- All
- 2025
- 2024
- 2023
- 2022
- 2021
- Erin Kathleen Rowe (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, EUA) 14.03.25
- Kiran Patel (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, Munich, Germany) 24.02.25
- International Congress Iberian Patronages and the Congregation of Propaganda Fide: Antagonism, Alignment and Cooperation (17th – 20th centuries) (29 to 31.01.2025)
- Jorge Flores (Interuniversity Center for the History of Science and Technology, Lisbon) 06.12.24
- Miles et Bellum Colloquium: Homage to João Gouveia Monteiro 27.11.24
- Madeleine Herren-Oesch (University of Basel, Suíça) 27.11.24
- Maria Pia Donato (CNRS-ENS/PSL-Paris 1) 08.11.2024
- Jane Burbank and Frederick Cooper (New York University) 23.10.24
- Maria Amélia Campos (U. Coimbra, CHSC) 11.10.24
- Fernando Catroga (U. Coimbra, CHSC) 20.09.24
- Matthias Middell (Leipzig University) 18.09.2024
- 3rd Summer School in Palaeography, Diplomatics and Sigillography (15 to 19.07.2024)
- Young History Researchers Summer School (11 and 12.07.2024)
- Fátima Nunes (University of Évora) 03.05.2024
- Glenda Sluga (European University Institute) 22.04.2024
- Dacia Viejo Rose (Cambridge University) 12.04.2024
- European Studies Lectures (20.03.2024)
- James Poskett (University of Warwick) 15.03.2024
- Emile Chabal (University of Edinburgh) 11.03.2024
- Miki Sugiura (University of Hosei, Tokyo) 23.02.2024
- Sandrine Kott (University of Geneva) 15.02.2024
- Peter Erhart (Abbey of St. Gall) 06.02.2024
- International Conference Race and Slavery Narratives in the European Colonial Empires. Interdisciplinary Approaches (15th-20th centuries) (31.01.2024)
- Adinel C. Dincă (Babeș-Bolyai University) 15.12.2023
- Conference on the 800th anniversary of the death of King Afonso II (1223-2023) 13.12.2023
- Seminar reformART. Arte e Imagem na Idade Moderna: desafios de investigação
07.12.2023 - Martin Thomas (University of Exeter) 22.11.2023
- Maria Teresa Guerrini (University of Bologna, Department of History and Cultures) 17.11.2023
- Inquire, Third Annual Conference: Inquisitions, Iconography, and Memory
16 and 17.11.2023 - Peter Fibiger Bang (SAXO Institute – Archaeology, Ethnology, Greek, Latin and History, Copenhagen) 27.10.2023
- Bradley Simpson (University of Ottawa) 28.09.2023
- Presentation and discussion of the project funded by the European Research Council: IberLAND. Beyond Property: Law and Land in the Iberian World (1510-1850)
05.09.2023 - Hermenegildo Fernandes (U. Lisboa, CHUL) 23.06.2023
- 1st Course in Paleography for Renaissance and Modern Studies (15th-18th centuries) 22 to 26.05.2023
- Patrick Boucheron (Collège de France, Paris)
21.04.2023 - Voos cruzados. Abordagem interdisciplinar à escultura de São Miguel da Capela da Universidade de Coimbra
19.04.2023 - UNESCO Winter Seminar
16.03.2023 - Laura Lee Downs (Instituto Universitário Europeu, Florença)
10.03.2023 - Carlos Alves (U. Coimbra, CHSC) 02.12.2022
- Markus Friedrich (University of Hamburg)
18.11.2022 - Cécile Fromont (Yale University, USA)
21.10.2022 - Signing of the collaboration protocol between the Municipality of Arouca and the University of Coimbra, through the Faculty of Arts and Humanities – CHSC
31 August 2022 - International conference Beyond King Manuel I: the Portuguese Empire in a changing world, c. 1450-1550
6 to 8 July 2022 - Andrew Thompson (Oxford University) 27.05.2022
- Ana Cristina Araújo (U. Coimbra, CHSC) 02.05.2022
- Sebastian Conrad (Freie Universität-Berlin)
11.03.2022 - Manuel Martínez Neira (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) 10.12.2021
- Esther Mijers (University of Edinburgh)
19.11.2021 - International Seminar UNIVERSITIES: Networks and Identities – 3rd Session, 19 November 202119 November 2021
- Charlotte de Castelnau L’Estoile (Université de Paris)
12.11.2021 - Presentation of the book História Concisa das Grandes Religiões, directed by João Gouveia Monteiro
Lisbon, 10 November 2021