Walter Rossa

Email: wrossa@uc.pt
Walter Rossa is an architect with a master’s degree in Art History and a PhD in Architecture. He is a full professor in the Department of Architecture at the University of Coimbra. He holds the UNESCO Chair in Intercultural Dialogue in Heritages of Portuguese Influence and co-holder of the Cunha Rivara Chair at Goa University. He has been invited to teach and research at various foreign institutions, has participated in and coordinated national and international projects, and has supervised academic examinations, eighteen of which have been completed. His research is carried out along two lines of great reciprocity: Portuguese-influenced architecture and urbanistic, and urban planning in heritage contexts. He is currently focussing his research on the search for interactions between academic activity and cooperation for development actions.
Main interests and research topics: Architecture and Urban Planning of Portuguese Influence; Planning in a context of relevant heritage.
Ciência Vitae: https://www.cienciavitae.pt/portal/A21E-57AB-16E4
Repository: https://coimbra.academia.edu/WalterRossa
Research group(s): Local and regional heritage and identities