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- Alberto Corada Alonso
Email: alberto.corada@uva.es
Alberto Corada Alonso holds a PhD in History from the University of Valladolid, where he is a Permanent Lecturer. He is a member of the research project ‘Women, family and society. The construction of social history from the legal culture. Ss. XVI-XX’, attached to the Instituto Universitario de Historia Simancas, and of the Recognised Research Group Society and Conflict from the Modern Age to the Contemporary Era. It currently has two lines of research in the field of Modern History. The first focuses on the study of ecclesiastical institutions and the forms of council, feudal and territorial organisation in the north of the Crown of Castile, while the second line of research delves into the social history of justice, analysing the courts as defining elements of a gender identity.
Main interests and research topics: Modern Age; Ecclesiastic Institutions; Forms of Municipal Government; Social History; History of Justice and Gender Identity.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6396-4574
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//5113-6CB0-1E9C
Repository: https://uva-es.academia.edu/AlbertoCoradaAlonso
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Alexandre António da Costa Luís
Email: aluis@ubi.pt
Alexandre António da Costa Luís holds a PhD in History from the University of Coimbra, specialising in the History of the Portuguese Discoveries and the Overseas Empire. He is an assistant professor in the University of Beira Interior, where he has occupied the positions of vice-president of the Faculty of Arts and Letters, supervisor of the Master’s degree in Iberian Studies, Mobility Coordinator of the MEI and member of the Faculty’s Scientific Council. He is a corresponding fellow of the Portuguese Naval Academy and a member of the Scientific Society of the Universidade Católica Portuguesa (SCUCP). He is also a member of the Inter-institutional Commissions of the Lusophone Academy Luís de Camões and the Fernando Pessoa Institute. Additionally, he is a member of the Observatory of the Portuguese Language and the International Lusophone Movement.
Main interests and research topics: History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire; Contemporary Political History; History of Portuguese Culture; Lusophone Cultures.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5011-0449
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/841C-23C7-8B70
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Amanda Mégda Pimenta
Email: amandamegda1807@hotmail.com
Amanda Mégda Pimenta has a degree in Art History from the University of Coimbra, the same institution in which she is currently pursuing the master’s degree in Art and Heritage with a dissertation titled “Goldsmithery at the University of Coimbra: Contexts, Fonts, and Intermediaries.” Since 2022, she has been part of the inventory team for the movable heritage of the University of Coimbra, developing research in the area of goldsmithery.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese Goldsmithery; Decorative Arts; Material Culture; Portuguese Art in the Modern Age
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-8365-4434
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/9C1F-88A3-E5F3
- Ana Cristina Araújo
Email: araujo.anacris@sapo.pt
Ana Cristina Araújo hold a PhD in Modern and Contemporary History in 1995 by University of Coimbra, Faculty of Arts and Humanities. She is a retired Tenured Associate Professor at the same University and a senior researcher at the Center for the History of Society and Culture. She was a fellow at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and the Luso-American Development Foundation and a visiting professor at European and American universities. She was a member of an A3ES Philosophy assessment panel. Her main area of research is the History of Political Ideas and Culture. She has an extensive scientific output and consolidated experience of participating in national and international projects and supervising theses. She directed the Revista de História das Ideias (2016-2023). In 1998 she was awarded the Júlio Castilho de Olissipography prize, granted by the Lisbon City Council, for the publication of her doctoral thesis. In 2023 she was awarded the Joaquim de Carvalho prize, granted by the Coimbra University Press, for the publication of her latest book Resistência Patriótica e Revolução Liberal (1808-1820).
Main interests and research topics: Intellectual History; History of Culture; Enlightenment and Liberalism; Conceptual History; Historiography.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5267-8196
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/C812-DDC3-C9A3
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Ana Guardião
Ana Guardião is a researcher at the University of Florence on the project Humanitarianism and Mediterranean Europe. A Transnational and Comparative History (1945-1990), funded by the European Research Council; and associate researcher on the project Humanity Internationalized: Cases, Dynamics and Comparisons (1945-1980), University of Coimbra/University of Minho. She co-coordinates the seminar Histories of the Present: The Shaping of the Contemporary World. She recently published The Refugees of (De)Colonization: Human Rights, Humanitarianism and the End of Empires in Africa (1950-1975) (2023). Her research focuses on the intersections between the dynamics of humanitarianism, development and the institutionalization of human rights in colonial and post-colonial contexts.
Main interests and research topics: Contemporary History; Imperial and Colonial History; International and Transnational History; International and Non-Governmental Organizations; Humanitarianism; Human Rights; Development; Refugees.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5989-7938
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//en/BB1D-6292-AB53
Repository: https://unifi.academia.edu/AnaGuardi%C3%A3o
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Ana Isabel Coelho Silva
Email: ana.silva@fl.uc.pt
Ana Isabel Coelho Silva was born in Alto Alentejo, in 1982. She holds a degree in History (2004), a specialisation in Documentation Sciences, Archive section (2006) and a PhD in Contemporary History (2018), with a dissertation entitled Assistência social em Portugal na Monarquia Constitucional (1834-1910): da doutrina à prática no Alto Alentejo, in all cases from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She has been an invited assistant professor in the Master’s Degree in Cultural Heritage and Museology of the same Faculty since 2020. As a senior technician at Ponte de Sor Municipality (since 2010), she works in the fields of history and heritage.
Main interests and research topics: History of Assistance; Health history; Local History.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5179-8740
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//E01B-DCCA-9BE2
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/AnaIsabelCoelhoSilva
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Ana Isabel Ribeiro
Email: aribeiro@fl.uc.pt
Ana Isabel Ribeiro is an assistant professor in the Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra. Her main line of research is the local nobility’s social and familial relationships, as well as their heritage, during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. She also researches on History Teaching and Digital Technology in the Classroom. Within the field of Digital Humanities, she has been involved in projects relating to the development and usage of relational databases and the visualisation and analysis of social networks for historical research. She is an integrated researcher in the Centre of Twentieth Century Interdisciplinary Studies, where she co-coordinates the Digital Humanities research group.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-7515-2696
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//E913-F0E3-40CE
Repository: http://coimbra.academia.edu/AnaRibeiro
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Ana Margarida Dias da Silva
Email: anasilva@fl.uc.pt
Ana Margarida Dias da Silva has worked as an archivist since 2004, in both public and private archives. She is an Executive Officer in the Archive of the University of Coimbra’s Department of Life Sciences. She holds a Ph.D. in Information Science from the Faculty of Arts at the University of Coimbra and a Master’s degree in Information and Documentation Science from the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University of Lisbon, and a Master’s degree in Contemporary History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra (2014). Her Master’s dissertation (“Usage of the Internet and Web 2.0 for providing access to archival information: a case study of Portuguese municipal archives”) has won the first Olga Gallego Award for Research on Archival Science(2015).
Main interests and research topics: Information Science; Archival Science; Information Organisation and Representation; Information Communication; Memory Institutions; Crowdsourcing; Citizen Science; Personal and family archives; Social History; History of Religion.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1247-8346
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/111B-718B-8EE5
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/AnaMargaridaDiasdaSilva
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Ana Maria Correia
Email: anamariadcorreia@gmail.com
Ana Correia is a Senior Technician in the Department of Architecture at the University of Coimbra. Between 2021 and 2024, she worked as a Senior Technician at the Centre for the History of Society and Culture at the University of Coimbra (CHSC). From 2005 to 2017, she served as a Senior Technician in History at the Coruche Municipal Council/Municipal Museum, where she coordinated various museum projects and conducted research on local history. She is PhD in Contemporary History at the University of Coimbra, with a thesis titled The Influenza Epidemic in the Coimbra District (1918-1919): Impacts, Responses, and Consequences, a project that received funding from the Foundation for Science and Technology. Her research interests include the History of Public Health and Medicine, Epidemiology, and Health Care, and she has presented her findings at conferences and published them in national and international scientific journals.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2801-5787
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//en/CE11-21A8-DA63
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/AnaMariaDiamantinoCorreia
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Ana Santiago Faria
Email: anasantiagofaria@gmail.com
Ana Santiago Faria holds an undergraduate degree in Law and a Master’s degree in History (having defended a dissertation on the 1640 Regimento and the legal practices of the Portuguese Inquisition). She is a Modern History PhD candidate in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, researching the General Council of the Inquisition (1614-1705).
Main interests and research topics: Inquisition; History of Religion; Portugal in the Modern Age; History of Crime; History of Justice.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9257-118X
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//CF10-460D-8CB8
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/anafaria
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- André Pedreiras
Email: apedreiras@hotmail.com
André Oliveira Reis Pedreiras, born in Aveiro, has a degree in History of Art from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra. He is currently working on his dissertation on Female Criminality in Portugal at the End of the Middle Ages.
Main interests and research topics: Medieval History; History of Justice and Criminality; History of Mentalities.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0008-9626-871X
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//pt/9117-6F35-5837
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- António Conduto Oliveira
Email: anton.stark.esq@gmail.com
António Conduto Oliveira is a Medieval History PhD student in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, researching the development and employment of body armour in Portugal between 1370 and 1495. He holds a Master’s degree in Translation from the same Faculty. Over the last years, he has translated for several public and private organisations. He is a member of the Iberian Association for Military History – Fourth to Sixteenth centuries (AIHM) and a corresponding fellow of the Arms & Armour Society.
Main interests and research topics: Military History; Hoplology; War of the Castilian Succession (1475-1479); Everyday life in the Middle Ages (fourteenth and fifteenth centuries); Portugal and North Africa (fifteenth century).
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0631-0643
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//BF12-2E27-A0FF
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- António Martins Costa
Email: antonio_martinscosta@hotmail.com
António Carlos Martins Costa has a degree in History and a master’s degree in Medieval History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon. He is currently studying for a PhD in History (Middle Ages) at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, where he is working on a thesis entitled A arte militar em Portugal entre os finais da Idade Média e os alvores da Modernidade (1449-1521), under the supervision of João Gouveia Monteiro. He is a researcher at the Center for the History of Society and Culture and the History Center of the University of Lisbon. He is interested in the periods of the Lower Middle Ages and the Renaissance. He is the author of several publications and has given several talks in Portugal and abroad, where he is a member of the international network Medieval Culture and War.
Main interests and research topics: Medieval History of Portugal; Military History; History of International Relations; Political and Institutional History; Battle of Toro.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1530-6227
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/E912-4515-6C4A
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/Ant%C3%B3nioMartinsCosta
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- António Resende de Oliveira
Email: antonioroliveira19@gmail.com
António Resende de Oliveira holds a PhD in History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra and is a retired professor in the University. He works for the IF-Seminário Medieval de Literatura, Pensamento e Sociedade (Medieval Seminar on Literature, Thought and Society). He has conducted research on national and international projects, published several works in Portugal and Spain and worked on collective reference works on Portuguese historiography.
Main interests and research topics: Cultural History; Troubadour songs; Portugal in the Middle Ages; Nobility culture; Medieval historiography; Cultural agents and institutions; Alfonso X of Castile; Count Pedro of Barcelos.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-5965-7510
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/311F-150A-9154
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- António Valério Maduro
Email: avmaduro@gmail.com
António Valério Maduro holds a PhD in Contemporary History from the University of Coimbra. He is a researcher in the Centre for Transdisciplinary Development Studies (CETRAD-UTAD), a member of the Portuguese Association of Industrial Archaeology (APAI), the Portuguese Society of Rural Studies (SPER) and of the scientific committee of the Alcobaça Wine Museum. He teaches in the Francisco Rodrigues Lobo secondary school and the Instituto Universitário da Maia (ISMAI). He serves as editorial secretary to PASOS – Revista de Turismo y Património Cultural.
Main interests and research topics: Cistercian Order; Rural History; Cultural and Industrial Heritage.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0435-4602
Ciência Vitae: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0435-4602
Repository: https://ismai.academia.edu/AntonioMaduro
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Ariel Guiance
- Armênia Maria de Souza
Email: armeniasouza@ufg.br
Associate Professor III of the History Faculty and the Postgraduate Programme in History at UFG. Post-Doctorate from the Faculty of Humanities and Arts of the University of Coimbra (2014-2015), PhD in Social History from the University of Brasília (2008), MA in History from UFG (1998), BA in History from the Federal University of Goiás (1994).
