RHSC Award
RHSC Award 2023
Minfen Zhang, from Shanghai International Studies University (China), author of the article entitled A interpretação da cultura confucionista do P. Nicolau Longobardo. Uma análise da Resposta breve sobre as controvérsias do Xám Tí Tiēn Tí Lîm Hoên e outros nomes e termos sínicos, was the winner of the 2nd edition of the Prize for Best Article Published in the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura – year 2023.
The article, published in volume 23, number 2 of the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, is available here.
RHSC Award 2022
José Luis Egío García, researcher of the project The School of Salamanca, at the Max Planck Institute for Legal History and Legal Theory, author of the article entitled Los manuales de Alonso de la Vera Cruz y la Universidad de México del siglo XVI: enseñando teología y artes desde una perspectiva misionera, was the winner of the 1st edition of the Prize for Best Article Published in the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura – year 2022.
The article, published in volume 22, number 1 of the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura, is available here.
This yearly award distinguishes the best research article published in the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura (Journal of the History of Society and Culture) in the previous year.
Rules and Regulations
1. The Centre for the History of Society and Culture (CHSC) has established an annual award for the best article published in the Revista de História da Sociedade e da Cultura.
2. The prize will be awarded to the author(s) of the article that is considered the most innovative and consistent among the articles published in the journal during that year.
3. The prize is awarded by a jury consisting of the Journal’s Director and three members appointed by the CHSC Directive Board at the start of each year.
4. In addition to receiving an award diploma, the winner is invited to present the article that earned him/her the prize at an event organized by the CHSC and held in the University of Coimbra.
5. The CHSC will cover all traveling and accommodation expenses incurred for the purpose of the winner attending the event.
6. The decision of the Jury regarding the winner is final and is not subject to appeal.