EdNoa | Edição e estudo de anais medievais portugueses (ongoing)
Funding: Informal unfunded project
Coordination: Covadonga Valdaliso-Casanova (CH-ULisboa/Universidad de Alcalá), Filipe Alves Moreira (IFUP), Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos (CHSC), Rodrigo Furtado (CEC)
CHSC members in the team: António Resende de Oliveira; Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho; Maria do Rosário Barbosa Morujão; Saul António Gomes
“The project EdNoa aims to create an electronic edition of the Livro da Noa, with documentary transcriptions linked to the manuscript’s images, historical and philological notes, glossaries, a bibliographical database, and several studies. The copies and the printed editions will also be transcribed, in order to better understand the transmission of the texts and the different approaches of the previous studies.” (Source: Project official website)
Website: https://ednoa.hypotheses.org/