Matilde Mendonça dos Santos

Email: matildem.santos@hotmail.com
Holds an undergraduate degree in History (2003), a Master’s degree in Modern History: Powers, Ideas and Institutions (2011), and a PhD in Advanced Studies in History – Modern Period (2017), all from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities of the University of Coimbra. She is urrently a History teacher at the Escola Secundária Pedro Gomes (Cabo Verde), is a team member in the ReligionAJE project (Religion, Ecclesiastical Administration and Justice in the Portuguese Seaborne Empire, 1514-1750) and callaborates in the Centre for the Humanities (CHAM) at NOVA-FCSH and the University of the Azores. She has spoken at national and international conferences (Cabo Verde, Portugal, Spain and Brazil), published in various scientific journals and produced a chapter for a collective work.
Main interests and research topics: Modern History and History of the Portuguese Overseas Empire, particularly topics related to the Church and the local government in Cabo Verde and other sites in the Portuguese Empire.
CV: https://sig.fct.pt/fctsig/cv/presentation.PT/overview.aspx
Research group(s): Cultural encounters and evasion