Inquire, Third Annual Conference: Inquisitions, iconography and memory
The aim of the meeting is to explore the relationship between the tribunals of faith, images and the construction of memory; to analyse the cases in which religious dissent manifested itself in the form of iconoclasm; to better understand the censorship strategies of the Holy Office with regard to images and art objects; and to focus on how these judicial institutions of the Catholic world promoted the representation of heresy, the agents who worked to preserve orthodoxy and the memory of the tribunals themselves. The conference will bring together scholars of the medieval Inquisition and the modern Inquisitions (Spanish, Portuguese and Roman) from all over the world, with a comparative approach that will extend to the history of the courts in the Iberian colonial world.
– Centre for the History of Society and Culture – University of Coimbra
– Inquire – International Centre for Research on Inquisitions – University of Bologna
– Leibniz-Institut für Europäische Geschichte (IEG) – Abteilung für Abendl
– Religionsgeschichte, Mainz
Date: 16th and 17th November 2023
Venue: Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra | Anf. III
Free entry, but requires registration until November 4 via email: