Colloquium on the 200th anniversary of the death of Napoleon Bonaparte
As part of the scientific cooperation between the CEHLR_SDA, the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra and the Center for the History of Society and Culture, the Colloquium Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of the Death of Napoleon Bonaparte will be held on September 4, starting at 3:30 p.m., in Espinhal, in the Jardim das Gerações.
Coordination: Margarida Sobral Neto
– Marcus de la Poer Beresford, Anglo-Portuguese cooperation in the Peninsular War/ Anglo Portuguese cooperation in the Peninsular War
– Pedro de Avillez, Napoleon and Portugal
– Maria Antónia Lopes, In the tracks of Napoleon’s armies: death and privation in the Beiras under the 3rd French invasion (1810-1811)
Presentation of Domingos Amaral’s book Napoleão Vem Aí.