International seminar UNIVERSities: Networks and identities (2022)
KLESTINEC, Cynthia (2022), Reforms and the study of medicine: the case of the University of Padua before 1600
Scientific commentary by Alessandra Celati.
Presented on 8 April 2022, at the International Seminar UNIVERSities. Networks and Identities (UNIVERSities), Coimbra, Portugal.
ARAÚJO, Ana Cristina (2022), Planos e redes internacionais da Reforma Pombalina da Universidade
Scientific commentary by Fernando Taveira da Fonseca.
Presented on 2 May 2022, at the International Seminar UNIVERSities. Networks and Identities (UNIVERSities), Coimbra, Portugal.
HOLERT, Tom (2022), Architectures of Human Capital. On the Theory, Planning, Design, Usage and Contestation of the Built Environments of University Reform in the 1960s and 1970s
Scientific commentary by Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo.
Presented on 11 November 2022, at the International Seminar UNIVERSities. Networks and Identities (UNIVERSities), Coimbra, Portugal.
ALVES, Carlos (2022), As universidades de Coimbra e Salamanca na terceira vaga de reformas universitárias: mudança e continuidade (século XVIII)
Scientific commentary by Maria de Fátima Nunes.
Presented on 2 December 2022, at the International Seminar UNIVERSities. Networks and Identities (UNIVERSities), Coimbra, Portugal.