Sofia Cardetas Beato
Sofia Cardetas Beato is a guest lecturer at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Coimbra since 2021-2022 and a PhD candidate in the History and Culture of Religions at the Faculty of Letters of the University of Lisbon. She holds a master’s degree from the same institution, with a dissertation entitled Sacrifice in the religion of Israel in the 8th century BC: the prophetic gaze. She has published several scientific articles and book chapters and has taught some free courses. Her research interests have centred on Antiquity and the Middle Ages and have focused on areas such as the History of religions, Religious History, Cultural History and of Mentalities and Biblical Studies. She collaborates with other research centres, CH-UL and CITER-UCP, and is a member of the FID: Film and Interreligious Dialogue project team (coordinator Sérgio Branco).
Principais áreas de interesse e investigação: History of Antiquity (namely Pre-Classical and Late Antiquity), History of the High Middle Ages, Biblical World, Cultural History, Religious History, History of the Iberian Peninsula and al-Andalus, Historiography.
Ciência Vitae:
Grupo(s) de investigação: Cultural encounters and evasion