Main interests and research topics: Medieval Iberian History; Church History; Social History and Ideas and Mendicant Orders.
ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0002-5392-3824
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Beatriz Valverde Contreras
Email: beatrizvalcon@gmx.de
Beatriz Valverde Contreras has a PhD in History from the Complutense University of Madrid with her award-winning thesis El Imperio Español en el siglo XIX: la memoria de la Historia y la identidad nacional. Characters and deeds of the Modern Age in universal exhibitions and Spanish cultural commemorations, 1875-1905. Her post-doctoral research had different strands: on the one hand, she analyzed social behaviors related to violence and protest, comparatively between Spain and Portugal, between 1885 and 1910. She also researched forced labor in the colony of São Tomé and Príncipe in the 1930s. She has also researched and published on PIDE’s interaction with society in the Azores in the 1950s. She is currently developing a research project on Spain’s role as an observer of the welfare of French prisoners of war held in Germany during the First World War.
Main areas of interest and research: Forced labor in the Portuguese colonies; Forced labor of prisoners of war in Germany during the First World War; Spain’s neutrality during the First World War; Red Cross humanitarianism during the First World War; Comparison of social conflicts between Portugal and Spain at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries; Daily life in Portugal during the Salazar regime.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0668-4277
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/911B-4F25-D87A
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Bruno Abreu Costa
Email: costa.brunoabreu@gmail.com
Bruno Abreu Costa holds an undergraduate degree in History and a Master’s degree in History – Societies, Policies and Religions, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He collaborates with the Centre for Lusophone and European Literatures and Cultures at the University of Madeira (CLEPUL-UMa) and is in the process of obtaining a PhD in the subject of the Atlantic Islands from the University of Madeira, conducting comparative research on the action of the Inquisition in the archipelagos of the Azores, Canaries and Madeira, during the Iberian Union period.
Main interests and research topics: History of Religion; the Inquisition; History of Madeira; the Diocese of Funchal.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1728-2991
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/ED19-B090-91E8
Repository: https://independent.academia.edu/BrunoAbreuCosta
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Bruno Faustino
Email: bruno.m.d.faustino@gmail.com
Bruno Miguel Duarte Faustino has a degree in History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra.
Main interests and research topics: History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire; Medieval History; History of the Modern Age; Economic and Social History.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6964-810X
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//6318-FB66-3E22
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Bruno Sampaio Lobo
Email: bnlobo@gmail.com
Born in Figueira da Foz. He graduated in History (2008 – Pre-Bologna), specialising in Modern History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra (2009), and received a Master’s Degree in History and Geography Teaching in the 3rd cycle of Basic and Secondary Education from the same institution (2014). In 2009 he joined the teaching career, in which he remains until today. In 2018 he successfully completed the course of Advanced Studies in Architectural Heritage at the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Porto.
Main interests and research topics: History of Architecture; Social and religious history in Portugal from the late 18th to the mid-20th century.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0286-6417
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/BrunoLobo
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Carlos Eduardo da Mota
Email: carlos.edu.chambel@gmail.com
Carlos Eduardo da Mota has a degree in History with a minor in Archaeology from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, where he is currently studying for a master’s degree in early modern history. He is particularly interested in studying the Asian side of the Portuguese empire between the 16th and 17th centuries. His master’s thesis studies Portuguese colonial violence and oppression in the Estado da Índia during the transition from the rule of the House of Aviz to the Philippine dynasty (1570-1590). As part of his dissertation, he is currently on an Erasmus+ exchange programme at the Complutense University of Madrid.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese Early Modern History; Hispanic Monarchy; Iberian Union (1580-1640); History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire; History of the Portuguese Empire in Asia; Violence and Oppression in the Portuguese Empire.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-0100-8624
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/0512-502B-3666
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/CarlosMota
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Carlos Fernando Teixeira Alves
Email: cftalves@gmail.com
Carlos Fernando Teixeira Alves holds undergraduate and Master’s degrees in History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. In 2016, thanks to a PhD fellowship from the FCT (PD/BD/128127/2016), he enrolled in PIUDHist, the Inter-university Doctoral Programme in History – Change and Continuity in a Global World, at the Institute of Social Sciences of the University of Lisbon (ICS-UL), researching a thesis on the Natural Order in the university reforms of Salamanca and Coimbra, 1769-1820. In 2019, he was a visiting scholar in the Figuerola Institute of History and Social Sciences of the Carlos III University of Madrid.
Main interests and research topics: History of Universities; History of Science; History of Education; Modern History; Contemporary History; the Enlightenment; Liberalism; Digital Humanities.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0058-7262
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/DD10-A4E1-29C2
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Carolina Henriques Pereira
Email: carolinahenriques94@gmail.com
Carolina Henriques Pereira holds a Ph.D. in Contemporary History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She is the author of the book Refugiados da Segunda Guerra Mundial nas Caldas da Rainha (1940-1946) and co-author of the book Refugiados em Portugal no século XX. Entre a hospitalidade e a intransigência (2024). She is an integrated researcher at the Center for the History of Society and Culture (CHSC-FLUC) and invited assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra.
Main interests and research topics: Contemporary History; European History; Local History; World War II; Portuguese Estado Novo (Second Republic); Refugees.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7313-2560
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//en/A715-8E9C-B7A4
Repositório: https://coimbra.academia.edu/CarolinaPereira
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Cátia Antunes
- Cleusa Teixeira de Souza
Email: cleotsou@gmail.com
Cleusa Teixeira de Souza is a History teacher at the Goiás Department of Education – SEDUC-GO. Postdoctoral student in the History Postgraduate Programme at UFG. PhD in History from the Federal University of Goiás (2018), with a Doctoral Internship (Sandwich Doctorate Scholarship at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra (2017-2018), Master’s in History from UFG (2018), BA in History from the Federal University of Goiás (2003).
Main interests and research topics: Medieval Iberian History; Church History; Social History and Ideas and History of Sephardic Jews and Christian Peoples; History Teaching and Sensitive Issues.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7252-9438
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/3B14-172D-F2EE
Repository: https://ufg.academia.edu/CLEUSASOUSA/CurriculumVitae
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Covadonga Valdaliso-Casanova
Email: casanova@letras.ulisboa.pt
Covadonga Valdaliso-Casanova holds a PhD in Medieval History and is an integrated researcher at the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon.
Main interests and research topics: Her research area is the Iberian Peninsula during the Late Middle Ages, focusing on the fourteenth-century political history of the Portuguese kingdom and the Crown of Castile, as well as on medieval Iberian historiography.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9825-1574
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//7D17-3E72-1139
Repository: https://lisboa.academia.edu/CovadongaValdalisoCasanova
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Cristóvão Mata
Email: cristovaomat@hotmail.com
Cristóvão Mata holds an undergraduate degree in History and a Master’s degree in Modern History, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, where he also completed a PhD in Modern History, with an individual fellowship from the FCT. His thesis, entitled A Casa de Aveiro na Constelação dos Poderes Senhoriais: Estruturas de Domínio e Redes Clientelares (The House of Aveiro within the Aristocratic Power Constellation: Domination Structures and Clientele Networks), of 2019, aimed to study one of the main Portuguese noble houses during the Modern Age.
Main interests and research topics: Modern History; Aristocracy; Nobility; Local Elites; Municipalities; Institutional History; Manorialism; History of the Family.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3682-0700
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/CC1E-AB22-7292
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/CristovaoMata
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Daniel Norte Giebels
Email: danielgiebels@gmail.com
Holds a PhD in Advanced Studies in Modern History from the University of Coimbra, a Master’s degree in Modern History also from Coimbra and an undergraduate degree in Cultural Heritage from the University of Algarve. Currently, he is a member of the ReligionAJE – Religião, administração e justiça eclesiástica no Império Português (1514-1750) (Religion, ecclesiastical administration and justice in the Portuguese Seaborne Empire)project and works in the Centre of Religious History Studies, where he conducts research in the Convemos – Convento e Mosteiros de Portugal (1096-1910) – Espacialidades e temporalidades (Portuguese Convents and Monasteries – Spatial and Temporal Elements)project. He has authored several articles and papers on the Inquisition and the Church in Portugal between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries. In 2018, his book A Inquisição de Lisboa (1537-1579) (The Inquisition in Lisbon)was published by Gradiva. He was a joint winner of the 1st António Rosa Mendes National Award for a Historical Essay.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7000-8073
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/961B-3B28-24EE
Repositório: https://coimbra.academia.edu/DanielGiebels
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Diana Salvado
Email: salvadodiana030@gmail.com
Diana Salvado has a degree in History of Art from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She is currently part of the research team of the project IMAGINARIA: Valorization and Participatory Protection of the Sculptural Heritage of the Paço das Escolas of the University of Coimbra, in development at the Center for History of Society and Culture.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese art; sculpture; iconography; 19th century Portuguese art; Modern Period; Contemporary Period.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1154-6231
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//B01E-E940-7B18
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/DianaSalvado
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Diana Silva
Email: dianasofsilva@gmail.com
Diana Silva has a degree in History (with a minor in Modern Languages – French) and a Master’s in History of the Modern Age from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She is currently doing her PhD in History, Contemporary History branch, in the same institution and has a scholarship from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, with her thesis entitled Patriotic Societies and Liberal Political Culture (1820-1828).
Main interests and research topics: Contemporary History of Portugal; History of the Portuguese 19th century; Political history; Cultural history; Political sociability; Citizenship.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9744-6591
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//A61F-DA94-D16C
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/DianaSilva
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Dina Alves
Email: dina.alves@ipleiria.pt
Dina Catarina Duarte Alves holds a PhD in Modern History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, with the thesis Violence, criminality and justice in rural societies in the Modern Period. The municipality of Obidos, 1736-1806. Currently, she is an adjunct professor at the School of Education and Social Sciences at the Polytechnic of Leiria. In 2021, she won the international award “Pina Manique – From the Enlightenment to the Liberal Revolution”, awarded by the Portuguese Academy of History and Pina Manique Foundation, for her doctoral thesis.
Main interests and research topics: Modern History; Local History; Violence; Crime; Justice; Sociability; Education/teaching.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4042-5989
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/en/7813-5E94-3C49
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Dina Sebastião
Email: dinasebastiao@gmail.com
Dina Sebastião is an Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She holds a PhD in European Studies from the same University, her areas of research interest focus on EU politics and policy, namely the study of political parties, Europeanisation, with a focus on Portugal and Spain, governance and democracy, following a normative orientation applied to the EU as a political entity. In this context, she has published book chapters and articles in peer-reviewed journals. She was awarded the 2017 Jacques Delors Prize – Ministry of Foreign Affairs, for the best study in community issues.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-8988-5893
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//941E-4D2E-3F78
Repository: https://uc-pt.academia.edu/DinaSebastião
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Diogo Filipe Matias Marques
Email: diogo.fmm@sapo.pt
Diogo Filipe Matias Marques is a History PhD candidate at the University of Coimbra, where he is currently conducting his doctorate-level research on “The House of Cantanhede-Marialva (1661-1823): Family, Heritage and Power”, funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (fellowship SFRH/BD/129781/2017). He has spoken at several national and international scientific events.
Main interests and research topics: History of the Nobility; Local History; Portugal in the Modern Age; the relationship between lordships, municipalities and manorial houses.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1834-2215
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//9816-48D9-C34B
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/DiogoMarques
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Diogo Lemos
Email: diogolem1@gmail.com
Diogo Lemos is an Art History PhD candidate in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, for which he was awarded a PhD fellowship by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/05859/2021, Symbols and signs of authority and power in eighteenth-century Portuguese art: the Palace of the University of Coimbra). Currently, he is an Invited assistant lecturer at the University of Coimbra (Faculty of Arts and Humanities) and Assistant Editor of the collection “The Worlds of History”, edited by the Centre for the History of Society and Culture. Dedicates his research activity to Portuguese art in the Modern Age, particularly the study of material culture, painting and portraiture, focusing on their iconological and hermeneutical aspects. He also develops his activity in the broader domain of the artistic and cultural heritage of the University of Coimbra, participating in several projects in the fields of research, inventory, conservation, and security. He has spoken at national and international scientific meetings, devoting particular attention to the impact of French and Italian cross-cultural and artistic exchanges with Portugal..He has spoken at national and international congresses and conferences, focusing on studying Portuguese-Italian and Portuguese-French artistic and cultural exchanges and mutual influence during the Modern Age.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese Art and Heritage in the Modern Age; University of Coimbra, Painting; Portraiture; Iconography; Material Culture, Decorative Arts.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2985-0119
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//891F-0522-4D96
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/DiogoLemos
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Edgar Pereira
Email: edgarbertrandpereira@gmail.com
Edgar Pereira holds a PhD in Economic and Social History from Leiden University (Netherlands) and received a postdoctoral fellowship from the KNIR (Royal Netherlands Institute in Rome). Currently, he is a first stage PhD researcher in the Center for the History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra. He has conducted archival research in seven countries and has published articles in scientific journals and collective works. In 2015, his Master’s thesis was awarded the Marc Bloch Prize by the European University Institute (Florence), in the category of best Master’s dissertation on Modern and Contemporary History. In addition to archival work and publishing, he has taught several courses for undergraduate and Master’s degrees.
Main interests and research topics: Economic and political history of Portugal in the Modern Age; History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire; Connected history of the Iberian empires; History of sea trade in the Modern Age.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8547-6777
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/A313-089D-95DB
Repository: https://leidenuniv.academia.edu/EdgarPereira
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Ediana Ferreira Mendes
E-mail: edianamendes@gmail.com
Ediana Ferreira Mendes has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in History from the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil) and a PhD in History, Modern History branch, from the University of Coimbra, when she was awarded the Francisco de Lemos Scholarship, granted by the Coimbra University Archive. Currently she is Adjunct Professor C-II at the Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia (Brazil) and is doing post-doctoral studies at the University of Coimbra with a scholarship granted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brazil). In 2022, she published the book resulting from her doctoral thesis, entitled Edificar a Igreja, Consolidar o Império: a Universidade de Coimbra e os Bispos do Brasil (1676-ca. 1773), by the University of Coimbra Press and the Federal University of Bahia Press.
CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1204556576910249
Repository: https://ufob.academia.edu/EdianaMendes
Research project: One head, three mitres. The episcopal action of D. João Franco de Oliveira between Luanda, Salvador and Miranda do Douro (1687-1715)
This project seeks to understand the episcopal action of D. João Franco de Oliveira in three distinct spaces, the overseas dioceses of Angola and Bahia and the reinol Miranda do Douro between the years 1687 and 1715. We intend to examine the adaptability of the pastoral action, the way he governed these populations, how he applied the instruments of social discipline, the reach and effectiveness of these measures, and how these populations interpreted, assimilated, resigned or resisted the episcopal action. Finally, we will investigate the possible relations of collaboration between this prelate, who came from the ranks of the Inquisition, and the Portuguese Holy Office.
Research period: Ediana Mendes will be a visiting researcher and will develop her research project between January and December 2023.
- Enzo Novello
Email: enzonovello@gmail.com
Enzo Novello is a PhD candidate in Contemporary History at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra, where he also completed a degree in History with a minor in Art History and a master’s degree in Contemporary History.
Main areas of interest and research: queenship studies, royal studies, history of nationalisms, microhistory, history of culture, history of gender relationsORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1843-8532
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//pt/5E1A-0D1E-6526
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Eurico Gomes Dias
Email: eurico_dias@sapo.pt
Eurico José Gomes Dias has a degree in Social Communication from the Higher Institute of Languages and Administration in Santarém. He has a post-graduate degree in Communication Law from FDUC and a Master’s degree in Medieval and Renaissance History, from FLUP, where he defended his PhD, his Post-PhD, and his Aggregation in History. He was awarded a PhD and a post-doctoral fellowship supported by FCT. He is currently an Assistant Professor with aggregation at the Instituto Superior de Ciências Policiais e Segurança Interna [Lisbon], and an integrated researcher of ICPOL, of the same Institute. Corresponding Academic of the Portuguese Academy of History and corresponding member of the Scientific Council of the Portuguese Commission of Military History.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2989-4912
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//D818-B637-7362
Repository: https://comum.rcaap.pt/browse?type=author&value=Dias%2C+Eurico+Jos%C3%A9+Gomes
Research group(s): Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Fernando Catroga
Email: fcatroga@hotmail.com
Fernando Catroga is a retired full professor in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He holds a PhD in Modern and Contemporary History from the University of Coimbra and an honorary doctorate from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil). He has been awared the Military Order of Saint James of the Sword, for scientific merit, by the President of the Portuguese Republic. He has also been granted the Medal of Honour of the University of São Paulo, and the Portuguese Academy of History has distinguished his scholarly excellence. He is head of the Repensar o Ofício do Historiador (Rethinking the Historian’s Craft) research group in the CHSC. He has edited the Revista de História das Ideias (Journal of Intellectual History). He has published extensively in the fields of Political, Cultural and Intellectual History.
Main interests and research topics: Republicanism; Secularisation and Laicism; Historical Memory; Historical Theory; Historiography; Intellectual History; Cultural History.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0005-8636-1986
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//en/B31B-EAE5-DB8A
Research group(s): Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Fernando Taveira da Fonseca
Email: fertaveira@gmail.com
Fernando Taveira da Fonseca holds a PhD in Modern and Contemporary History and is a tenured associate professor in retirement from the University of Coimbra. He is a member of the IEMYR (Instituto de Estudios Medievales y Renascentistas) (Institute of Medieval and Renaissance Studies) of the University of Salamanca, and the Portuguese Academy of History has distinguished his scholarly excellence. He was head of the Instituto de História Económica e Social (Institute of Economic and Social History), board member of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities and head of the Department of History, Archaeology and Arts. He was in the committee that supervised the University of Coimbra’s application to UNESCO World Heritage status.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese Modern History; Economic and Social History; History of the University of Coimbra; History of Universities; History of Education; Religious History; History of the Restoration.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3280-5009
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/E916-F8A3-40B5
Repository: https://uc-pt.academia.edu/FernandoTaveiradaFonseca
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Filipa Roldão
Email: anaroldao@campus.ul.pt
Filipa Roldão holds a Master’s degree in Palaeography and Diplomatics (2007) from the School of Arts and Humanities of the University of Lisbon, where she has also obtained a PhD in History (2011), with a thesis on urban administration and writing procedures in Évora (1415-1536). Between 2012 and 2019, she enjoyed a post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology for conducting a study on writing procedures in the city of Macau during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries). She is an assistant researcher at the University of Lisbon’s Centre for History and a principal researcher in the project “Portuguese Town Charters in the Middle Ages: a historical and linguistic approach in the digital age” (PTDC/HAR-HIS/5065/2020).
Main interests and research topics: Written culture; Urban administration; Municipal administration; Manuscript publishing in Latin and Portuguese; Thirteenth to sixteenth centuries.
ORDIC: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8760-6133
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//1F12-45E5-8629
Repository: https://repositorio.ul.pt/
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Filipe Folque de Mendóça
Email: fmendoca@yahoo.com
Filipe Folque de Mendóça holds a PhD in History (Contemporary Period) from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He is a university professor and researcher. He is president of the Dom João VI Institute, director of the History Department, member of the Scientific Committee of the Renacimiento Prize and member of the Advisory Board of the “Aula Carolus Magnus”.
Main areas of interest and research topics: Modern and Contemporary History; Military Orders; Diplomatic History; Military History; Ancien Regime, Constitutionalism, Monarchy – Royalty, Aristocracy – Nobility; Royal Houses of Europe.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7485-3768
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Filipe Miguel de Andrade Campos
Email: filipeandrade37@hotmail.com
Filipe Miguel de Andrade Campos holds a Bachelor’s degree in History by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra and a Master’s degree in Teaching History (7-12) by the same institution. He is a History teacher since 2017. He is also a PhD candidate in Modern History, and has been working on fraternal assistance and death.
Main interests and research topics: Portugal Modern History, Religion History; Social History; History of Death; History of Mercies and Assistance; Confraternity and Third Order; Rituals.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9350-2290
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Gabriel Martinez Bonora
Email: gabriel.m.bonora@gmail.com
Gabriel Martinez Bonora holds a degree in History from the Octávio Bastos University Centre (São Paulo, Brazil), and a scholarship from the Santander Ibero-Americana programme from the same institution. He taught Philosophy in secondary school at the Instituto Educacional São João da Escócia (Minas Gerais, Brazil) and worked at the Museo Histórico e Geográfico de Poços de Caldas (Minas Gerais, Brazil). He is currently a Master’s student in History of the Middle Ages at the University of Coimbra.
Main interests and research topics: medieval history; history of religions; rural history; cultural history; history of mentalities and imaginary
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8751-253X
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//1B16-360B-BC95
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Gabriel Paquette
- Gabriela Nóbrega
Email: agabrielanobrega95@gmail.com
Gabriela Nóbrega holds a Master’s degree in Modern History (2019) from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, with a dissertation about Friar Agostinho da Anunciação, an archbishop-governor in Goa (1691-1713). She is a Modern History PhD student in the same university, holding a Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology fellowship. She is a research team member in the project ReligionAJE (Religion, ecclesiastical administration and justice in the Portuguese Seaborne Empire, 1514-1750).
Main interests and research topics: Ecclesiastical and religious history; Global and connected history; Portugal in the Modern Age; History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5055-4130
Repository: https://independent.academia.edu/NóbregaGabriela
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Guilherme Sousa
Email: guisousa160@gmail.com
Guilherme Miguel Mendes de Sousa is a doctoral student in Early Modern History at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. In 2019 he was distinguished with the “UC à Frente” award and two years later he was nominated ambassador of the University of Coimbra. In July 2024 he defended his master’s dissertation, entitled Uprooting ancient herbs: the missionary work in China seen from an inquisitorial collection from the Philippines, 1638-1645. In the same year, he was awarded an FCT research grant, related to a project of transcription and inventory of a Jesuit epistolary corpus from Sé Nova de Coimbra promoted by the Centre for Classical and Humanistic Studies. His research focuses on the early modern Catholic missionary enterprises in East Asia.
Main interests and research topics: History of the Catholic Church; History of Catholic Missions; History of Portuguese Expansion; History of Asia; Social History and History of Mentalities.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9408-1427
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/GuilhermeSousa
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Hugo Gonçalves Dores
Email: hfgdores@gmail.com
Hugo Gonçalves Dores is an integrated researcher at the Center for the History of Society and Culture and a guest professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He holds a PhD degree from the Institute of Social Sciences (University of Lisbon). He is a member of the Center of Religious History Studies (Catholic University of Portugal). His researches focus on colonial educational policies, State-Church relations and the missionary question in colonial empires (19th-20th centuries). He authored A Missão da República (1910-1926) (2015) and Politics and Religion in the Portuguese Colonial Empire in Africa (1890-1930) (2021), among other articles and chapters, and also co-edited Education and Development in Colonial and Post-Colonial Africa (2020).
Main interests and research topics: Contemporary History; Imperialism; Colonial Education; UNESCO in Colonial Context; State-Church Relations in Colonial Empires; Missionary History.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7690-7563
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/6F1A-84AC-687E
Repository: https://uc-pt.academia.edu/HugoGonçalvesDores
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Inês Pina
Email: inesgpina@hotmail.com
Inês Pina holds undergraduate degrees in Art Studies and Art History, and a Master’s degree in Management and Programming for Cultural Heritage and Museology, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She is a project team member in “The Heritage of the University of Coimbra. (In)visible sculptures in the University Palace (seventeenth and eighteenth centuries)”, for which she has focussed on the topic of movable heritage.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese Art; Middle Ages; Modern Age; Sculpture Production; Movable and Immovable Cultural Heritage.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4875-5424
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//1D1F-2EF8-3B3C
Repository: http://hdl.handle.net/10316/82297
Grupo(s) de investigação: Heranças e identidades locais e regionais
- Inês Pinto
Email: inesmjpinto@gmail.com
Inês Maria Jordão Pinto, graduated in Communication Sciences, (ISCIA – 2010), Master in Tourism, Territory and Heritage (2019) and Master in History of Art, Heritage and Cultural Tourism (2013), both by FLUC, attends the PhD in History, by FLUC with the thesis project entitled The Monastery of Santa Maria de Seiça: history, property and heritage heritage. From Medieval Times to Extinction, under the guidance of Saul António Gomes, being a doctoral fellow of FCT.
Her research has resulted in communications presented at scientific meetings and the publication of articles in Portugal and the Netherlands, on topics of local history, Dutch tiles, and her current area of interest is the Cistercian theme.Main areas of interest and research: Modern Portuguese History; Monastic History; Local History; Social History; Dutch Tiles; Cultural Heritage
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6112-3616
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//8315-746E-45D0
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/InesPinto
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Irene Vaquinhas
Email: irenemcv@fl.uc.pt
Irene Vaquinhas holds a PhD in History and is a full professor in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, since 2009. She was scientific coordinator of the Center for the History of Society and Culture from November 2013 to October 2020. She represented the University of Coimbra in the EU’s project ATHENA (Advanced Thematic Network for Activities on Women’s Studies). She has worked on several international projects. She is a member of the Portuguese Academy of History.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese Contemporary History; Rural History; History of the forms of socialisation; History of Private Life; Women’s and Gender History; Food Heritage History and Museology.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1889-165X
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/7116-054C-1FE6
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/IreneVaquinhas
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Isabel Ferreira da Mota
Email: ifmota@fl.uc.pt
Isabel Ferreira da Mota has a PhD in History from the University of Coimbra, where she teaches Early Modern History. In 2004, she was awarded the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Prize in Modern and Contemporary History for her work A Academia Real da História: os intelectuais, o poder cultural e o poder monárquico no século XVIII (2003). She is a collaborating researcher at CEIS20, Director of the Revista de História das Ideias and an academic at the Portuguese Academy of History.
Main interests and research topics: Cultural and Political History of the eighteenth century; Transnational History; Historiography, Academies and Universities; Travelling and the Republic of Letters; Political Practices, Visual Culture and Material Culture.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9743-2739
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/en/611A-6C43-6E6C
Repository: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Isabel-Mota-2
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Isabela Augusta Carneiro Bezerra
Email: isabela.bezerra@ifpb.edu.br
Isabela Augusta Carneiro Bezerra is a History PhD student at the University of Coimbra and a permanent History professor (exclusive dedication regime) in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraíba – IFPB, Brazil. She was an educational supervisor and deputy general director of the Cabedelo Centro Advanced Campus – IFPB, Brazil. She holds undergraduate and Master’s degrees in History from the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil.
Main interests and research topics: Political History; Management of the Portuguese Overseas Empire; Governors and captain-majors of the Portuguese Overseas Empire; History of Colonial Brazil; Portugal in the Modern Age.
CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/3645709522976746
Repository: https://repositorio.ufpb.br/jspui/handle/tede/8100?locale=pt_BR
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Jaime Ricardo Gouveia
Email: jaime.gouveia@uc.pt
Jaime Ricardo Gouveia holds a PhD in History from the European University Institute in Florence, as well as undergraduate and Master’s degrees in History from the University of Coimbra. Currently, he is an integrated researcher in the CHSC, a guest professor in the Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts of the University of Coimbra, and a teacher in the postgraduate degree in History of the Federal University of the Amazonas. He is also co-principal researcher in the ReligionAJE international project. He has received fellowships from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia. He conducted two postdoctoral projects funded by the FCT and CAPES, and was a visiting researcher in the Max Planck Institute for European Legal History, in Frankfurt. He has authored a number of books on History and is the recipient of several scientific awards, such as the Gulbenkian Award of the Portuguese Academy of History (2015).
Main interests and research topics: Modern History; Ecclesiastic and Religious History; Comparative and Transnational History; Legal History; History of Colonialism.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2435-7384
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/C71F-7E85-C953
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/JaimeGouveia
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Jairzinho Lopes Pereira
Email: jairzinho.lopes@vid.no
Jairzinho Lopes Pereira holds an undergraduate degree in History from the University of Coimbra, a Master’s degree in Political Science from the Faculty of Social Sciences of the KU Leuven(Belgium) and a PhD in Systematic Theology from the Faculty of Theology of the University of Helsinki (Finland). He works as a researcher in the History Department of the VID Specialized University, Stavanger, Norway. He is an “Associated Foreign Researcher” in the Centre of Religious History Studies of the Portuguese Catholic University.
Main interests and research topics: Patristic Theology; Sixteenth century Reformation; the relationship between the Catholic Church and Slavery in Africa, especially Angola, the Belgian Congo and Cape Verde; Political Theology; History of the Church in Cape Verde.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0643-6377
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//E212-6475-3EE4
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Joana Antunes
Email: joana.filipa.antunes@gmail.com
Joana Antunes holds a PhD in Art History and is an assistant professor at the University of Coimbra, supervising the Art History undergraduate programme. She is an integrated researcher in the University’s Research Center in Archaeology, Arts and Heritage Sciences (CEAACP). She has been involved in several research projects in Portugal, as well as in the international research group Tectum – European Observatory of Painted Wooden Ceilings (Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3). She is currently the Principal Researcher in the project “Seeing through the eyes/ears of the past. Spatial and acoustic reconstruction of the Old Cathedral of Coimbra (sixteenth century)”, based at the University of Coimbra.
Main interests and research topics: Art in the Middle Ages and the Modern Age (twelfth to sixteenth centuries); Iconology; Marginalia; Liminality; The grotesque and the monstrous; The mechanics of images and (in)visibility logic in the ecclesial space.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8679-9009
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/0419-7895-AECA
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/JoanaAntunes
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Joana Brites
Email: brites.joanac@gmail.com
Joana Brites holds a Master’s degree in Art History and a PhD in History, specialising in Art History, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She is an assistant professor in that Faculty, an integrated researcher at the Centre of 20th-Century Interdisciplinary Studies (CEIS20) and a collaboration at the Institute of Art History of the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences of the NOVA University Lisbon. She was part of the Bureau for the Candidacy of the University of Coimbra to UNESCO World Heritage status, coordinated the Faculty’s Art History undergraduate degree, co-supervised the CEIS20’s transdisciplinary lines of research, and was a visiting scholar at Brown University (USA).
Main interests and research topics: Modernism; Authoritarian and totalitarian regimes; Architecture of the Portuguese Estado Novo; Public works in the Portuguese Colonial Empire (1933-1975); Dissonant heritage; Portuguese sculpture (nineteenth and twentieth centuries).
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-9857-1722
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/1510-0395-8C81
Repository: https://uc-pt.academia.edu/JoanaBrites
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- João Castro Portugal
Email: J.castro.portugal@gmail.com
João de Castro Portugal has a degree in History and a master’s degree in History of the Middle Ages with the thesis entitled Violence in a manorial context in documents of D. Dinis, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He is currently attending a PhD program in Medieval History, on the theme of violence and conflict in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries, in the same institution. He also holds a bachelor’s degree and a degree in Marketing Management.
Main interests and research topics: Medieval History (13th and 14th centuries); Social, Political and Institutional History; History of the nobility; History of Powers.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2247-5686
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/Jo%C3%A3oPortugal
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- João Figueiredo
Email: de.castro.maia@gmail.com
João Figueiredo holds a PhD in Advanced Studies in History, Empire, Politics and Postcolonialism from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra (2016), a postgraduate degree in Human Rights from the Faculty of Law of the University of Coimbra (2006) and a degree in Anthropology from the Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (2005). His work has focused on the historical and anthropological analysis of Portuguese colonialism in Angola, during the “long 19th century”. He has a special interest in the interfaces between the Portuguese administration and the local normative systems, and in the role that the materiality, whether of writing or of ethnographic objects, played in these relations.
CV: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0001-9981-9064
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/Jo%C3%A3oFigueiredo
- João Gouveia Monteiro
Email: joao.g.monteiro@sapo.pt
João Gouveia Monteiro (b. 1958) is Full Professor at the University of Coimbra, where he received his doctorate in History (1997). He was a guest professor at the Université Paul Valéry (Montpellier III) and a visiting professor at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris). He did internships at the universities of Bologna and La Laguna-Tenerife. In 1995-2001, he coordinated a multidisciplinary research project on the Aljubarrota battlefield. He is a corresponding academic at the Portuguese Academy of History and was the first President of the Iberian Association of Military History (4th-16th centuries), between 2015 and 2022. He founded and directs the Academy for the Encounter of Cultures and Religions (APECER- UC). He was Pro-Rector for Culture, Director of the University Press and Director of the U.C. General Library. He was a member of the General Council of U.C. in 2012-2016 and in 2020-2024 terms.
Main interests and research topics: Military History, European History in the Middle Ages, Ancient History and History of Religion.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-3418-0217
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/C515-07FC-57A3
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/JoãoGouveiaMonteiro
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- João Marinho dos Santos
João Marinho dos Santos is a retired Full Professor in the History Group of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He has focused his scientific research in the areas of History of the Discoveries and Portuguese Expansion and Local History, highlighting among his latest publications: Ceuta não foi Conquista, mas começo dela (2017); Costumes e Foros de Castelo Bom (2018); Estudos sobre os Descobrimentos e Expansão Portuguesa (2021).
Between 1990 and 1994 he held the position of delegate of the Secretary of State for Culture for the Central Zone of Portugal and, between 2003 and 2013, that of scientific head of the Centre for History of Society and Culture.ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0001-9728-4569
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//en/871C-913A-11D9
- João Nunes
Email: jnunes@esev.ipv.pt
João Nunes holds a PhD in History from the University of Coimbra. He teaches in the Polytechnic Institute of Viseu and collaborates with the Centro de Estudos em Educação e Inovação (Center for Studies in Education and Innovation) (CI&DEI – IPV). He has taken part in several research projects in the fields of History and Cultural Heritage.
His interests, research activities and published work mainly focus on Religious and Ecclesiastic History in the Modern Age.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0328-307X
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/en/E41E-B7EF-6D93
Repository: https://estgv.academia.edu/JoãoNunes
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- João Rafael Nisa
Email: joaonisa1984@gmail.com
João Rafael Nisa is a Medieval History PhD candidate in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, having a fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/136145/2018). His PhD project, supervised by Professor João Gouveia Monteiro, analyses the practices and management of war in the Alentejo region during the Middle Ages (fourteenth to fifteenth centuries). He has spoken at scientific events in Portugal and abroad. He has also written various works on medieval warfare. He is a member of the Iberian Association of Military History (fourth to sixteenth centuries).
Main interests and research topics: Medieval Warfare; Municipalities; Cross-border relations between Portugal and Castile; Alentejo in the Middle Ages; Prince Pedro; Duke of Coimbra.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7698-7567
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/JoaoNisa
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources; Local and regional heritage and identities
- José Antunes
Email: antunesgjose@gmail.com
José Antunes has a PhD in Medieval History and is an Assistant Professor with aggregation from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, having retired in 2000. He was a member of the Institute for History and Theory of Ideas and is currently a member of the Centre for History of Society and Culture.
Main areas of interest and research topics: Medieval History of Portugal; Portuguese erudite culture in the 12th to 14th centuries (Jurists, Theologians and Philosophers); Historical problematics of the beginnings of the foundation of the Portuguese University.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5446-0526
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//en/0616-A6D0-63DC
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- José Luís Barbosa
Email: jlsb101088@gmail.com
José Luís dos Santos Barbosa holds a PhD in Early Modern History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra, with a dissertation titled The Financing Model of the University of Coimbra (1772–1836). During his doctoral studies, he was a research fellow funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) (Ref. FCT: SFRH/BD/143897/2019). Currently, he is a researcher in the project ReSEED – Rescuing Seed’s Heritage: Engaging in a New Framework of Agriculture and Innovation since the 18th Century (UIDB/00460/2020). He is an integrated researcher at the Centre for History of Society and Culture and serves as an invited assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra. Barbosa is also a board member of the Portuguese Society for Rural Studies (SPER) and the Rural RePort – Rural History Network.
Main interests and research topics: Modern Portuguese History, Economic History, Financial History, Institutional History, Fiscal History, History of Universities, Local Governance History, Agrarian History, Seigneurial History
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1459-209X
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/9E1F-D180-18DE
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/Jos%C3%A9Lu%C3%ADsdosSantosBarbosa
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- José Manuel Azevedo e Silva
Email: jazevedosilva@gmail.com
José Manuel Azevedo e Silva holds a PhD in History from the University of Coimbra, where he taught between 1983 and 2007. His activity focused on teaching and researching the History of the Portuguese Discoveries and Overseas Empire and the History of Colonial Brazil. He has published 20 books on these topics, as well as approximately 100 articles, prefaces and reviews. The Portuguese Academy of History granted him the Calouste Gulbenkian “História da Presença de Portugal no Mundo” (“History of the Portuguese Presence in the World”) award, in 2008. He is a fellow of the Portuguese Academy of History.
Main interests and research topics: Local and Regional History; History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire; History of Brazil; Local History.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0007-4994-2620
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//D518-6E6B-8FB0
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- José Pedro Monteiro
Email: ze.pedro.monteiro@gmail.com; jose.p.monteiro@fl.uc.pt
José Pedro Monteiro is a research fellow at the Center for History of Society and Culture. He holds a PhD in History (Institute of Social Sciences, University of Lisbon, 2017) and has focused his academic work on the history of empires and imperialism, as well as international and transnational history. His research explores the historical intersections between various forms of internationalism and imperial projects, with a particular emphasis on citizenship as both a political and social category. These research interests have led to numerous scholarly publications in national and international journals and publishers, including the book The Internationalisation of the “Native Labour” Question in Portuguese Late Colonialism (1945-1962), published by Palgrave Macmillan. He is currently the coordinator of the project Humanity Internationalised: Cases, Dynamics, and Comparisons (1945-1980), funded by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology.
Main interests and research topics: Imperial and Colonial History; International and Transnational History; History of Labor, Citizenship, Human Rights, and Self-Determination; History of International Relations; History of International Organizations.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0001-6999-9439
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/3119-46CA-A698
Repositório: https://uminho.academia.edu/Jos%C3%A9PedroMonteiro
Grupo(s) de investigação: Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- José Pedro Paiva
Email: lejpaiva@fl.uc.pt
José Pedro Paiva holds a PhD in History and is a full professor in the University of Coimbra. He was head of the University Archive and of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities. He is an integrated member of the Center for the History of Society and Culture (CHSC) and a collaborating member of the Centre of Religious History Studies (CEHR – UCP). He is a member of the Portuguese Academy of History and the Lisbon Academy of Sciences. He has worked on and supervised several national and international projects, was a guest professor in the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and was awarded fellowships by the John Carter Brown Library (USA) and the Nederlanse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (Dutch Research Council).
Main interests and research topics: History of Religion; Catholic Reformation; Witchcraft in the Early Modern Age; Misericórdias; Early Modern Portuguese History; History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire; the Iberian Union (1580-1640).
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0001-5312-1138
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//pt/BA17-42F4-F7F9
Repository: https://uc-pt.academia.edu/JosePaiva
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- José Vieira Leitão
Email: jose.cv.leitao@gmail.com
José Vieira Leitão has a PhD in Experimental Physics from the Delft University of Technology (Netherlands, 2014) and Modern History from the University of Coimbra (2024). His current lines of research focus on the mapping of both learned and folk magic in Portugal, as well as other expressions of esoteric practice and thinking. This includes the search for autochthonous magic and esoteric texts in Portuguese and Iberian archives, and the understanding of the local circulation of European magic texts. He is a member of the European Society for the Study of Western Esotericism and has authored several annotated translations of literary works related to magic and/or religious heterodoxy.
Main interests and research topics: Books of Saint Cyprian; Grimoire Tradition; Magic; Magical literature; Methodology in Religious Studies; Occultism; Portuguese Inquisition; Western Esotericism; Witchcraft.
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/FA12-F6FC-65FE
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7456-5045
Repositório: https://coimbra.academia.edu/JoséVieiraLeitão
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Juan Pablo Domínguez
E-mail: jdfernandez@unav.es
Juan Pablo Domínguez holds a Ph.D. in History from the University of Navarra. His doctoral dissertation on the work of the Spanish historian Claudio Sánchez-Albornoz was awarded the 2011 Prize of the Royal Academy of Doctors of Spain. He has been a Postdoctoral Fellow at Yale’s Council on Latin American & Iberian Studies and a visiting scholar at Oxford University and Cambridge University. He is currently a Research Fellow at the Institute for Culture and Society at the University of Navarra. His research has focused on European ideas on religious tolerance and intolerance during the Age of Enlightenment and Revolution, as well as on the discursive construction of Spain’s identity and memory from the sixteenth to the twentieth centuries.
Repository: https://portalcientifico.unav.edu/investigadores/329842/detalle
Research project: European Tolerance and Iberian Intolerance: A Discursive Divide (1481-1914)
The project examines a significant number and variety of early modern and modern discourses on the alleged contrast between Northern European tolerance and Spanish and Portuguese intolerance, from the earliest writings for and against the Castilian Inquisition to the book in which Julián Juderías sought to discredit the idea of an intolerant Spain as a product of Northern and Protestant Hispanophobia. Against the still-prevalent attribution of the idea of Spain’s and Portugal’s exceptional repression of religious dissent to critics of Iberian fanaticism, the project will highlight the role played by the very apologists of Spanish and Portuguese intolerance in constructing this notion of Iberian exceptionalism.
Research period: February 2025 – July 2025
- Laura de Mello e Souza
- Leonor Salguinho Ferreira
Email: maria.leonor143@gmail.com
Leonor Salguinho Ferreira is a PhD candidate in Early Modern History at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. Her thesis is entitled Between the Mountain and the Sea: the Women of Portuguese Rurality of the 18th Century. She has a degree in History (with a minor in European Studies) and a master’s degree in Early Modern History from the same institution. She is a collaborator at the Centre for the History of Society and Culture. Currently, she holds a PhD scholarship from the Foundation for Science and Technology (ref. 2024.04504.BD). Her studies focus mostly of Women’s History, and she’s the author of several papers and publications
Main interests and research topics: Women’s History; Rural History; Early Modern History of Portugal; Social History.
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/0B16-2FA2-3544
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8857-1072
Repository: https://independent.academia.edu/LeonorFerreira14
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Leonor Zozaya-Montes
Email: leonor.zozaya@ulpgc.es
Leonor Zozaya-Montes holds a degree (1993/98) and a PhD in History from the Complutense University of Madrid (UCM, 2008), where she was Professor of Historiographical Sciences and Techniques (2006/11). She is currently a lecturer at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain). She was a scholarship holder at UCM (1997/98) and at the Institute of History of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, 1999-2006). She did a research period at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales in Paris for a full year (2002/03). She was a FormArte grantee at the Spanish National Library Archive (Madrid, 2012/13). Between 2014 and 2019 she was an FCT post-doctoral fellow at the CHSC of the University of Coimbra. She is the author of about fifty scientific publications. She is principal investigator of the Project on “Archivos, documentos y memoria de la Época Medieval a la Contemporánea” (No. ref. ULPGCP2018-29).
Main interests and research topics: History of Archives and Notaries (Middle Ages and Early Modern Age); Palaeography and Pedagogy; Spanish Inquisition.
CV: orcid.org/0000-0002-6256-1888
Repository: https://leonorzozaya.wordpress.com/trabajos/
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Leontina Domingos Ventura
Email: ldvdf@fl.uc.pt
Leontina Domingos Ventura holds a PhD in History and is an associate professor in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She has worked on several national projects and two international projects. She is a member of the Portuguese Academy of History and the Portuguese Institute of Genealogy and Heraldry, IPGH.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese History in the Middle Ages (mainly eleventh to fourteenth centuries), particularly Social History of the urban nobility and aristocracies and Institutional History, particularly judicial and fiscal institutions; History of the City of Coimbra; Biographies; Administrative documentation (royal, episcopal and monastic chancelleries).
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3051-5526
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/A21C-33E4-EAA7
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/leontinaventura
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Luciano Augusto dos Santos Moreira
Email: lucrdp@gmail.com
Luciano Augusto dos Santos Moreira holds an undergraduate degree in Theology from the Faculty of Theology of the Portuguese Catholic University, Lisbon, and undergraduate and Master’s degrees in History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. Currently, he is a Modern History PhD student in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, with a fellowship from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/143791/2019). His PhD project is called “Parochial advowson in the diocese of Lamego: institutions, mechanisms, rights and duties (1520-1833)”.
Main interests and research topics: Medieval and Modern History; Church History; History of the Church in Portugal; History of the diocese of Lamego; Parish networks; Parochial advowson; Parochial Clergy; Benefices; Tithe.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1298-4065
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/LucianoMoreira
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Luís Miguel Rêpas
Email: lrepas@gmail.com
Luís Miguel Rêpas holds an M.A. and a PhD in Medieval History from the University of Coimbra (2000 and 2021) and is a full researcher at the Centre for the History of Society and Culture and a collaborator at the Institute for Medieval Studies (NOVA FCSH). He was a member of the Cistercian Horizons project team, which studied the Alcobaça’s scriptorium and its production, and he is a researcher in the project Books, rituals and space in a Cistercian nunnery. Living, praying and reading in Lorvão, 13th-16th centuries, both funded by the FCT. He is one of the Scientific Coordinators of the project to edit the medieval documentation of the Convent of Arouca (which is the result of a partnership between the CHSC and the Municipality of Arouca) and he has been an Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Coimbra since 2022.
Main interests and research topics: Monastic History; Social History; Women’s History; WrittenCulture; Palaeography and Diplomatics; Primary Sources Editing.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5437-9437
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/1414-BC78-D72A
Repository: https://unl-pt.academia.edu/Lu%C3%ADsR%C3%AApas
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Luísa Trindade
Email: luisa.trindade@fl.uc.pt
Luísa Trindade has a PhD in Art History and is an associate professor with tenure at the University of Coimbra, where she has taught since 1996. She has been the director of the BA in History of Art and of the MA in Art and Heritage, director of the Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts and president of the Assembly of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She is currently the Scientific Coordinator of the Heritage Management Support Office at the University of Coimbra.
A member of the Centre for the History of Society and Culture, she is also a collaborator with the Institute of Medieval Studies at the NOVA University of Lisbon – School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH). With dozens of articles and communications, she has participated in and coordinated various national and international projects in the fields of teaching, research and the transmission of knowledge in History, Art History and Heritage.
Main interests and research topics: History of Urbanism; Medieval City; History of Art; Medieval art; Late-medieval Architecture; Heritage and Mediation.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2475-7529
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/AD1E-2B80-645F
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/LuisaTrindade
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Marco Cosme
Email: marcocosme@sapo.pt
Marco Cosme holds a degree in History and a master’s degree in Early Modern History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. His master’s degree thesis, entitled Elites e Poder Local em Macau (1750-1848): Os Provedores da Santa Casa da Misericórdia, focuses on the social and political configuration of the elites and local power in Macao during the 18th and 19th centuries. In 2021, he received the International Research Prize “Pina Manique – Do Iluminismo à Revolução Liberal” awarded by the Portuguese Academy of History for the best master’s thesis. Currently, he is finishing another master’s degree in Teaching History, at the same institution.
Main interests and research topics: Social and political history of Early Modern Portugal; History of the Portuguese overseas empire; History of the Portuguese presence in Asia; Local Elites; Local Power; History of Institutions.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-2450-0635
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/MarcoCosme
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Margarida Relvão Calmeiro
Email: mrelvao@gmail.com
Margarida Relvão Calmeiro, graduated in Architecture (2005) and PhD in Theory and History of Architecture from the University of Coimbra (2015), is an architect and researcher at Itecons – Institute for Research and Technological Development in Construction, Energy, Environment and Sustainability. She is also a visiting assistant professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra an invited researcher at the Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Science and Technology of the same university, in the Landscape Together project, funded by the Creative Europe program (2023-2026) (https://landscapetogether.eu/). She has collaborated with other courses at the University of Coimbra and, in the context of cooperation, with the University of Lúrio (Mozambique). She is the author of the book Urbanism before the Plans: Coimbra 1834-1934 (Coimbra: Coimbra City Council, 2021).
Main interests and research topics: History of Urbanism And Urban Planning in the Portuguese Territory; Heritage, Urban Rehabilitation and Sustainable Development. Regenerative Architecture and Circularity
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0328-1998
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/A71C-E2DF-A4A6
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/MargaridaRelv%C3%A3oCalmeiro
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Margarida Sobral Neto
Email: mneto@fl.uc.pt
Margarida Sobral Neto holds a PhD in Modern and Contemporary History and is a full professor at the University of Coimbra. She is a member of the Portuguese Academy of History, a founding member of the Portuguese Association of Economic and Social History) and active in several research networks: Rural RePort, Report(h)a and Proprietas.
Main interests and research topics: Rural History; Institutional History; Historiography; Environmental History; Modern History.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6541-5237
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/en/7312-AB81-2317
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/MargaridaSobralNeto
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Maria Alegria Marques
Email: mfm@fl.uc.pt
Maria Alegria Marques holds a PhD in History and is a full professor at the University of Coimbra. In the University’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities, she has presided over the Teacher Training Service and served as Vice-President and President of the Board of Directors. She is a lifetime fellow of the Portuguese Academy of History. She was awarded a fellowship by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and was involved in several national and international projects. She was a guest professor in the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, the University of São Paulo (Brazil) and the Federal University of Goiás. She has organised and participated in several congresses and events in Portugal and abroad.
Main interests and research topics: History of Religion (Middle Ages); Ecclesiastic Institutions (Middle Ages); Local History; Political and Institutional History (Middle Ages).
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1016-2057
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//en/961D-048B-EF57
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos
Email: melicampos@gmail.com
Maria Amélia Álvaro de Campos holds a PhD in Medieval History and serves as a researcher and visiting lecturer at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (U. Coimbra). She researches on urban parish communities, analysing the ecclesiastical and lay groups that shaped medieval Portuguese cities – mainly Coimbra and its region. Alongside her work in ecclesiastical, urban, and social history, she has published studies in palaeography and the diplomatic analysis of medieval sources. She completed her PhD and postdoctoral research with competitive funding from the Portugues Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and has collaborated with R&D Units such as CIDEHUS (U. Évora), CRIHAM (U. Limoges), LAMOP (U. Paris 1) and LEM-CERCOR (U. Jean Monnet). She coordinated the project COMMEMORtis (http://doi.org/10.54499/EXPL/HAR-HIS/0532/2021) and currently directs CHSC’s participation in the RESTORY consortium (https://doi.org/10.3030/101132781), coordinated by the Babes Bolyai University of Cluj Napoca.
Main interests and research topics: Urban History; History of the Secular and Parish Clergy; Prosopography; Digital Humanities.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3131-7356
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/E317-F872-2CA6
Repository: https://estudogeral.sib.uc.pt/cris/rp/rp08148
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Maria Antónia Lopes
Email: lopes.mariantonia@gmail.com
Maria Antónia Lopes holds a PhD in History and is a tenured associate professor in the University of Coimbra, where she oversees the History PhD program. She is a collaborating member of the CEIS20 and several national and international projects. She has published multiple papers in academic journals and collective volumes in Portugal and abroad. She has authored eight books and been the editor of another six, one of them translated into Italian.
Main interests and research topics: History of Poverty and Social Policy; History of the Misericórdias; Doctrinal History of Charity and Philanthropy; Women’s History; Biographical History; History of Private Life; Portugal in the Modern Age; Portugal in the Contemporary Age.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8485-4649
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/D717-C7B1-2F7A
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/MariaAnt%C3%B3niaLopes
Research group(s): Encontros e desencontros de culturas; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Maria do Rosário Castiço de Campos
Email: rcampos@esec.pt
Maria do Rosário Castiço de Camposholds a PhD in History and is a senior professor in the Polytechnical Institute of Coimbra. She has written several books and book chapters, as well as articles for national and international journals. She has worked on several research projects. Since 2018, she has supervised “Histórias à Mesa” (Stories around the Table), a collaborative project between the Escola Superior de Educação de Coimbra (Coimbra Education School) and the Agência para o Desenvolvimento dos Castelos e Muralhas Medievais do Mondego (Agency for the Development of Castles and Medieval Walls in the Mondego Region).
Main interests and research topics: Early Modern History; Local History; Cultural Heritage; Cultural Tourism; Museology; Education.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0496-079X
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Maria do Rosário Morujão
Email: mrbmorujao@uc.pt
Maria do Rosário Morujão has a PhD in History of the Middle Ages and is an assistant professor at the University of Coimbra. She is a collaborator at the Centre for the Study of Religious History (CEHR-UCP), and is a member of various national and international organisations, including the Commission Internationale de Diplomatique, the Société Française d’Héraldique et de Sigillographie, and the Sociedad Española de Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas. She has worked on, and is currently active in, several research projects, both in Portugal and abroad, and coordinates the project “SIGILLVM PORTVGALIAE – corpus of Portuguese seals”.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1311-4720
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/en/2216-698B-F8AC
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/MariadoRos%C3%A1rioMoruj%C3%A3o
Grupo(s) de investigação: Estudo e edição de fontes; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho
Email: coelhomh@gmail.com
Maria Helena da Cruz Coelho holds a PhD in History and is an emerita full professor retired from the University of Coimbra. She is President of the Portuguese Society for Medieval Studies (SPEM) and Vice-President of the Portuguese Academy of History. She is a member of several other academies and commissions in Portugal and abroad. She is a member of the editorial board in the Portuguese Mint and Official Printing Office (INCM). She was in several assessment panels on History and Archaeology, for the Portuguese Agency for the Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education (A3ES) and the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT). She has been active in several national and international research projects. She has taught in the École Nationale des Chartes as well as several universities across Brazil and Europe.
Main interests and research topics: Portugal in the Middle Ages; Diplomatics; Political History (biography); History of Religion; (Rural and Urban) Economic and Social History; History of Political Powers; Food History.
ORCID: http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8030-4578
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/8112-FE8A-FA4A
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/MariaHelenaCruzCoelho
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Maria José Azevedo Santos
Email: mazevedo_santos@yahoo.com
Maria José Azevedo Santos holds a PhD in History and is a Retired Full Professor at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. Director of the Archive of the University of Coimbra between 2003 and 2011. Established, in 2008, at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities the Master’s degree in Food: Sources, Culture and Society. Full Member of the Portuguese Academy of History; Full Member of the Historical and Geographical Institute of Brazil; Honorary Member of the Comité International de Paléographie Latine; Member of the Network of Excellence of the European Institute for Food History and Cultures; National Representant of the International Committee of Experts on the Way of St. James (Xunta de Galicia); Codirector of the Institutional Chair on the Camino de Santiago and Pilgrimages of the University of Santiago de Compostela. Author of dozens of books and articles published in Portugal and abroad.
Main interests and research topics: Palaeography; Diplomatics and Codicology; Male and Female Monasticism; Food History.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9147-0213
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/DC1C-19BC-8F68
Repository: https://estudogeral.uc.pt/cris/rp/rp17722
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Mariana Barreira
Email: maricb1298@gmail.com
Mariana Barreira was born in Coimbra and, in June 2020, she graduated in Art History with a minor in History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. In the same year, she enrolled in the Master’s in History in the Middle Ages. She is currently a research fellow in the exploratory project COMMEMORrtis – What survives after death? Parish communities and strategies for the commemoration of the dead in the medieval city, funded by FCT.
Main interests and research topics: Medieval History, Urban History, Art History, Digital Humanities
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3470-8800
Repository: https://independent.academia.edu/MariB21
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Mariana Gaspar
Email: marianamartins1102@gmail.com
Mariana Gaspar is a PhD candidate in Art History at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra. She holds a doctoral scholarship from the FCT (BD/00505/2024) for her project titled “Wearing the faith: the collection of liturgical textiles from the chapel of Saint Michael of the University of Coimbra”. Her research focuses on the visual and material culture of 17th and 18th century Portuguese art, particularly concerning the Catholic reforms of the Modern Age. She participates in various activities related to the artistic and cultural heritage of the University of Coimbra, collaborating on projects focused on research, inventory, conservation, and security, particularly in the fields of sculpture and textiles.
Main interests and research topics: Portuguese Art and Heritage in the Modern Age; University of Coimbra; Material Cultures; Decorative Arts; Sculpture; Religious Vestments and Textiles.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4562-8235
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//EA17-CCE3-4B6B
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/MarianaGaspar
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Matilde Mendonça dos Santos
Email: matildem.santos@hotmail.com
Holds an undergraduate degree in History (2003), a Master’s degree in Modern History: Powers, Ideas and Institutions (2011), and a PhD in Advanced Studies in History – Modern Period (2017), all from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She is urrently a History teacher at the Escola Secundária Pedro Gomes (Cabo Verde), is a team member in the ReligionAJE project (Religion, Ecclesiastical Administration and Justice in the Portuguese Seaborne Empire, 1514-1750) and callaborates in the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM) at NOVA-FCSH and the University of the Azores. She has spoken at national and international conferences (Cabo Verde, Portugal, Spain and Brazil), published in various scientific journals and produced a chapter for a collective work.
Main interests and research topics: Modern History and History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire, particularly topics related to the Church and the local government in Cabo Verde and other sites in the Portuguese Empire.
CV: https://sig.fct.pt/fctsig/cv/presentation.PT/overview.aspx
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo
Email: mbjeronimo@gmail.com
Miguel Bandeira Jerónimo has a PhD in History from King’s College, University of London and is Associate Professor of History at the University of Coimbra, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, in the Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts. He is also a researcher at the Centre for the History of Society and Culture (University of Coimbra) and scientific co-coordinator of the PhD program in Heritage of Portuguese Influence (III/CES-UC). Among other topics, his research interests focus on the global, connected and comparative history of imperialism and colonialism and on International and Transnational History (19th-20th centuries). He has published regularly, in Portugal and abroad, in leading publishers and journals. He coordinates the research project The worlds of (under)development: processes and legacies of the Portuguese colonial empire in a comparative perspective (1945-1975) and is co-responsible for the research project Humanity Internationalized: cases, dynamics and comparisons (1945-1980), both funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (Portugal).
Main interests and research topics: Imperial and colonial History; International and Transnational History; Modern and Contemporary History; European Colonialism in Africa; Internationalism; International Organizations.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8829-4909
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/3E12-56B6-9C33
Repository: https://uc-pt.academia.edu/MiguelBandeiraJer%C3%B3nimo
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Mohammed Nadir
Email: mohammednadir2010@gmail.com
Mohammed Nadir holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in History from the University of Coimbra and is a visiting professor at the Federal University of ABC (Brazil). He is a postdoctoral Law scholar at the Federal University of Santa Maria. He was the coordinator for culture in the Portuguese Cultural Centre in Rabat, Morocco, and a guest professor of Arabic Language and Culture in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He teaches the History of Africa in the Federal University of Santa Maria and was awarded a fellowship by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Camões Institute. In 2008, he was presented with the Calouste Gulbenkian Award by the Portuguese Academy of History.
Main interests and research topics: History of the Middle East and North Africa; African-Latin American Relations; History of Luso-Moroccan relations.
CV: http://www.cienciavitae.pt//471B-887B-43F8
Repository: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Mohammed-Nadir-3
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Nadia Ochoa Rodrigues
Email: rodrigues.ocho@gmail.com
Master’s in Art History, Heritage, and Cultural Tourism (2017) from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities at the University of Coimbra, she is currently a PhD candidate in Portuguese Influence Heritage (Art History) at the same university. She received grants from the Tokyo Foundation (2013) and Santander Universities (2016). Her current project on Portuguese-influenced altarpieces in the territories of Goa, Kerala, and Sri Lanka (17th and 18th centuries) is funded by the Foundation for Science and Technology (2021-2025).
