Luís Miguel Rêpas
Luís Miguel Rêpas holds an M.A. and a PhD in Medieval History from the University of Coimbra (2000 and 2021) and is a full researcher at the Centre for the History of Society and Culture and a collaborator at the Institute for Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH). He was a member of the Cistercian Horizons project team, which studied the Alcobaça’s scriptorium and its production, and he is a researcher in the project Books, rituals and space in a Cistercian nunnery. Living, praying and reading in Lorvão, 13th-16th centuries, both funded by the FCT. He is one of the Scientific Coordinators of the project to edit the medieval documentation of the Convent of Arouca (which is the result of a partnership between the CHSC and the Municipality of Arouca) and he has been an Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Coimbra since 2022.
Main interests and research topics: Monastic History; Social History; Women’s History; WrittenCulture; Palaeography and Diplomatics; Primary Sources Editing.
Ciência Vitae:
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources