Priscilla Pinheiro Quirino

Email: priscillapquirino@hotmail.com
Priscilla Pinheiro Quirino holds a PhD in History from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra and Master’s and Bachelor’s degrees in History from the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil. Currently, she is an integrated researcher of the Centre for History at the University of Lisbon, working on projects supervised by Professor Maria Leonor García da Cruz: Projeto Fazenda (Treasury Project) and Projeto Imagética (Imagery Project). She taught in the History of Pernambuco postgraduate certificate programme in the Writer Osman Lins Faculty, taught for the History undergraduate degree at the Teacher Training Faculty of Mata Sul, where, in addition to tutoring, she supervised a research project on the History of Religion. In addition, she has taught several Church History courses in the Sedes Sapientiae Institute of Theology. She was a cultural coordinator in Olinda Public Library.
Main interests and research topics: Social and Political History of Pernambuco; History of Brazil – Colony and Empire; Social History; History of Religion – millenarian movements; Anthropology.
CV: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6318-5386
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion; Reimagining the historian’s craft