Main interests and research topics: Dynamics in Portuguese-influenced territories during the Modern Era; artistic exchanges in the Indian and Pacific Oceans (16th-18th centuries); artistic forms and their relationship with local identity; and the “Indo-Portuguese” as a problematic concept.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3500-4282
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/881E-3DAE-B284
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/NádiaRodrigues
Research group(s): Encounters and Discrepancies of Cultures; Local and Regional Heritages and Identities
- Olinda Martinho Rio
Email: olinda.martinho@ccdr-lvt.pt
Olinda Maria Martinho Gonçalves Rio works in the Ministry of Education and Science and is an external expert for the European Commission – EECEA (European Education and Culture Executive Agency).
She completed the course units of the PhD in European Studies at the University of Coimbra and the Master’s in Literary and Cultural Studies from the same institution. She has a specialization course in Documentary Science – Libraries and Archives and a bachelor’s degree with an integrated master’s degree in Chemistry (UC).
In 2014 he won the Jornadas do Mar Award, in the PhD area, with the work O Porto da Figueira da foz: onde o passado conta e o Futuro desafia, published by the Portuguese Navy.
She is a member of the German Federal Agency for Education for Citizenship and a member of the National Secretariat of SINTAP/UGT.Main areas of interest and research topics: Education for Citizenship; Cultural and Identity Dynamics in Europe; European programmes and projects; Ethics and Citizenship in Portugal, the European Union and Portuguese Speaking Countries.
Repository: https://cegot.academia.edu/OlindaMartinhoRio
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Ondřej Pazdírek
Email: ondrejpazdirek@gmail.com
Ondřej Pazdírek studied General Linguistics and Italian Language and Literature at Masaryk University in Brno, Czech Republic. He works as an instructor at the Department of Mongolian, Korean and Vietnamese Studies of Masaryk University, while his doctoral studies at the Department for the Study of Religion of the same university focus on the reception of Christianity in East Asia, especially in Vietnam and Korea, in the light of linguistic evidence. His main research focus is on early modern Catholic missions in East Asia (China, Korea, Vietnam, Tibet) and their cultural and historical contexts.
Research project: Reception of Christianity in Vietnam and Korea in the light of linguistic analysis of Christian terminology
Ondřej Pazdírek’s doctoral dissertation focuses on how Christian religious terminology in Korean and Vietnamese is shaped by the specific historical, religious and cultural contexts of Christian missions in the region. The dissertation therefore deals with the specific case of intercultural and interreligious dialogue in an interdisciplinary perspective at the interface of history, study of religions and philology. The research stay at CHSC is primarily focused on studying the historical background of Christian missions in the region that were institutionally linked to the Portuguese royal patronage
Research period: 1-31 March 2024
- Patrick Schilling
E-mail: schilling.patrick7@gmail.com
Patrick Schilling is a PhD candidate in Middle Eastern History at Georgetown University. He holds an M.A. in History and Russian from the University of Glasgow and an M.A. in Ottoman History from Sabanci University in Istanbul. He is currently working on his doctoral dissertation.
CV: https://gufaculty360.georgetown.edu/s/contact/00336000014S9yfAAC/patrick-schilling?asPublic=true
Research project: Nation-State, Empire, Federation? The Role of Other State Models in Ottoman Constitutional Politics, 1908-1918.
This dissertation examines the influence of three different state models – the French Republic, the British Empire, and the Austro-Hungarian federation – on Ottoman politics following the constitutional revolution of 1908. Through an analysis of Ottoman state documents and of a variety of printed publications in Ottoman Turkish, it highlights the overlapping and sometimes contradictory ways in which these three models shaped public debate and legislation regarding three key elements of the emerging Ottoman constitutional order: elections, conscription, and provincial administration.
Research period: Patrick Schilling will be a visiting researcher at CHSC until June 2025.
- Paulo Barradas
Email: paulobar@sapo.pt
Paulo Barradas holds a PhD in Medieval History from the University of Coimbra and is a secondary school teacher in the Lamego school cluster. Currently, he coordinates the infrastructure for culture in the Castle of Lamego and the Iberian Mask Interpretative Centre (CIMI) in Lazarim. He has been involved in several national and international projects and regularly cooperates with the Lamego School of Technology and Management (ESTGL) – Viseu Polytechnic.
Main interests and research topics: Martyrology and Obituary; Inquests; Local Government in the Middle Ages; Genealogy Books; History of the City of Lamego; Museology.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5880-1332
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Paulo Bruno Martins dos Reis
Email: pauloreis74@gmail.com
Paulo Bruno Martins dos Reis holds a Master’s Degree in History of the Middle Ages (2017) with the thesis Da Pedra ao Pergaminho – Percursos biográficos de Martim Silvestre e de seu filho Gomes Martins Silvestre, from the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra. He has developed several works on Paleography and Diplomatics with the recreation of the instruments and supports of medieval writing. He holds a post-graduate degree in Family Mediation recognised by the DGPJ.
Main interests and research topics: Palaeography; Iconography; Genealogy; Pranto fúnebre; Medieval History; Military History; Military Orders.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6992-707X
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/PauloBrunoReis?from_navbar=true
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Pedro José Barbosa da Silva
Email: pedroporto2512@gmail.com
Pedro José Barbosa da Silva holds an undergraduate degree in History and a Master’s degree in Modern History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. In the same institution, he is currently a Modern History PhD student, with a project on poverty and power during the later ancien régime (the Misericórdias of Mangualde and Estremoz).
Main interests and research topics: Modern Age; Portuguese Institutions in the Modern Age; Santas Casas da Misericórdia; Power(s); Elites; Poverty; Charity.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8772-245X
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/PedroJBarbosadaSilva
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Pedro Sebastião
Email: psebastiao03@gmail.com
Pedro Sebastião holds a degree in History and two master’s degrees, in Medieval History and Teaching History (7-12), from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He is currently a PhD student in Medieval History at the same institution. He collaborates with the Center for the History of Society and Culture and is a member of the Iberian Association of Military History. His research focuses on Military History, particularly on the transition between the medieval and modern periods, with an emphasis on firearms, which is also the subject of his doctoral project. He has been awarded the Feijó Prize (2014, 2015, and 2016) by the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, as well as the National Defense Award (2019) by the Portuguese Commission for Military History.
Main interests and research topics: Military, History, European Medieval History, Early Modern History, Firearms.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1592-8832
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//pt/AF1D-E539-6F65
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/PedroSebastião
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Priscilla Pinheiro Quirino
Email: priscillapquirino@hotmail.com
Priscilla Pinheiro Quirino holds a PhD in History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra and Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in History from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Currently, she is an integrated researcher of the Centre for History at the University of Lisbon, working on projects supervised by Professor Maria Leonor García da Cruz: Projeto Fazenda (Treasury Project) and Projeto Imagética (Imagery Project). She taught in the History of Pernambuco postgraduate certificate programme in the Writer Osman Lins Faculty, taught for the History undergraduate degree at the Teacher Training Faculty of Mata Sul, where, in addition to tutoring, she supervised a research project on the History of Religion. In addition, she has taught several Church History courses in the Sedes Sapientiae Institute of Theology. She was a cultural coordinator in Olinda Public Library.
Main interests and research topics: Social and Political History of Pernambuco; History of Brazil – Colony and Empire; Social History; History of Religion – millenarian movements; Anthropology.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6318-5386
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Rafaela Zanotto Casagrande
Email: rafaelazcasagrande@gmail.com
Rafaela Zanotto Casagrande has a degree in History from the University of Coimbra and a master’s degree in Latin American Historical Studies from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos (Unisinos), Brazil. The dissertation about the composition, reproduction, and trajectories of the parish clergy of Rio Grande, Rio Pardo, and Santo Amaro in the 18th century, received a scientific support grant from the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).
Main interests and research topics: Religious History; Parish Clergy; Portuguese America; Rio Grande de São Pedro; 18th Century; Scale Variations; Prosopography; Paleography.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0669-3333
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/RafaelaCasagrande
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Ricardo Vicente
Email: ricard.vicent@gmail.com
Ricardo Pinheiro Vicente has a degree in Archival and Library Information Science and a Masters in History, in the specialisation area of Territories, Powers and Institutions, from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He is a technician at Coimbra City Council.
Main interests and research topics: Archivistics; Classification and Evaluation of Public Information; Information Management; Economic and Financial History; Local History; History of Institutions.
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/RicardoVicente
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Rita Paiva Costa
Email: ritadcpcosta@gmail.com
Rita Paiva Costa is a Contemporary History PhD candidate in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, working on a thesis about domestic violence in the judicial district of Coimbra from the second half of the nineteenth century to the end of the First Portuguese Republic – a historical reflection on spousal violence against women, based on an analysis of judicial cases and comparison with other sources. Since 2019, she has received a fellowship from the PortugueseFoundation for Science and Technology.
Main interests and research topics: History of Private Life; Women’s History; History of the Family; Portugal in the nineteenth century; Sociability and customs.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8075-5547
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/rcosta
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Rodrigo Simões Ferreira Gomes
Email: rsferreirag@gmail.com
Rodrigo Simões Ferreira Gomes has a degree in History and a master’s degree in Military History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He is a PhD candidate in Medieval History at the same institution with a thesis on the reception and transmission of the classical military treatises in the Middle Ages. He is a researcher at the Center for the History of Society and Culture. He co-authored a History of Byzantium, studies on Greco-Roman and Byzantine military treatises, and has spoken in national and international scientific events on these subjects. He is a member of the Iberian Association of Military History (fourth to sixteenth centuries) and the Spanish Society of Byzantine Studies.
Main interests and research topics: Military History; Cultural History; Byzantine Studies; Classical and Medieval Military Treatises.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4234-5846
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/961E-47F6-AA71
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/RodrigoGomes
Research group(s): The Study and Publishing of Primary Sources, Cultural Encounters and Evasion
- Rodrigo Vaz
Email: rodrigovaz365@gmail.com
Rodrigo André Vitorino Vaz has a degree in History with a minor in History of Art (University of Coimbra)and a Master’s in Teaching History in the 3rd Cycle of Basic Education and Secondary Education.
He has published works on Colonial War and War Memories, analysing the participation of inhabitants of the Minho area in the Overseas War (1961-1974). Among them, Memórias de Guerra. Como fazer História a partir de quem a viveu? and “Só o não saber se regressava!” Memórias da Guerra Colonial. He also researches local heritage, and is preparing the publication of a study on the Monastery of São Romão de Neiva, a theme he intends to pursue for a PhD.
Main interests and research topics: Ecclesiastical and Religious History; Colonial History; Colonial War
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-5542-7330
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Roger Lee de Jesus
Email: rogerlee.pj@gmail.com
Roger Lee de Jesus holds undergraduate, Master’s and PhD degrees in History from the University of Coimbra. He is a researcher in the Center for the History of Society and Culture and Centre for the Humanities (CHAM) at NOVA-FCSH and the University of the Azores.
Main interests and research topics: History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire; History of the Portuguese Empire in Asia; Military History; Economic and Financial History.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8560-4190
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/7A1E-6ECE-AD54
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/RogerLeeJesus
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Rosa Marreiros
To be made available in due course.
- Rui Nobre
Email: rnobre1@gmail.com
Rui Nobre has a degree in History (variant of Archaeology) from the University of Coimbra (1985). He has a Master’s degree in Multimedia in Education from the University of Aveiro (2009) and a Phd in Advanced Studies in History, Medieval History from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Coimbra (2022) with the thesis The Order of the Temple in Portugal: men, heritage and powers.
Main interests and research topics: Religious-military orders, namely those of the Temple and of Christ.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0000-0003-2084-5716
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/3A1B-A74C-37B7
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/RNobre
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Rui Pedro Neves
Email: rprn51@gmail.com
Rui Pedro Rodrigues Neves is a PhD candidate in Medieval History at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, University of Coimbra, and a researcher at the Center for the History of Society and Culture. He holds a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in History from the same institution. His master’s dissertation focused on the formation and exploitation of the domains of the Monastery of Santa Cruz in Coimbra. Currently, he is involved in projects for the transcription and publication of medieval sources, including the documentation from the Cistercian Monastery of Arouca, the publication of medieval charters from Alter do Chão, and the transcription of the Livro Preto cartulary of the Monastery of Grijó. His research interests include medieval paleography, the history of religious institutions, death practices in Christian societies between the 12th and 15th centuries, as well as medieval prisons.
Main interests and research topics: Religious History; Medieval Monastic Institutions; Paleography; Diplomatics; Sigillography; History of Death; History of Prisons.
ORCID: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//7018-D576-5909
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/RuiNeves
Research group(s): The study and publishing of primary sources
- Ruy Ventura
Email: biscainho.ventura@gmail.com
He is a Art History PhD candidate (Faculty of Letters, University of Coimbra) and has a master’s degree in Portuguese Studies (Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, New University of Lisbon). He was a lecturer in Polytechnic Higher Education and a senior technician at the National Museum of Ancient Art, responsible for managing the sculpture collection and supporting research. He currently teaches in the city of Setúbal. He is preparing his doctoral thesis on The Sculpture of the Passion of Christ: a long modernity between the 15th and 18th centuries (supervised by Maria de Lurdes Craveiro and Sandra Costa Saldanha).
He has a bibliography of literature, literary studies and research in Art History in multiple publications, and is also the author of monographs. He has been responsible for exhibitions and coordinated the publication of catalogs. Cocoordinates Devir – Revista Ibero-Americana de Cultura. He has presented papers at various national and international scientific meetings.
He was a researcher at CEAACP – University of Coimbra and is a collaborator of the Poetry and Transcendence Chair at the Catholic University of Porto.
Main interests and research topics: History of Art (sculpture); Religious Architecture; Local History; History of Mentalities
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0009-0009-7809-9841
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/CB1C-DDFF-6CB1
Repository: https://independent.academia.edu/VenturaRuy
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion
- Sandra Costa Saldanha
Email: sandrasaldanha@fl.uc.pt
Sandra Costa Saldanha holds a PhD in Art History and is an assistant professor in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She is a member of the Heritage, Archives, and Museums and Conservation sections of the Portuguese National Council for Culture, and a member of the technical coordination group for the Rota das Catedrais (Cathedral Route). She was head of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference’s National Secretariat for the Cultural Heritage of the Church, where she implemented several projects and activities related to inventory, conservation, restoration, museums, archives and libraries.
Main interests and research topics: Seventeenth- and eighteenth-century sculpture; Portuguese and Italian art of the Modern Period; Christian Iconography; Cultural Heritage of the Church.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-5594-3581
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/en/FE10-9E96-64D3
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/SandraCostaSaldanha
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities
- Sandra Fernandes Morais
Email: sfernandesmorais@gmail.com
Sandra Fernandes Morais is a PhD candidate in Food Heritage: Cultures and Identities at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra, with a degree in Economics from Universidade Portucalense (1999) and a Master’s in Business Management – Corporate Finance (2009) from the University of Minho. She is currently carrying out research into the relationship between culinary practices and the energy and technological transitions in 20th century in Portugal.
She is the author of the book Cadernos da Casa do Outeiro. Um receituário senhorial de Paredes de Coura published in 2022 as a result of research done in collaboration with the Municipal Archive and the Municipality.
Main areas of interest and research topics: Food Studies; Contemporary History; Energy and Technology History.
Repository: http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2860-612X
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities; Cultural encounters and evasion
- Sarah Luna de Oliveira
Email: saroquinha@yahoo.com.br
Sarah Luna de Oliveira holds an undergraduate and a Master’s degree in History from the Federal University of Paraíba (Brazil) and a PhD in Advanced Studies in History, specialising in the Contemporary Period, from the University of Coimbra. She is a postdoctoral researcher in Contemporary History, at the Complutense University of Madrid, where she researches the repercussions of the Iberian revolutions of 1820 on the political culture of nineteenth-century Brazil. She has performed research in Theory of History and Contemporary History, focusing on the Iberian-Brazilian context. She was awarded a PhD fellowship by the FCT. She was an assistant professor of History at the Brazilian federal universities of Rio Grande and Paraíba. She is a member of the Brazilian Studies Association and the Association of Brazilianists in Europe.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4523-9341
Research group(s): Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Saul António Gomes
Email: sagcs@fl.uc.pt
Saul António Gomes holds a PhD in History from the University of Coimbra and is an associate professor in the Department of History, European Studies, Archaeology and Arts of the University’s Faculty of Arts and Humanities. He has served as vice-president of the University’s Scientific Council and Board of Directors. He collaborates with the Centre of Religious History Studies (CEHR) of the Portuguese Catholic University and is a member of the Portuguese Academy of History. He supervised the Fragmed – Corpus Portugaliae Fragmentorum project and was a team member in several other national and international projects. He was a guest professor of Paleography and Diplomatics at the Federal University of Goiás and the University of Brasília (Brazil).
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7188-610X
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/6F18-7088-963A
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/SaulAnt%C3%B3nioGomes
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; The study and publishing of primary sources
- Sofia Cardetas Beato
Email: scbeato@fl.uc.pt
Sofia Cardetas Beato is a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra since 2021-2022 and a PhD candidate in the History and Culture of Religions at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. She holds a master’s degree from the same institution, with a dissertation entitled Sacrifice in the religion of Israel in the 8th century BC: the prophetic gaze. She has published several scientific articles and book chapters and has taught some free courses. Her research interests have centred on Antiquity and the Middle Ages and have focused on areas such as the History of religions, Religious History, Cultural History and of Mentalities and Biblical Studies. She collaborates with other research centres, CH-UL and CITER-UCP, and is a member of the FID: Film and Interreligious Dialogue project team (coordinator Sérgio Branco).
Principais áreas de interesse e investigação: History of Antiquity (namely Pre-Classical and Late Antiquity), History of the High Middle Ages, Biblical World, Cultural History, Religious History, History of the Iberian Peninsula and al-Andalus, Historiography.
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8502-919X
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/E910-7AD4-BCAA
Repository: https://flul.academia.edu/SofiaCardetasBeato
Grupo(s) de investigação: Cultural encounters and evasion
- Sónia Nobre
Email: soniamfnobre@gmail.com
Sónia Nobre is a Contemporary Studies PhD student and holds an undergraduate degree in History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She completed a Science Management course from the University of Coimbra’s Institute of Interdisciplinary Research in 2019-2020. She held a research fellowship in a Center for the History of Society and Culture project, supervised by professors Irene Vaquinhas and Maria José Azevedo Santos, also in 2019-2020. She was involved in the “Great Parliamentary Debates” project at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, NOVA University Lisbon.
Main interests and research topics: Contemporary History; Women’s History; History of Private Life.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6312-2641
Repository: https://impactum.uc.pt/profile.php?id=111211
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Local and regional heritage and identities
- Susana Barata Gomes
Email: baratagomes.susana@gmail.com
Susana Barata Gomes has a degree in Sociology from the Instituto Superior de Ciências do Trabalho e da Empresa, a Master’s in American Studies from the Universidade Aberta, is currently doing her PhD in Food Heritage, Culture and Identities at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra and is a grant holder of the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. Collaborator of the Centre for History of Society and Culture of the University of Coimbra of DIAITA, Food Heritage of Lusophony. She has been a researcher for the Commission of the European Communities (DG XII), a lecturer at Universidade Atlântica and Estoril’s Escola Superior de Hotelaria e Turismo. She has published the books Transport and Risk Communication, (co-editor), Ed. Peter Lang, 1997, Encounters with Identity: The Body, P.A., 2018 and Food and Cooking on early TV in Europe, (co-author) Routledge, 2021.
Main areas of interest and research topics: Contemporary History; Food History; Social and Political History; Portuguese Estado Novo.
CV: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//pt/DD16-A0EF-C703
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities; Cultural encounters and evasion
- Tânia de Santana
E-mail: tmpsantana@gmail.com
Tânia Maria Pinto de Santana holds a bachelor’s, a master’s, and a doctoral degree in History from the Federal University of Bahia. She is currently an Adjunct Professor at the Federal University of the Recôncavo da Bahia (Brazil) and is a post-doctoral fellow at the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra with a scholarship granted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brazil). In 2022, she published the book Charitas et misericordia: morte, caridade e salvação nos testamentos de Cachoeira-Bahia (XVIII century), by the Federal University of Bahia Press.
CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/5485098009575720
Repository: https://ufrb.academia.edu/TaniaSantana
Research project: Secular clergy and lay confraternal experiences: social disciplining in Portuguese Atlantic brotherhoods (Salvador-Luanda / 17th – 18th centuries)
This project aims to study, from a perspective that values the connections between different Atlantic spaces, the actions of the secular clergy and the faithful in the promotion and maintenance of lay brotherhoods, seeking to identify the strategies adopted by the secular clergy, aiming at social discipline, and how the different lay groups received, adapted or reacted to this process. The approach will start from the examination of a particular clipping focused on the brotherhoods formed by Africans and their descendants that functioned in different political and religious centers of the Portuguese Empire between the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
Research period: December 2022 – December 2023
- Taynah Meira de Moraes
Email: taynahmeira@gmail.com
Taynah Meira de Moraes is a journalist with a master’s degree in Food: Sources, Culture and Society, from the University of Coimbra, and is currently a PhD student in Food Heritage: Culture and Identity, at the same university. She develops research in the field of food and communication, in the study of media and journalism in the patrimonialization of regional cuisines and in the use of journalistic sources and advertisements for the study of food history. She is a member of ALERE – Research Group on the History of Supply and Food in the Amazon, linked to CNPQ and the Federal University of Pará. In his dissertation entitled Eating is also communicating: the role of the media in the construction of the food identity of Belém do Pará (1982 to 1985), he investigates how the typical foods of the region were present in the media and newspapers of the time.
Main interests and research topics: Food history, food heritage, communication and food, regional cuisines, food identities
Repository: https://estudogeral.uc.pt/handle/10316/102639
CV: https://www.cienciavitae.pt//pt/651B-B051-F7EA
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities; Cultural encounters and evasion
- Teresa Ferreira
Email: theresaferreira@icloud.com
Teresa Ferreira holds a degree in Art History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra and is currently attending a Master’s Degree in Art and Heritage at the same institution. Her scientific activity is dedicated to the study of art in the Modern Age, with special focus on the decorative arts. In this context, she is developing several initiatives around the furniture of these periods, particularly the furniture collection of the University of Coimbra’s Paço das Escolas, a theme that she will address in her master’s thesis. She is currently part of the project “Imaginária: valorização e proteção participativa do património escultórico do Paço das Escolas da Universidade de Coimbra”, and is also part of the team for the Coimbra University heritage inventory project.
Main interests and research topics: Modern Period in Portugal: Art and Heritage; Decorative Arts (furniture); Iconography and Iconology; Networks of influences and artistic confluences
CV: https://orcid.org/my-orcid?orcid=0009-0007-6833-4575
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities; Cultural encounters and evasion
- Terezinha Oliveira
Email: teleoliv@gmail.com
She is a full professor in the Department of Educational Foundations of the State University of Maringá, Brazil. She obtained an undergraduate degree in History from the São Paulo State University (UNESP), in 1986, a Master’s degree in Social Sciences from the Federal University of São Carlos, in 1991, and a PhD in History from the São Paulo State University, in 1997. She researches the History and Philosophy of Education in the Middle Ages, focusing on the following: ethics, social transformation, institutions, scholasticism, intellectualism and teacher training.
CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/7525108577501517
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft
- Walter Rossa
Email: wrossa@uc.pt
Walter Rossa is an architect with a master’s degree in Art History and a PhD in Architecture. He is a full professor in the Department of Architecture at the University of Coimbra. He holds the UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Dialogue in Heritages of Portuguese Influence and co-holder of the Cunha Rivara Chair at Goa University. He has been invited to teach and research at various foreign institutions, has participated in and coordinated national and international projects, and has supervised academic examinations, eighteen of which have been completed. His research is carried out along two lines of great reciprocity: Portuguese-influenced architecture and urbanistic, and urban planning in heritage contexts. He is currently focussing his research on the search for interactions between academic activity and cooperation for development actions.
Main interests and research topics: Architecture and Urban Planning of Portuguese Influence; Planning in a context of relevant heritage.
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/A21E-57AB-16E4
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/WalterRossa
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities