Bicentenary of the 1820 Revolution International Congress

The Bicentenary of the 1820 Revolution presents both an opportunity and a challenge to revisit and better understand a crucial period in contemporary Portuguese history. The international congress marking this event is designed to indicate the main lines of interpretation that are to be found in the abundant historiography currently existing on this subject, as well as to encourage the presentation of new approaches and perspectives of analysis.
Venue: Assembleia da República and Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian | 11-13 October 2021
Executive Committee: Miriam Halpern Pereira | Jorge Fernandes Alves | Ana Cristina Araújo | José Luís Cardoso | Zília Osório de Castro | Maria Alexandre Lousada | Luís Espinha da Silveira | Daniel Alves
Scientific Committee: José Viriato Capela | Fátima Sá e Melo Ferreira | Sérgio Campos Matos | Maria Fátima Nunes | José Miguel Sardica | Cristina Nogueira da Silva | Maria Beatriz Nizza da Silva | Susana Serpa Silva | Luís Reis Torgal | Isabel Vargues | Telmo Verdelho
Live Congress sessions at the following channels:
11 out – AR Sala 1 (ICS): https://youtu.be/Xtx3qctg2eE
11 out – AR Sala 3 (CIES): https://youtu.be/kawba9aTc98
11 out – AR Sala do Senado: https://canal.parlamento.pt
12 out – FCG Audit 3 (IHC): https://youtu.be/j0atdrudhhg
12 out – FCG Sala 1 (CH): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuE8IQQ9I3Q
12 out – FCG Sala 2 (CIES): https://youtu.be/wVk3ipv80rU
13 out – FCG Audit 3 (IHC): https://youtu.be/IDks_KnEwsQ
13 out – FCG Sala 1 (CH): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB7HPSc8W2E
13 out – FCG Sala 2 (CIES): https://youtu.be/-SFcISLT2XU
For more information: https://cbr1820.com/