Ediana Ferreira Mendes
E-mail: edianamendes@gmail.com
Ediana Ferreira Mendes has a bachelor’s and a master’s degree in History from the Federal University of Bahia (Brazil) and a PhD in History, Modern History branch, from the University of Coimbra, when she was awarded the Francisco de Lemos Scholarship, granted by the Coimbra University Archive. Currently she is Adjunct Professor C-II at the Universidade Federal do Oeste da Bahia (Brazil) and is doing post-doctoral studies at the University of Coimbra with a scholarship granted by the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (Brazil). In 2022, she published the book resulting from her doctoral thesis, entitled Edificar a Igreja, Consolidar o Império: a Universidade de Coimbra e os Bispos do Brasil (1676-ca. 1773), by the University of Coimbra Press and the Federal University of Bahia Press.
CV: http://lattes.cnpq.br/1204556576910249
Repository: https://ufob.academia.edu/EdianaMendes
Research project: One head, three mitres. The episcopal action of D. João Franco de Oliveira between Luanda, Salvador and Miranda do Douro (1687-1715)
This project seeks to understand the episcopal action of D. João Franco de Oliveira in three distinct spaces, the overseas dioceses of Angola and Bahia and the reinol Miranda do Douro between the years 1687 and 1715. We intend to examine the adaptability of the pastoral action, the way he governed these populations, how he applied the instruments of social discipline, the reach and effectiveness of these measures, and how these populations interpreted, assimilated, resigned or resisted the episcopal action. Finally, we will investigate the possible relations of collaboration between this prelate, who came from the ranks of the Inquisition, and the Portuguese Holy Office.
Research period: Ediana Mendes will be a visiting researcher and will develop her research project between January and December 2023.