Mohammed Nadir

Mohammed Nadir


Mohammed Nadir holds a Master’s degree and a PhD in History from the University of Coimbra and is a visiting professor at the Federal University of ABC (Brazil). He is a postdoctoral Law scholar at the Federal University of Santa Maria. He was the coordinator for culture in the Portuguese Cultural Centre in Rabat, Morocco, and a guest professor of Arabic Language and Culture in the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. He teaches the History of Africa in the Federal University of Santa Maria and was awarded a fellowship by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology and the Camões Institute. In 2008, he was presented with the Calouste Gulbenkian Award by the Portuguese Academy of History.

Main interests and research topics: History of the Middle East and North Africa; African-Latin American Relations; History of Luso-Moroccan relations.



Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion