Videos of the conferences of the International Seminar UNIVERSities: Networks and Identities (2021)

DESTEMBERG, Antoine (2021), Les maîtres parisiens et la fabrique des identités sociales à la fin du Moyen Âge: des «intellectuels organiques»?

Presented on 17 June 2021, at the International Seminar UNIVERSities. Networks and Identities (UNIVERSities), Coimbra, Portugal.

RAVIOLA, Blythe Alice (2021), Gli itinerari del sapere. Università e cultura nell’opera di Giovanni Botero.

Presented on 15 July 2021, at the International Seminar UNIVERSities. Networks and Identities (UNIVERSities), Coimbra, Portugal.

MIJERS, Esther (2021), Educating the Protestant International.

Presented on 19 November 2021, at the International Seminar UNIVERSities. Networks and Identities (UNIVERSities), Coimbra, Portugal.

MARTÍNEZ NEIRA, Manuel (2021), Doctorado y ciencia jurídica en la universidad española liberal: 1845-1931.

Presented on 10 December 2021, at the International Seminar UNIVERSities. Networks and Identities (UNIVERSities), Coimbra, Portugal.