowledge Institutions, c. 1985-2010

    Date: June 7th, 2024, 2:30 pm (GMT)

    Videoconference: (Colibri.Zoom, ID: 913 8745 0612)

    Moderation: Hugo Dores (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Scientific comment: Carlos Alves (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    3rd session: conference by Maria Amélia Campos (U. Coimbra, CHSC))

    Title: O ensino pré-universitário e a transmissão de conhecimento em Coimbra nos séculos XIV e XV

    Date: October 11th, 2024, 3:00 pm (GMT)

    Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC

    Videoconference: (Colibri.Zoom, ID: 923 2599 6194)

    Moderation: António Resende de Oliveira (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Scientific comment: Maria João Oliveira e Silva (U. Porto, CITCEM)

    4rd session: conference by Maria Pia Donato (CNRS-ENS/PSL-Paris 1) 

    Title: Académies, université et les sciences en Italie, XVIIe-XVIIIe siècle : qui fait quoi et pourquoi? 

    Date: November 8th, 2024, 2:30 pm (GMT)

    Venue: Sala D. João III | AUC

    Videoconference: (Colibri.Zoom, ID: 981 3347 7072)

    Moderation: Maria Amélia Campos (U. Coimbra, CHSC)

    Scientific comment: Isabel Ferreira Mota (U. Coimbra, CHSC)