Imaginária: Participatory valuation and preservation of the sculptural heritage in the University of Coimbra’s Paço das Escolas (University Palace) (completed)
(Imaginária: valorização e proteção participativa do património escultórico do Paço das Escolas da Universidade de Coimbra, PCSI_663)
Principal investigator: Sandra Costa Saldanha
CHSC members in the team: Luísa Trindade, Joana Antunes, Diogo Lemos, Inês Pina, and Mariana Gaspar
Duration: 2021-2022
Funding: Projetos Semente de Investigação Científica Interdisciplinar (Seed Projects for Interdisciplinary Scientific Research), Strategic Area of Coimbra University in Heritage, Culture and Inclusive Society, sponsored by Santander Universities.
Value: €20.000
The project focuses on the interdisciplinary study of the sculptural heritage of the University of Coimbra’s Paço das Escolas (University Palace). Starting in exploring identity themes, it aims to strengthen critical thinking skills, apply sustainable conservation practices, test new models for interacting with the community, and foster the role of the arts as instruments for cultural heritage fruition and mediation.
Official website: Under construction